
  • 网络Takemura
  1. 有一天,当他在孝武村外的公路上散步时,一位年轻的妇女主动走过去和他攀谈。

    One day while walking on a motor highway near the village of Siaowu , a girl beckoned to him .

  2. 殷墟西北武宫村一带是王陵区,在发掘的王陵中,有贵重的青铜器,金质的装饰品,雕刻精美的玉饰和象牙用具。

    Wu northwest Miyamura Yin Ruins is the tomb area , the excavation of the tomb , a valuable bronze and gold decorations , beautifully carved ivory and jade ornaments appliances .

  3. 中上扬子地区早寒武世梅树村期岩相古地理

    Lithofacies Palaeogeography of the Meishucun Age in the Middle and Upper Yangtze Region

  4. 川西南滇东地区在早寒武世梅树村期处于上扬子浅海环境,沉积一套浅海碳酸盐和磷酸盐。

    The area we debated is in infraneritic environment at the Meishucunian Age , early Cambrian Period , when deposited a suit of carbonate and phosphate .