
jí xí fā yán
  • extemporize
即席发言 [jí xí fā yán]
  • [extemporize;speak impromptu;make an extemporaneous speech] 临时、当场或即席做某事

  • 他极少即席发言,尤其在严肃的场合从来不即席发言

  1. 因为演讲人丢了稿子,只好即席发言。

    Because he had lost his notes , the lecturer had to extemporize .

  2. 他因为忘了带讲稿,只好即席发言。

    He have to extemporize because he have forget to bring his note .

  3. 我把讲稿弄丢了,所以只好即席发言。

    I lost the notes for my talk and had to ad-lib .

  4. 他在招待会上作了即席发言。

    He made a casual remark at the reception .

  5. 美国人喜欢辩论,因为他们可以根据候选人现场的即席发言,对他们进行比较。

    Americans like debates because the candidates can be compared in an unscripted , live performance .

  6. 聚会上,我应邀做了个即席的发言。

    I was asked to make a casual speech at the party .