
  1. 区域格局下港城一体化发展模式探索&以武汉新港空间发展规划为例

    Integrating Urban Ports in Regional Development : Spatial Development Planning for Wuhan 's New Port

  2. 并结合武汉新港管理体制的现状和历史沿革,全面解析了新港在现阶段管理体制下所面临的困境。

    Combined with the present situation of Wuhan New Port management system and historical evolution , the comprehensive analysis the present management system in Newport the difficulties .

  3. 2009年,《武汉新港空间发展规划》布局了一区、两港、五城、十二园,其中一区即为杨泗港口商务区。

    2009 ," Xingang Wuhan spatial development planning " layout " area harbor , two , five , twelve Park ", which " district " is the port Yang Si business district .

  4. 接着对国内外先进的港口管理体制展开了分析和对比,得出对武汉新港管理体制改革的借鉴价值和指导意义。

    Then the domestic and international advanced port management system on the analysis and comparison , it is a Wuhan New Port of the management system reform of reference value and significance .

  5. 并且对发展路径也进行了阐述,方便武汉新港在建设期、发展期和成熟期等不同的阶段过程中,都有明确的路径支持。

    And the development path and carry on the elaboration , convenient in Wuhan during construction period , development and Wuhan New Port mature and so on the different stage of the process , has a clear path to support .

  6. 另外还根据不同阶段的特点,分别展开差异化的管理措施,更能从细节上把握新港发展的整个过程,为武汉新港的健康稳定发展提供更有力的支撑。

    Also according to the characteristics of different stages of the diversity of the open respectively management measures , more details on hold the Newport from the whole development process , for the healthy and stable development of the Wuhan New Port provide more powerful support .