
  • 网络corset;bodice;Bustier;stays
  1. 这种新型泳衣穿起来就像紧身胸衣,可使穿着者身形光滑,更具流线型。

    As tight as a corset , the new speed suits make the wearer sleeker and more streamlined .

  2. 雅各布因这一发明在1914年被授予专利,之后她以1500美元的价格将这一专利权出售给华纳兄弟紧身胸衣公司。

    Jacob was awarded a patent in 1914 and would later sell her business to Warner Brothers Corset Company for $ 1,500 .

  3. 19世纪60年代初中期流行X造型,并通过紧身胸衣和大大的裙箍裙、衬裙来塑造这种效果。

    In the early 1860s , it prevailed X shape . Women use bodice , hoop skirts and petticoats to create this effect .

  4. 这位女士的穿着最先出现在伊丽莎白女王的晚期肖像中,这个时间大约是1580年,之后这种款式在整个James的王朝都甚为流行。紧身胸衣非常的长,同时又非常收束。

    This lady shows the dress which first appeared in the later portraits of Queen Elizabeth about 1580 and remained fashionable in the reign of James I. The bodice is very long , pointed and stiff .

  5. 不能穿紧身胸衣;这会毁了身材。

    Don 't wear corsets ; they spoil the figure .

  6. 她总喜欢穿一件紧身胸衣。

    Anyway , she used to wear this bustier .

  7. 玛丽•菲尔普斯•雅各布在寻找一种能替代无处不在、有时很不雅观的紧身胸衣的东西。

    Mary Phelps Jacob was looking for an alternative to the ubiquitous and sometimes unsightly corset .

  8. 巴斯克衫妇女穿的紧身胸衣穿着紧身毛线衫使胸部有魅力的女孩。

    A woman 's close-fitting bodice . a girl with an attractive bust who wears tight sweaters .

  9. 唐纳利上周的课程包括“女士巴顿术:穿紧身胸衣也能当海扁王”。

    Mr. Donnelly 's seminars last weekend included ' Kicking Ass in a Corset : Bartitsu for Ladies . '

  10. 白天,跟着穿整套的内衣,如紧身胸衣下的羊毛衫。

    For daytime , stick with one lingerie piece per outfit , such as a bustier top under a cardigan .

  11. 她现在穿着衬裙,紧身胸衣绷得紧紧的,给人看到也不在乎。

    She was in a petticoat now , and corsets which bulged , and unaware of being seen in bulgy corsets .

  12. 在车库里的另一个盒子中,放满了过去吃剩的咳嗽药和可能是用来防止疝气的紧身胸衣。

    Another box in the garage is full of other reminders of past coughing fits and tight corsets that probably prevented hernias .

  13. 姊妹俩的店是在2013年开起来的,起先专卖紧身胸衣和其他古典服装,但是很快发现她们手工制作的纱裙远比其他产品更受欢迎。

    The sisters initially set up shop in September 2013 selling corsets and other period costumes , but soon found that demand for their handmade tulle skirts far exceeded that for other products .

  14. 服饰尽可能会由天然材料制成:用亚麻或棉布来制衬衣,用丝绸来制头巾、背心和紧身胸衣,用羊毛来制衬衣、夹克、裤子和长袜。

    As far as possible bunads are made of natural materials : linen or cotton for shirts , silk for kerchiefs , vests and bodices , and wool for skirts , jackets , trousers and stockings .

  15. 即使鞋子被看到的时候很少,但当裙装的下摆摆到一边时,它们本质上就相当于紧身胸衣:鞋子让女性摆正自己的位置。

    Even if they are visible only in small flashes , when a hem moves to one side , they are , in essence , a foundation garment : shoes that keep women in their place .

  16. 用系带绑紧用系束带固定或束缚,尤指妇女穿的紧身胸衣我仰天躺着,这时发现胳膊,腿都紧紧地被缚在地上。

    To restrain or constrict by tightening laces , especially of a corset . I happened to lie on my back , I found my arms and legs were strongly fastened on each side to the ground .

  17. 纵观历史,立法、地方规定与社会压力合在一起,影响着女性的穿着方式——紧身胸衣和低胸装、箍衬裙和衬垫,乃至长裤充满争议的登场。

    Throughout history , a combination of legislation , local regulation and social pressure has influenced the way women have dressed - corsets and d é collet é , hoop skirts and bustles , the controversial advent of pants .

  18. 她本来是个内向的人,却毫不迟疑地跟随麦昆走过死亡主题的疯狂、紧贴身体曲线的紧身胸衣、镀金的狐狸骨架披肩、束缚风格的服装、和服风格的降落伞服和鹿角婚纱。

    For such a retiring person , Burton had no problem journeying with him into the madness of the macabre , the rigid body-contoured corsets , the gold-painted fox-skeleton wrap , the bondage pieces , the kimono-style parachute , the antlered bridal gowns .

  19. 她小淑女般的迷你紧身女胸衣是极好看的,而且几乎全部是用糖果做出来的。

    Her flapperish mini and Valkyrian bustier were stunning , and all the more so for being made of candy .

  20. 或者如莱昂纳德·科恩所说:“要注意缝隙,因为光线就是从那儿进来的。”而你们,伯纳德的年轻姑娘们,你们不用穿着紧身束胸衣来让自己看起来更娇小可爱,也不用压抑自己的意见,因为你们还未离开校园。

    Or as Leonard Cohen says , " Pay attention to the cracks because that 's where the light gets in . " You , young women of Barnard have not had to squeeze yourself into the corset of being cute or to muffle your opinions , but you haven 't left campus yet .