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  • 网络wudang taoism
  1. 论武当道教的人生理想及其实现途径

    On Wudang Taoism Life Ideal and Its Realizing Channels

  2. 挖掘整理武当道教医药特色,对于保护和传承非物质文化遗产意义深远。

    It has momentous significance to exploit and coordinate Wudang Taoism medication features .

  3. 武当道教武术在全民健身中的作用

    Function of Taoist Wushu in Wudang on fitness for all

  4. 武当道教文化研究索引(续)

    The Research Index of Wudang Taoist Culture ( continued )

  5. 武当道教医药发展史考略

    Study on Development History of Taoist Medicine in Wudang

  6. 武当道教武术养生方法略论

    Ways to Preserve Health in Taoist Wushu in Wudang

  7. 论武当道教孝道伦理思想

    On Wudang Taoist Filial Piety and Ethics Theories

  8. 武汉地区地源热泵技术应用存在的主要问题及对策分析乌鸦崇拜及武术象形与武当道教武术

    Main existed problems and respective countermeasures of ground-source heat pump technique applications in Wuhan area

  9. 试论武当道教文化的特质

    On the Features of Wudang Taoism Culture

  10. 武当道教文化资源开发的现状、存在的主要问题及建议

    On the Current Situation of , Existing Problems in and Suggestions to Wudang Taoist Culture Resources Development

  11. 千百年来武当道教长盛不衰,源远流长,与其丰富的文化内容是分不开的。

    Wudang Taoism has survived for thousands of years , just because its abundant cultural elements it contained .

  12. 每到节假日,成千上万的游客来到这里,感受中国武当道教文化。

    Every holidays , thousands of tourists come here in China , the feeling of wudang Taoism culture .

  13. 玄武是武当道教崇拜、信仰的核心内容,影响着武当道教的所有活动。

    Xuanwu is the centre of Wudang Taoist Worship and belief , exercising its influence in all kinds of Taoist activities .

  14. 武当道教医药在长期的医疗实践中,逐步形成了融宗教文化、道教医药与地域特色为一体的中草药应用八大特色。

    Eight medication features have come into being in long-term Taoism medical practice , syncretizing religion culture , Taoism medicament , locality feature as the whole .

  15. 数、质、文、位四种列等方式在武当道教建筑实践中演化为宏观和微观两个向度的多个方面的等级表征。

    The four rank manners of number , quality , culture and position has , in Wudang Taoist buildings , evolved into many dimensional demonstrations of the two directions of the macroscopic and the microscopic .

  16. 武当山道教对联文化探微

    The Profound Investigation of the Antithetical Couplets in the Taoist Wudang Mount

  17. 试论武当山道教建筑群的等级观念

    The Degree Concepts Reflected from Wudang Mountains Taoist Building Complex

  18. 乐都武当山道教文化旅游资源与开发略论

    Brief Discussion about Tour Resources of Taoism Culture and it 's Exploit of Wudang Mountain in Ledu County

  19. 武当山道教学院是由湖北省道教协会主办的,由武当山道教协会承办的一所三年制道教大专学校。

    Mount Wudang Taoist Academy is sponsored by the Taoist Association in Hubei Province , Wudang Taoist Association , hosted by a three-year post-secondary school of Taoism .

  20. 武当山道教学院由湖北省民族宗教委员会主管,十堰市、丹江口市民族宗教局协助管理。

    Mount Wudang Taoist Academy of ethnic and religious head of the Commission by the Hubei Province , Shiyan City , Danjiangkou City National Bureau of Religious Affairs for assistance .

  21. 清微宫在武当山道教历史上占有重要位置,这里曾经高道云集,是武当道教重要的讲学传道的场所,也是游方道士和金顶太和宫养老道士清修的地方。

    Micro-palace in Wudang Taoism occupies an important position in history , gathered here have high road , Wudang Taoism is an important place for evangelism lectures , but also to travel and Taoist Tai Jinding Temple endowment Taoist quiet surroundings areas .

  22. 武当山人信奉道教,道教对武当山地区的婚俗有着巨大的影响。

    The marital customs of Wudang area has been substantially influenced by the Taoist idea .

  23. 装载武当和它的道教建筑已经被列为世界文化遗产地。

    Mount Wudang and its Taoist buildings have been listed as world cultural heritage sites .

  24. 在武当山,黄龙洞是和武当道教医药联系在一起的。

    The Wudang Mountain , Huanglong hole is Wudang Taoism and Chinese medicine linked .

  25. 武当山古建筑中装饰的匾联,既是武当山古建筑的有机组成部分,也是蕴含武当山道教文化精华点睛之作,具有独特的风格和较高的文化品位。

    The couplets and inscribed boards in the ancient buildings of the Wudang mountains are not only the essential part of the buildings but also windows of the Taoist culture .