
  • 网络Instant Message;Instant Messaging;instantmessaging
  1. IMP技术具有感知联系人状态,联系人间即时信息传递,建立和管理多人会话等特征。

    IMP technology has many good features , like contact status notification , instant message delivering and multi-conference establishment and management .

  2. 重点介绍了即时信息的实现。

    The emphasis is Instant Message ( IM ) 's solutions .

  3. 基于会话管理的Web即时信息检索研究

    Research on Web Just-in-time Information Retrieval Based on Session Management

  4. 系统集成了Internet服务,并实现分布式的网络服务,支持即时信息查询和实时控制功能。

    The system integrates Internet services and completes distributed network services , and support same time information access and real time control .

  5. 基于SIP协议的即时信息机制

    The Instant Messaging Mechanism Based on SIP

  6. 目前流行的基于P2P技术的软件主要集中在文件共享、分布式计算和即时信息服务。

    Currently , popular software based on P2P technology includes file sharing , distributed computing , and instant messenger services .

  7. 腾讯旗下资产包括世界上规模最大的即时信息服务工具QQ,拥有5亿多活跃帐户。

    Its properties include QQ , the world 's largest instant messaging service , with more than 500m active accounts .

  8. 休曼表示,即时信息软件、黑莓邮件系统、flash工具以及远程访问等商业技术日益普及,使得网络安全监控变得更为复杂。

    Mr Hughman says the increasingly commonplace use of business technology such as instant messenger , Blackberry , flash sticks and remote access makes security networks more complex to monitor .

  9. 据参加者表示,上周五的抗议几乎完全是通过新浪微博、微信和即时信息服务QQ组织起来的。

    Friday 's protest was organised almost entirely through Weibo , WeChat , and the messaging service QQ , according to participants .

  10. 去年第四季度,即时信息app微信的月活跃用户达到5亿,比上年高出40%。

    In the fourth quarter of last year , monthly active users on the messaging apps WeChat and Weixin reached 500m , 40 per cent higher than the previous year .

  11. 在任何时刻从任何地方发送的Tweets和Flickr更新成为了即时信息的特征,是一项必须满足的社会需求。

    Instant information , characterized by tweets and Flickr updates sent from anywhere at any time , are de rigueur .

  12. 今年早些时候,基金管理公司富达(Fidelity)调降了其在即时信息应用Snapchat所持股份的估值。

    Earlier this year , fund manager Fidelity marked down the value of its stake in messaging app Snapchat .

  13. 数十款app被感染,其中包括在中国颇受欢迎的即时信息app微信(WeChat)以及美国高人气名片识别软件CamCard。

    Among scores of apps infected were WeChat , a messaging app popular in China , and CamCard , a popular business card reader in the US .

  14. NET,应用界面编程技术、数据库访问技术和屏幕取词技术等三项关键技术,研发了HNC即时信息助理软件HNC点点通。

    The instant information assistant is implemented in Visual C + + . NET using three key technologies of interface program , database accessing and fetching word from screen .

  15. HNC即时信息助理作为一种自然语言分析辅助软件,将在自然语言处理的研究工作中发挥积极作用。

    It is as an assistant software of natural language analysis , and will exert a positive influence in natural language processing .

  16. 上月,这款软件作为移动即时信息服务Allo的一部分首次亮相,后者将与早已站稳脚跟的服务(如Facebook旗下的Messenger)展开艰难竞争。

    The software made its debut last month as part of Allo , a mobile messaging service that faces an uphill battle against entrenched services such as Facebook 's Messenger .

  17. 该公司将这主要归因于智能手机即时信息应用微信(WeChat),据腾讯称,微信是中国最受欢迎的互联网应用,月度活跃用户账户数量为8.46亿。

    The company attributed this mainly to smartphone messaging app WeChat , the most popular internet app in China with 846m monthly active user accounts , according to Tencent .

  18. Wireshark的另一个有用的特性是它能够处理即时信息,并且它能够记录信息以备将来过滤和处理。

    Another useful feature is that Wireshark can work with both live information , and it can record information for later filtering and processing .

  19. 根据瑞士调研公司Informa的数据,用户通过应用程序发送的即时信息数量在2012年首次超过了传统短信。

    According to Switzerland-based firm informa , 2012 marked the first year mobile users sent more messages over these kinds of apps than traditional text .

  20. 年初时,旗下拥有即时信息app微信(WeChat)的腾讯市值为1200亿美元,本周一,腾讯市值短暂超过2000亿美元,大于汇丰(HSBC)。

    The company , which owns the messaging app WeChat , began the year with a market capitalisation of $ 120bn . On Monday it was briefly valued at more than $ 200bn , larger than HSBC .

  21. 腾讯的旗舰产品、即时信息服务QQ于1999年以OICQ的名字发布,与当时流行的即时信息服务ICQ功能相似。

    Tencent 's flagship product , instant messaging service QQ , was launched in 1999 as OICQ and had similar functions to then-popular instant messaging service ICQ .

  22. 借助各种社交媒体工具,如中国的微博客网站、类似于Twitter的新浪微博(Weibo),以及手机即时信息平台微信(WeChat),中国的城市居民在环境问题上正变得越来越敢言。

    Empowered by social media tools such as Weibo , China 's equivalent of Twitter , and WeChat , a smartphone messaging app , China 's urban citizens are becoming more and more vocal about environmental concerns .

  23. 定期光顾聊天室或使用即时信息的人肯定对meh这个回复很熟悉。

    Anyone who regularly uses chatrooms or instant messaging will almost undoubtedly be familiar with responses consisting only of this little sequence of three letters & meh .

  24. AltimeterGroup的一位分析师表示,WhatsApp的用户群可能是吸引Facebook的原因,这笔交易显然也是为了确保该公司的年轻用户基础,因为这部分用户已经离不开即时信息的使用。

    The demographics of WhatsApp 's users were likely a draw for Facebook , said Rebecca Lieb , analyst at Altimeter Group . ' This is clearly also a play at securing their base of younger users who are married to text messaging , ' she said .

  25. 在网络论坛、即时信息工具以及网络游戏中,这些文本符号表情通常会被自动替换为对应的图像表情,不过它们还是被称为emoticon。

    In web forums , instant messengers and online games , text emoticons are often automatically replaced with small corresponding images , which came to be called emoticons as well .

  26. 与iPhone的即时信息软件一样,WhatsApp将不持有用户私人通信的钥匙(不管是一对一的信息或群发信息、图片还是通话),因此即使执法部门持有法庭的搜查令也无法让它们解锁设备。

    Like the iPhone 's messaging software , WhatsApp will hold no keys to users " private communication - whether one-on-one or group messages , photos or calls - and so could not grant agencies access even if they had a warrant .

  27. 拥有逾7亿用户的腾讯QQ即时信息服务也有众多附加功能,比如可以让用户改换形象的“皮肤”,同时QQ还是腾讯为其他产品和服务做广告的渠道。

    Tencent 's QQ instant messaging service , which has more than 700 million users , offers additional features such as skins to change the look of the client and serves as a portal for the company to advertise other products and services .

  28. 美国软件安全集团赛门铁克(Symantec)的研究显示,对于电子邮件、即时信息软件和网络语音通讯等工具的使用和管理,54%的企业没有制定相关的具体政策。

    According to research from Symantec , the software security group , 54 per cent of businesses have no specific policies in place relating to the use and management of e-mail , instant messaging and voice over internet protocol .

  29. 预计将用于一款被称为Home的语音工具产品(效仿亚马逊的Echo)。谷歌5月时还表示,该技术将用于在应用软件Allo中驱动基于文本的智能服务。近日已发布的Allo旨在推动谷歌进入即时信息领域。

    It is set to be used in a product called Home , a voice-activated gadget modelled on Amazon 's breakthrough Echo . Google also said in May that it would power a text-based intelligent service to appear inside Allo , an app launched yesterday ( see below ) that is intended to propel Google , belatedly , into messaging .

  30. 本文尝试寻找一种更多的利用市场即时信息的定价方法对利率期限结构进行研究,应用三叉树模拟技术构建Hull-White模型,并对当前中国债券市场上几种常用利率进行比较分析。

    This paper tries to find a way to study the interest term structure of Chinese bond market with more market information . It focuses on the application of the tree model method and builds a Hull-White model to simulate the dynamic term structure .