
  • 网络SOS;Bailout;First Aid;emergency;first aid service
  1. 在工作中也一样--无论是紧急救助,石油泄漏,还是产品召回。

    We do that corporate -- whether it 's a bailout , an oil spill ... a recall .

  2. “这就好像是一次紧急救助,”佐治亚科技协会咨询中心的主任&鲁伯特·佩雷斯说。

    " It 's kind of like a bailout ," said Ruperto Perez , director of the Georgia Institute of Technology 's counseling center .

  3. 政府正在采取临时措施帮助那些需要紧急救助的人。

    The government is taking interim measures to help those in immediate need .

  4. 许多公司领导人在接受了政府紧急救助的公司里都遭遇了滑铁卢,梅奥普洛斯是少数几位脱颖而出的《财富》500强(Fortune500)CEO之一。

    Mayopoulos is one of several Fortune 500 CEOs to emerge on the scene in what has been a series of leadership fiascos at companies that took bailouts .

  5. 联合国副秘书长和紧急救助协调员ValarieAmos表示。

    N.Under-Secretary General and Emergency Relief Coordinator .

  6. 他表示,自己的产品将来会和OnStar服务有些类似,后者是通用汽车(GeneralMotors)开发的一套系统,能在发生事故时为司机提供紧急救助服务。

    He says it will look a bit like the OnStar service , a system from General Motors ( GM ) that helps drivers during road disasters .

  7. 布什政府向津巴布韦提供超过两倍的紧急救助来对抗霍乱。布什政府表示,此次霍乱爆发主要归咎于津巴布韦总统Mugabe。

    The Bush administration says it is more than doubling emergency U.S. aid to Zimbabwe to combat a cholera epidemic it blames on the government of President Robert Mugabe .

  8. 一直对日本文化兴趣浓厚的GwenStefani也宣布要捐出100万美元给紧急救助基金来救助在日本大地震和海啸中受害的孩子们。

    Gwen Stefani , a long-time fan of Japanese culture , also announced she will contribute $ 1 million to Save the Childrens Japan Earthquake-Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund .

  9. Weitz表示,这笔资产,以及未来美国可能提供的任何援助都可以保障后卡扎菲时代的利比亚坚持民主道路。“美国会提供紧急救助和援助,但是附加的条件是当权者行为良好。”

    According to Weitz , those assets , as well as any future U.S. aid , can help that a post-Gadhafi Libya a democratic path . " Give emergency assistance and aid now , but condition additional assistance on good behavior of the [ new ] regime , " Weitz said .

  10. 接到炸弹警报后,各紧急救助部门进入待命状态。

    The emergency services were put on standby after a bomb warning .

  11. 为此,粮农组织-欧盟项目采取了紧急救助行动。

    So the FAO-EU project swiftly mobilized to help .

  12. 3号实验室需要紧急救助。

    We have a medical emergency in lab three .

  13. 城市地震灾害紧急救助的时序特性分析

    Analysis on time sequence of the emergency response to earthquake disaster in city

  14. 一些银行需要紧急救助。

    Some banks are in need of bailouts .

  15. 我们紧急救助金融业。

    We bailed out the financial industry .

  16. 向无家可归者提供食宿紧急救助。

    Provide emergency accommodation for the homeless .

  17. 同时,组织承诺:为追踪病毒的紧急救助员提供医疗转运。

    Groups also promising medical evacuations for health care responders who can track the virus .

  18. 这项计划的核心就是要加强欧盟的紧急救助资金。

    Central to the plan is the beefing up of the EU 's bailout fund .

  19. 紧急救助药物类似于救援措施,除了它是由澳洲灌木花精制成以外。

    Emergency essence is similar to rescue remedy except its made from Australian Bush flower essences .

  20. 范龙佩先生称,私营部门参与紧急救助活动将仅限于希腊。

    Mr van Rompuy said private sector involvement in emergency measures would be restricted to Greece .

  21. 为紧急救助寻找法理学依据是一个新问题。

    It is a new problem to find the legal theoretical basis for the emergency rescue .

  22. 向无家可归者提供食宿紧急救助.主管国家紧急救灾事务官员会议

    Provide emergency accommodation for the homeless Meeting of Officials in charge of National Emergency Relief Services

  23. 哈纳卡皮爱海滩偏远意味着这里没有救生员以及第一时间的紧急救助。

    Hanakapiai 's remoteness means that there are no lifeguards and no hope of immediate rescue .

  24. 从抗击非典中的北京120系统看社会医疗紧急救助体系的改进与完善

    From the practice of fighting SARS to the improving of the system on social medical emergent assistance

  25. 紧急救助论&见义勇为立法的民法法理依据

    Discussion of the Emergency Rescue

  26. 再次,关于非法行医过程中的紧急救助行为的认定。

    Once again , identification on the emergency rescues behavior in the process of illegal practice of medicine .

  27. 美国最大的数家银行竞相争取紧急救助,房地产市场崩溃,数百万人失业。

    The biggest banks scrambled for federal aid , the housing market crashed , and millions lost their jobs .

  28. 突然失声或视力模糊也是寻求紧急救助的两大原因。

    Sudden changes in speech or not being able to see clearly are two other reasons to seek emergency care .

  29. 联合国秘书长潘基文赞扬日本在其他国家需要紧急救助时一直积极提供帮助。

    U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon praised Japan as a nation known for helping other countries in need of emergency assistance .

  30. 海勒文紧急救助协调员VoitekAsztabski表示,最近到达这里的难民的身体状况比此前到达的难民更加糟糕。

    Hilaweyn 's emergency coordinator Voitek Asztabski says these recent arrivals are in worse shape than those who came earlier .