
  • 网络Real-time strategy;RTs;Real-Time Strategy Game
  1. 当我们评价一款即时战略游戏游戏的好坏时,这一点也绝对称得上是最重要的因素。

    This definitely deserves the title of'Most Important'when it comes to how good an RTS can be .

  2. 环境方面,接下来要处理的是即时战略游戏中的有限活动范围。

    As for environments , the limited scope the RTS games took you through had to be taken to the next step .

  3. 通常在即时战略游戏中每个派别都会使用相同的资源。

    Normally , in a real-time strategy game each faction would use the same resources .

  4. 星际争霸是即时战略游戏的代表。

    The RTS ( real time strategy ) video game genre has been defined by this game .

  5. 并且给出骊龙帝国即时战略游戏项目控制模块设计实现的总体设计框架。

    Li Long and gives real-time strategy game Empire Project Control Module Design and Implementation of the overall design framework .

  6. 在继第一代星际争霸上演了其处子之秀将近十年之后,暴雪娱乐公布了关于这款即时战略游戏的续作。

    Nearly a decade after the original 's debut , Blizzard Entertainment has announced a follow-up to the sci-fi real-time strategy game .

  7. 我们对即时战略游戏投入了很多关注,我们也做过一款赛车游戏和几款动作游戏。

    We have been really focused on strategic games . We 've done a racing game . We 've done a couple of sort of light action games .

  8. 我认为,星际争霸作为最棒的即时战略游戏游戏最重要的基础正是任何一款新的即时战略游戏游戏所努力追求的。

    The very basics of what makes StarCraft the best RTS of all time are what , in my opinion , every new RTS should strive to capture .

  9. 总部位于加州西洛杉矶的拳头游戏公司出品的即时战略游戏《英雄联盟》广受欢迎,而类似的游戏还有很多。

    Games like ' League of Legends , ' a free-to-play strategy game created by Riot Games based in West Los Angeles , California , are wildly popular .

  10. 当时,游戏研发费用暴涨了200%,但销售收入却基本没有增加,那些制作图像逼真的飞行模拟游戏和即时战略游戏的公司苦苦挣扎。

    Back then , development costs tripled , but revenue remained about the same , and outfits making graphically intensive flight simulation and real-time strategy games , for instance , struggled .

  11. 正如你们所知道的,我玩游戏已经很久了,我最喜爱的游戏类型始终是即时战略游戏。

    As many of you know , I have a very long history in gaming and my favorite genre of game has almost always been the RTS ( Real Time Strategy ) .

  12. 我们介绍了一些主要的,能够使这个游戏有别于其他的二战即时战略游戏的操作界面和游戏内容,和以前的突袭系列游戏一样,是由我们公司开发制作的。

    We introduced some major interface and gameplay innovations that will distinguish it from other WWII RTS games , and definitely from all the previous Sudden Strike series games , created by our company .

  13. 提姆·坎贝尔:首先,多数玩家的注意力只需要放到很少量的单位身上,而多数即时战略游戏不是这样。

    Tim Campbell : The first thing that most players will notice is that the orc campaign is focused on controlling a much smaller set of units than is typical for most RTS games .

  14. 这个冰封王座中的附加兽人战役,从建筑,到组队方式,进攻方式(这两个不确定),都与传统的即时战略游戏有所不同。

    The bonus orc campaign from the frozen throne was certainly a bit of a move away from the traditional RTS involving building , massing , and attacking , but had a whole appeal of its own .

  15. 《魔兽》电影改编自即时战略游戏《魔兽争霸:人类与兽人》,讲述兽族部落来到人类世界逃避饥荒,人类为了保护家园,抵抗兽族入侵的故事。

    Warcraft draws its plot from the real-time strategy game Warcraft : Orcs & Humans , where an orc horde flees to the human world to escape famine , and the humans defend their home from the orcs .

  16. 最高指挥官又要在即时战略游戏领域掀起什么革命?有什么创新吗?“星际争霸已经超越了即时战略游戏的范畴,它已经成为一种文化.”

    EGR : How is this game going to revolutionize real time strategy games ? What kind of innovations and features do you have in this game ? " StarCraft has transcended the concept of RTS , It has become a culture . "

  17. 摧毁至尊魔戒的伟大任务,将在以魔戒为蓝本改编的即时战略游戏中继续上演。我们试着陈述一个不同于传统时战略游戏任务的战役。

    The quest to destroy the One Ring continues in the first Real-Time Strategy game based on The Lord of the Rings saga . We were trying to deliver a " campaign " with a distinctly different feel from that of normal RTS missions .

  18. 自从即时战略这一游戏类型问世以来,一个至关重要的游戏元素一直被忽略掉了,那就是:你!

    Ever since its inception , the real-time strategy genre has been missing one crucial gameplay element : You .