
  • 网络emi;EMI Music
  1. 凯丽女士似乎将她的精神崩溃归咎于百代唱片公司高度紧张的工作日程安排。

    Ms Carey appeared to blame her breakdown on EMI 's punishing work schedule

  2. 她获得了一份与百代唱片公司的合约。

    She landed a contract with record label EMI

  3. 2007年,牛牛签约EMI(百代唱片公司),成为全球最年轻的签约国际古典品牌专属古典钢琴艺术家。

    In2007 , Niu Niu joined EMI family and thus became the world 's youngest classic pianist signed by international classic music brands .

  4. 英国市场研究公司EndersAnalysis认为,百代唱片(EMI)的市场份额以及旗下众多的大牌艺人(从披头士—Beatles到凯蒂·佩里—KatyPerry,见下图)将会给环球公司带来大部分市场中40%-50%的份额。

    Taking EMI 's market share and handsome catalogue ( from theBeatles to Katy Perry , pictured ) would give Universal a 40-50 % share of most markets , reckons Enders Analysis , a research firm .

  5. 上个世纪90年代该乐队还由百代唱片发行了两张专辑。

    The band released two albums in the1990s under the EMI label .

  6. 公司甚至还同百代唱片公司开展合作关系,推出了一款蓝调音符混合咖啡,并附带有一张爵士乐专辑的光盘。

    The company even developed a relationship with Capitol Records , releasing Blue Note Blend coffee and an accompanying jazz compilation on compact disc .

  7. 11岁的牛牛于去年签约国际唱片公司EMI(百代)唱片并于今年夏天发行了他的个人首张演奏专辑。

    The11-year-old signed by EMI last year released his first album earlier this summer .