
wǔ zhuānɡ dào yá chǐ
  • be armed to the teeth
  1. 这些武装到牙齿的儿童,我的童子军

    These are my Kalashnikov Kids.My Boy Brigades .

  2. 士兵们武装到牙齿。

    The soldiers were armed to teeth .

  3. 三英寸高,武装到牙齿,他是一个好士兵。

    Three inches tall , and armed to the teeth , a fine soldier he made .

  4. 全国人民拿起武器保卫国家,尽管敌人武装到牙齿。

    The whole nation took up arms to defend their country , although the enemy were armed to the teeth .

  5. 拉齐奥阵中,迪亚基特,菲尔马尼,毛里和西维将无法上场,斯汤和克里巴里将在比赛中武装到牙齿。

    Lazio are without mobido diakhite , Fabio firmani , Stefano Mauri and Sebastiano siviglia , while Guglielmo Stendardo and Emilson Cribari grit their teeth to play .

  6. 嗯,我想这利比亚必须做些事,正如北约用美国、法国和英国的武器将反叛分子武装到牙齿。

    Well , I guess that Libya had to do something as NATO was arming the Rebels to the teeth with , American , French and English arms .

  7. 她于是背靠着铁栏门,面对着那六个武装到牙齿、在黑影里露着一张鬼脸的匪徒,坚决地低声说

    Then she set her back against the gate , faced the six ruffians who were armed to the teeth , and to whom the night lent the visages of demons , and said in a firm , low voice

  8. 麦金泰尔目前空军库存的B-2轰炸机只有21架,全部在密苏里的怀特曼空军基地。尽管数量有限,但它们都武装到了牙齿,因而成为每次空中打击头几天的首选武器。

    There are only 21 B-2 bombers in the Air Force inventory , all of them based here at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri , but despite their small numbers , they pack an explosive punch , which makes them the weapon of choice for the opening days of an air campaign .

  9. 卧室里的单人床也武装到了牙齿。

    A single bed with its necessary equipment is in the bedroom .

  10. 全世界的最先进装备将他们武装到了牙齿。

    They 're fully loaded with the lastest gear from around the world .

  11. 他们是武装到了牙齿。

    They are armed to the teeth .

  12. 我们一个都穿着沾满泥土的水手服,除了我之外,他们全都武装到了牙齿。

    All in soiled sailor clothes , and all but me armed to the teeth .

  13. 目前,超级大国用核武器武装到了牙齿,把全世界的人民都置于他们的威胁下。

    At present , the superpowers are armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons , placing the people of the whole world under their nuclear threat .

  14. 而且大家发现屈拉的头巾帽子总是散发着一种奇特的味儿,威斯里家的双胞胎坚持说那也是大蒜的味道。如此说来,屈拉对吸血鬼的防卫真是从头到脚,武装到了牙齿呢。

    for another , they had noticed that a funny smell hung around the turban , and the Weasley twins insisted that it was stuffed full of garlic as well , so that Quirrell was protected wherever he went .