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  1. 耶稣进了迦百农,有一个百夫长前来求助。

    When Jesus had entered Capernaum , a centurion came to him , asking for help .

  2. 百夫长:现在给我抄一百遍!

    CENTURION : Now , write it out a hundred times .

  3. 当时代的人(门徒和百夫长)认耶稣是神子、是神。

    Disciples and centurion recognized Jesus is the Son of God .

  4. 但耶稣同样称赞他们和百夫长的信心。

    But Jesus commended both them and the centurion for their faith .

  5. 百夫长,暂时由你负责。

    Captain , I 'll leave you in charge .

  6. 一个百夫长管理100个士兵。

    A centurion was in charge of100 soldiers .

  7. 百夫长,有人找到可以绕到我们身后的小径吗?

    Captain , have the men found any route through the hills to our back ?

  8. 这个罗马的百夫长是驻在加利利海边的迦百农城。

    This Roman Centurion was stationed at Capernaum a town on the edge of the Sea of Galilee .

  9. 军团的主要指挥官,百夫长和特使,也同样是军团中的狠角色。

    The main commanders , centurions and the Legate , are also the deadliest members of the Legion .

  10. 百夫长在那里找到一只由亚历山大里亚来,要开往意大利的船,便叫我们上了那船。

    And there the centurion finding a ship of Alexandria sailing into Italy , removed us into it .

  11. 既从百夫长得知实情,就把耶稣的尸首赐给约瑟。

    45When he learned from the centurion that it was so , he gave the body to Joseph .

  12. 百夫长古罗马军团的百人队指挥官每个古罗马军团有三千至六千名步兵。

    The commander of a century in the Roman army . Each legion contained between 3000 and 6000 soldiers .

  13. 大卫与千夫长,百夫长,就是一切首领商议。

    Then David had discussions with the captains of thousands and the captains of hundreds and with every chief .

  14. 那托来的人回到百夫长家里,看见仆人已经好了。

    And when those who were sent came back to the house they saw that the servant was well .

  15. 有一个百夫长所宝贵的仆人害病,快要死了。

    2 there a centurion 's servant , whom his master valued highly , was sick and about to die .

  16. 1在该撒利亚有一个人,名叫哥尼流,是义大利营的百夫长。

    At Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius , a centurion in what was known as the Italian Regiment .

  17. 大卫数点跟随他的人,立千夫长,百夫长率领他们。

    David mustered the men who were with him and appointed over them commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds .

  18. 突然间苍蝇发现它自己被倾盆而下的粘胶粘住身子,犹如落入古罗马军团百夫长的网罩中。

    Suddenly the fly finds itself pinned-under a downpour , of glue , as if in a Roman centurion 's net .

  19. 百夫长看见所发生的事,就荣耀神说,这真是个义人。

    Now when the centurion saw what had happened , he glorified god , saying , certainly this man was righteous .

  20. 在那里百夫长遇见一只亚力山太的船、要往义大利去、便叫我们上了那船。

    And there the captain came across a ship of alexandria , sailing for italy , and put us in it .

  21. 保罗对百夫长和兵丁说,这些人若不等在船上,你们必不能得救。

    Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers , Except these abide in the ship , ye cannot be saved .

  22. 我们不知道这是百夫长来之前还是之后,也不知道他有没有听到这件情况。

    We do not know whether this was before or after the centurion came , or whether he had heard of this case .

  23. 百夫长希望他配得医病,但他觉得不配有耶稣来到他家。

    The centurion hoped he was worthy of a cure , but did not feel worthy to have Jesus come to his house .

  24. 但百夫长信从掌船的和船主,不信从保罗所说的。

    Nevertheless the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship , more than those things which were spoken by Paul .

  25. 马太8:5-13没提到百夫长请长老替他去,但这并不表示两个故事之间有冲突。

    Mt.8:5-13 does not mention the centurion sending the elders , but that does not mean there is a contradiction between these two stories .

  26. 祭司便将耶和华殿里所藏大卫王的枪和盾牌交给百夫长。

    Then he gave the commanders the spears and shields that had belonged to King David and that were in the temple of the Lord .

  27. 摩西从以色列人中拣选了有才能的人,立他们为百姓的首领,作千夫长、百夫长、五十夫长、十夫长。

    He chose capable men from all Israel and made them leaders of the people , officials over thousands , hundreds , fifties and tens .

  28. 介绍在老粘土层中的大直径、超百米长桩钻孔施工技术及其改进过程。

    In this article , authors introduce construction technology and improvement process of over 100-meter depth bored pile with large diameter in the hard clay stratum .

  29. 梅瑟和厄肋阿匝尔司祭遂将由千夫长和百夫长所收下的金子,带入会幕内,好使上主记念以色列子民。

    And that which was received they brought into the tabernacle of the testimony , for a memorial of the children of Israel before the Lord .

  30. 提高泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩承载力的探讨&东海大桥超百米长桩试桩承载力分析

    Discussion on Increasing Load - Bearing Capacity of Slurry Drilled Pile - Analysis of Load - Bearing Capacity of Trial Pile Over 100m for Shanghai Donghai Bridge