
  • 网络Breaking News
  1. 节目交回给Jane……好了,这就是今天的即时新闻。

    Jane ... Well , some of the breaking news .

  2. 微信推出应用内即时新闻比Facebook早很多,它还在WhatsApp之前开发出了对讲功能,在Snapchat之前开始大量使用二维码。

    WeChat offered speedier in-app news articles long before Facebook , developed a walkie-talkie function before WhatsApp , and made major use of QR codes well before Snapchat .

  3. 本论文是基于J2ME的手机即时新闻图片上传系统。J2ME(Java2microedition)是近年来随着各种不同设备,尤其是移动通信设备的飞速发展而诞生的一项新的开发技术。

    The title of this dissertation is News Photo Uploading System with Cell Phone Based on J2ME ( Java 2 Micro Edition ) . J2ME is a kind of fast developing technology implemented on various devices especially mobile communication equipments .

  4. 其中一人说,威廉姆斯将被安排新的职位,主要在MSNBC有线电视新闻网工作,一开始可能会负责即时新闻播报。

    Mr. Williams is expected to move to a new role primarily at the cable news network MSNBC , probably in a breaking-news capacity in the beginning , according to one of the people .

  5. 学校即时新闻发布系统的开发

    Exploit System of Instant News Publish in Dynamic Web Site of School

  6. 以上就是本时段的即时新闻。

    You ' re up to date . Those are the headlines this hour .

  7. 由于硬新闻的时效性,其还被称为现场新闻或即时新闻。

    Hard news is also known as spot news or immediate news for its timeliness .

  8. 中国人用它来获取即时新闻,坦率地表达见解,并寻找意见相同的人。

    Chinese use it to break news , offer frank opinions , and find like-minded individuals .

  9. 本文所采用的实验针对命名实体识别系统的处理流程进行了新的设计与实现,新方法主要包括以下内容:1.利用新闻抓取爬虫完整获取互联网新闻站点中的即时新闻,作为实验的测试数据。

    It contains follows : 1 . Using news spider to get the whole news which is on the Internet , to become test data .

  10. 在一个充斥着即时新闻和瞬时判断的时代,它提醒我们在衡量我们的行为时,不是凭眼前的益处,而是注重对未来后代人的利益。

    In an age of instant news and instantaneous judgment , it reminds us we should weigh our actions not by immediate acclaim but by the benefit for future generations .

  11. 更可显示播放歌曲的相关资料、文字及图像,还有即时新闻、天气、及最新消息。你亦可以透过电话、短讯或电邮联络我们。

    It also deplays relevant text and images including details of what we 're playing now , useful information like news , weather and what 's on and how to contact1hk by phone , SMS ore-mail .

  12. 在旅途中能够看上电视直播,了解即时的新闻或体育赛事,已经成为越来越多人所向往的一种生活体验,直播卫星电视可以很好的解决这一问题。

    Watching a live program , keeping in touch with immediate news or the sports event on the trip have become a desirable life experience , which can be solved well by the direct broadcasting .

  13. 通过微博,用户可以获取即时的新闻消息,参与社会热点话题的讨论,分享自己的见闻感受,关注朋友的最新动态。

    Through microblog , user could get the instant news , participate in the discussion of hot social topics , share own seeing , listening and feeling with others and acquire the latest information of friends .

  14. 随着互联网的发展,浏览网络上即时发布的新闻成为人们获取信息的重要手段。

    With the fast development of internet , browsing news on the internet becomes an important means of obtaining information .

  15. 新闻服务是大型赛事媒体运行的核心环节,即时引语是新闻服务的核心,它是媒体在大型赛事期间引用频率最高的素材之一。

    News Service is a large part of the core races media operation , flash quote is the core news Service , which is one of the most quoted in the media material frequency during major events .

  16. 今天,哪怕你是在最遥远的外国小镇,只要能连上网络,你就可以在第一时间看到即时的中国新闻,而且是家乡的新闻;

    Nowadays , even when you are in the remotest town in a foreign country , as long as you are able to use internet , you can read first-hand Chinese news and even news from your hometown .

  17. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)总编辑詹姆斯·班内特(JamesBennet)称,使用即时文章功能发布新闻报道,意味着“失去对发行渠道的控制权”。

    James Bennet , editor in chief of The Atlantic , one of the project 's initial publications , said that publishing pieces through instant articles means " losing control over the means of your distribution . " On the other hand , he said ,

  18. 出版商、编辑,或许还有读者,都希望看到即时评论和简要新闻,最好还要有漂亮的图片。

    Publishers , editors and , presumably , readers want instant evaluations and newsbites , preferably with flashy pictures .

  19. 本文对大型赛事即时引语写作进行研究,一是即时引语作为媒体新闻报道重要素材,必须在源头把好关,提高即时引语的质量。

    In this paper , large-scale events instant quotation writing studies , one flash quote as an important material news media must be at the source of the good relations , improve the quality of flash quote .