
  1. 李丽,跟爷爷说再见。

    Li Li , say " Bye-Bye " to your grandpa .

  2. 李丽星期四上科学课吗?

    Does Li Li have a science class on Thursday ?

  3. 李华和李丽是双胞胎。

    Li Hua and Li Li are twins .

  4. 李华学习很用功,可是李丽不喜欢学习。

    Li Hua works hard , but Li Li doesn 't like to study .

  5. 有李丽的帮助,我们能在一小时内完成这项工作。

    With Lily to help us , we can finish the work in an hour .

  6. 李丽已不在这所学校学习了。

    Li Li study at this school .

  7. 李丽学习比我更努力。

    Lily studies harder than me .

  8. 李丽是个个子高的女孩。

    Lili is a tall girl .

  9. 李丽学习非常努力。

    Lily studies very hard .

  10. 晚饭后,李华认真的写了作文,而李丽看了两个小时的电视。

    After supper Li Hua wrote it carefully , while Li Li watched TV for two hours .

  11. 我是李丽,我的职业是工程师,经常会做一些与飞机有关的设。

    I 'm lily . I 'm an engineer . I often make a design concerned with plane .

  12. 第二天刘老师问李丽,“为什么你的作文同李华的一样?”

    The next day Miss Liu asked Li Li ," Why is your composition the same as Li Hua 's ?"

  13. 29岁的时尚编辑李丽(音译)也正计划要在妇女节这天血拼一把。

    Li Li , a 29-year-old fashion editor , is also planning some conspicuous shopping on the Women ` s Day holiday .

  14. 很难与李丽取得联系,因为自毕业后我们没有保持联系。

    It 's hard to get in touch with Lily , since We haven 't been in touch with each other since graduation .

  15. 相反,李丽是努力从男性统治中解放自身,追求自身幸福和自我实现的新女性。

    By contrast , Lily Briscoe is the New Woman who struggles to liberate herself from the male domination and pursue her own happiness and self-realization .