
jí xìnɡ biǎo yǎn
  • improvised;improv;ad-lib;extemporize;perform impromptu
即兴表演 [jí xìng biǎo yǎn]
  • [improvisation] 在音乐上指即席创作或自由演奏的一段音乐

  1. 她抛开脚本即兴表演起来。

    She abandoned her script and began ad-libbing .

  2. 他即兴表演时,有些语无伦次。

    He is rather disjointed when he ad-libs .

  3. 在庆典中,他们举行了大型的露天多媒体活动,其中有音乐、录像、诗朗诵、舞蹈和即兴表演。

    As part of the celebrations they staged a big , open-air multimedia event , with music , videos , poetry readings , dance and improvisations .

  4. 然而在NBA,即兴表演、艺术感、欢快、诗意都能在冲击篮筐并飞跃篮筐的过程中展现得淋漓尽致。

    But the NBA is still all about improvisation , artistry , jazz , poetry on the way to and above the rim .

  5. 现在的传播需要的是“即兴表演”,要用“构建故事StoryBuilding”取代过去的“讲故事Storytelling”,如此我们才能对难以预测的受众做出实时反应。

    Creative teams , the participants are told , now need to behave more like improv actors " story building " instead of storytelling so they can respond in real time to an unpredictable audience .

  6. 肯辛顿宫,威廉王子在目瞪口呆的人群中跳上舞台和泰勒·斯威夫特、邦·乔维一起即兴表演邦乔维的经典曲目《Livin'onaPrayer》。

    Prince William stunned crowds at Kensington Palace tonight by jumping on stage with Taylor Swift and Jon Bon Jovi for an ' off-the-cuff ' rendition of ' Livin ' on a Prayer ' .

  7. 在纽约,杰森曾在BAM剧院、公共剧院和交响乐空间等剧院演出。他曾在电视剧《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》中饰演角色,并在星光百老汇喜剧俱乐部进行即兴表演。

    In New York , Jason has performed at BAM , the Public Theatre , and Symphony Space , appeared on Law & Order : Special Victims Unit , and performed stand-up comedy at Caroline 's on Broadway .

  8. 杰米·福克斯(JamieFoxx,他的真名是埃里克·毕晓普[EricBishop])还是个不知名的喜剧演员时,每次出现在即兴表演活动中时都用杰米这个艺名,因为他觉得俱乐部一般是先叫女人上台表演。

    When he was still an unknown comedian , Jamie Foxx ( whose real name is Eric Bishop ) adopted the stage name Jamie whenever he appeared at open-mike events , based on his belief that clubs tend to call women onstage first .

  9. 被告律师说我像即兴表演似的。

    The defense lawyer told the jury I was winging it .

  10. 面试时,演员们被要求做即兴表演。

    At the audition , the actors were asked to perform extempore .

  11. 即席讲话、临时召开的记者招待会、即兴表演

    An impromptu speech , news conference , performance , etc

  12. 他们加了许多即兴表演,又常常情不自禁地咯咯发笑。

    They adlibbed so much and broke down in chuckles so often .

  13. 即兴表演;临时凑合例句演员要是忘记台词,那就只好即兴现编。

    If an actor forgets his words , he has to improvise .

  14. 在整个追悼会过程中都有乐队进行即兴表演,人们一边欢呼一边跳舞。

    Through it all , impromptu bands played and people cheered and danced .

  15. 情境喜剧往往和一般大众息息相关。那个喜剧演员大多是即兴表演。

    Sitcom shows tend to be about ordinary people .

  16. 乔模拟闻名政治家的即兴表演让偶们乐得前仰后合。

    Joe 's imitation of famous politicians had us rolling in the aisles .

  17. 我们即兴表演,连老师都克制不住参加进来了。

    We improvisational performance , even the teacher all couldn 't hold participate .

  18. 我喜欢即兴表演。

    I like to riff and do stuff .

  19. 有些演员即兴表演时更有趣。

    Certain performers are funnier when they extemporize .

  20. 他用藤条的即兴表演很出彩。

    His business with the cane was hilarious .

  21. 最后两幕戏完全是即兴表演。

    The last two scenes were completely improvised .

  22. 假唱歌手最怕被要求做即兴表演。

    A lip-synch singer is mostly afraid of being asked to make an improvised performance .

  23. 即兴表演不是种选择。

    Winging it is not an option .

  24. 高乐和刘莉莉都选择带着这份自信来参加即兴表演考试。

    Both Cao and Liu chose to take this confidence into the improvised acting test .

  25. 好吧,那我们就开始即兴表演吧,就像我们以前经常做的那样。

    All right . we 're just gonna wing it * Like we always do .

  26. (音乐)充满感情和热情,以很强的节奏感和即兴表演为特点。

    ( music ) emotionally charged and intense and marked by strong rhythms and improvisation .

  27. 许多老演员只是把脚本用作即兴表演的基础。

    Many of the old actors used a script merely as a basis for improvization .

  28. 是的,我们喜欢即兴表演。

    Yeah , we like to riff .

  29. 随性而为,即兴表演!忙起来,砰砰砰。

    Alex : Ad lib . Improvise ! On the fly , boom boom boom .

  30. 好像作家即兴表演,因而使整部影片感到可笑。

    As if the writers were winging it and therefore made the whole film feel ridiculous .