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Wǔ Chānɡ
  • Wuchang
  1. 武昌起义打响了推翻封建王朝的第一枪。

    The Wuchang Uprising fired the first shot against the feudal imperial regime .

  2. 应用遥感与GIS技术调查分析武昌县土地资源

    Analysis and Investigation of the Landuse Resource in Wuchang County by Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

  3. 武昌低电离层LF观测的季节变化

    Seasonal variations of low frequency wave observations at Wuchang

  4. BPM时号在武昌

    BPM Time Signal in Wu Chang

  5. 本文利用武昌(磁纬19.2°N)连续三年的哨声观测资料,研究了武昌地区哨声传播的一般特征。

    In this paper , the general characteristics of low-latitude whistler propagation is investigated by analysing the data obtained at Wuchang ( geom . lat.19.2 ° N ) for last three years .

  6. 武昌上空电离层频高图中的Lacuna现象

    The Lacuna Phenomenon of Ionogram over Wuchang , China

  7. 监狱内囚犯涂阳肺结核患病率从1997年的1146.95/10万降至2003年的497.37/10万。结论7年来在湖北省武昌监狱囚犯中主动发现肺结核病人并实施DOT管理,成效显著。

    Prevalence of smear ? positive in prison reduced from 1146.95 / 100,000 in 1997 to 497.37 / 100,000 in 2003.Conclusion The achievements of active case finding and implementation DOT in Wuchang Prison of Hubei Province for 7 years were remarkable .

  8. 武昌电离层E-F谷区白天变化形态

    Daytime behavior in valley region between E and f layers of the ionosphere over wuchang , China

  9. 利用该方法分析处理了武昌站的垂测记录,揭示了我国中低纬地区上空F1-F2谷区形态的某些变化规律和地区特色。

    Through the reduction for a number of observed records at Wuchang , a lower mid-latitude station in China , some new features of the morphological regularities of the F1-F2 valley art revealed .

  10. 利用这种方式在武昌固体潮台作为DZW微伽重力仪的数字记录历时近一年,获得较好的固体潮观测资料。

    Nearly one year a better data of earth tide observation was got by this method for digital recording of DZW μ gal gravimeter in Wu Chang earth tide station .

  11. 本次试验是为了提高武昌焦化厂70型和66-5F型焦炉炼焦焦炭的质量,而安排半工业试验。

    In order to improve the coke quality of the coke oven with 70 and 66-5F types , the pilot test was carried out in small-sized coke oven of Wuchang Coking Plant .

  12. 武昌地区含粘性土粉砂承载力探讨

    Discussion on bearing capacity of clayey silty sand in Wuchang District

  13. 我校是武昌区教育科学实验基地学校。

    Our school is the education science foundation of Wuchang district .

  14. (二)前武昌国民政府警卫团;

    The Guards Regiment of the former National Government at Wuchang ;

  15. 抗战时期私立武昌华中大学在大理的办学实践

    The Practice of the Private Wuchang Central China University in Dali

  16. 鄂东南地区下侏罗统武昌组的双壳类化石

    Nonmarine fossil bivalves from Wuchang formation , southeastern hubei , China

  17. 1997&2003年湖北省武昌监狱肺结核病控制效果分析

    Analysis on TB control effects in Wuchang Prison from 1997-2003

  18. 六朝武昌城试掘简报

    Brief Report on Testing Excavation of the Six Dynasties ' Wuchang City

  19. 武昌上空电离层夜间分层事件

    Night-time stratification events of the ionosphere over wuchang , China

  20. 武汉市武昌区精神发育迟滞卫生服务调查

    Investigation on Health Service of Mental Retardation in Wuchang , Wuhan City

  21. 武汉市武昌区老年不寐的流行病学调查

    Senile Insomnia Epidemiological Investigation in Wuchang District of Wuhan City

  22. 武昌上空Es&s的形态与出现规律

    The morphology and occurrence of es-s over Wuchang , china

  23. 辛亥武昌首义与武汉城市现代化

    Wuchang Uprising in 1911 and the Urban Modernization of Wuhan

  24. 武昌地区空气中主要致敏花粉调查

    An Investigation into the Major Allergic Pollens in Wuchang District

  25. 武昌地区豚草花粉症研究

    A study on pollinosis from Ambrosia in Wuchang District of Wuhan City

  26. 我校是武昌区教学质量优秀学校。

    Our school is an advanced one in aducation quality in wuchang .

  27. 武昌哨声的传播特征及其与地磁活动的相关

    Characteristics of Whistler propagation at Wuchang and their correlation with geomagnetic activity

  28. 武昌来的车4点正到站。

    The train from Wuchang will be in at4 sharp .

  29. 试析湖北共进会与武昌首义

    Analysis of Hubei Co-progress Association and Wuchang First Uprising

  30. 武昌区规划国土建设工程批后动态监管信息系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Construction Projects Authorized Dynamic Monitoring System in Wuchang Urban