
  • 网络Financial Network;Finance Net
  1. 根据中国金融网统计,截止2008年11月,我国城市商业银行数量已达136家,城市商业在我国金融业界的重要性日益突出。

    The city commercial banks now play a more and more important part in Chinese banking system . According to statistics of China Finance Net , as of November 2008 , there are 136 city commercial banks in China .

  2. 现代人类社会越来越依赖于网络化基础设施,如电力网、通信网、Internet、计算机网络、金融网和交通网等不同网络。

    Modern society increasingly relies on network infrastructures that include the power grids , communication networks , Internet , computer networks , financial networks and traffic networks .

  3. 上海市城市金融网建设

    The Construction of Shanghai City Financial Network

  4. 邮政综合网金融网接入层共用网络资源技术方案

    A Solution for Multiplex Post Business Network and Finance Network through Sharing the Network Distribution layer

  5. 文中结合上海市目前的网络建设情况,提出了符合上海实际情况的城市金融网的组建方案。

    In the light of the conditions of network construction in Shanghai at present , the article puts forward a CFN constructional project which conforms to Shanghai 's reality .

  6. 情报报告揭示了一个几乎不可能追踪的金融网&在这个由情报员组成的网络中,资金的分散速度和募集速度一样快。

    Intelligence reports reveal a financial web that is nearly impossible to track , as the money is distributed as fast as it is raised by a network of couriers .

  7. 如果网络世界尤其是政府网、军用网及金融网等专用敏感网络出现这种灾难性事件,那将给国家安全带来的致命性的打击。

    If such a disaster occurs in the world of networks , particularly such sensitive networks as government , military and financial networks , the blow to national security will be fatal .

  8. 中国国家金融网建设是中国银行总行确定的九·五期间重点建设工程.城市金融网是整个国家金融网建设的基础。

    CNFN ( China National Financial Network ) is defined by PBOC as the major project of construction during " The Ninth Five - Year Plan " period while City Financial Network ( CFN ) is the base of CNFN .

  9. 不断健全发展的银行业务,不仅完善了自身系统,完成了湖南地方金融网的建设,而且对于推动湖南经济发展,起到了十分重要的作用,有力的支援了抗战。

    Further more , the constantly development of the banking business not only did the things for themselves , perfected the financial system of Hunan area , but also effective supported the war , and made a great influence to the society .

  10. 系统在遵循邮政综合网和金融网的规划设计的前提下,采用成熟的信息交换技术建立的具备三层体系结构、跨越多个硬件平台、数据库和操作系统的应用平台。

    Following the design of post comprehensive network and financial network , an application platform is built by making use of the message-switch technique . The platform has a three-layer structure and can span over several software platform , database and operation system .

  11. 本课题来源于金融企业网QoS网络实施项目。

    The topic of this paper originates from the item of implementation of Quality of Service in Financial Enterprise Network .

  12. 利用分组交换网组建金融POS网

    To Employing The Packet Switch Network Establish Financial POS Network

  13. 建立存款保险制度构筑金融安全网

    Establishing the Deposit Protection System : A Firewall of financial security

  14. 中国金融安全网建设:理论回顾、国际经验与制度设计

    Financial Safety Net Design in China : Theories , Lessons and Mechanism

  15. 第四章研究的是金融安全网的问题。

    The fourth chapter focuses on financial safety net .

  16. 银行危机与金融安全网问题研究

    Research on Banking Crisis and the Financial Safety Net

  17. 试论我国金融安全网的构筑及功能发挥

    On the Construction and Utilization of the Finance Security Network of Our Country

  18. 存款保险制度是金融安全网的重要组成部分。

    Insurance system for deposit is the main component of financial " security network " .

  19. 最后贷款人制度是金融安全网中的一道有力屏障。

    The lender of last resort is an indispensable part of the financial safety network .

  20. 作为世界上公认的金融安全网的基本要素之一,存款保险制度的建立,对于维护存款人利益、公众信心以及银行体系安全等具有重要的意义。

    It is very important to protect depositors ' interest , public confidence and safety of financial system .

  21. 第六章是研究如何完善中国金融安全网的制度安排问题。

    The sixth chapter is on how to perfect the institutional arrangement of the financial safety net of China .

  22. 在上述分析的基础上,针对中国的金融安全网存在的问题,本文作者提出了金融安全网边界的概念,并对此进行了解释。

    Based on the above analysis , the author puts forward the concept of " financial safety net border " .

  23. 存款保险制度是市场经济体系中银行业的基础性制度安排和金融安全网的重要组成部分。

    The system of deposit insurance is an important part of systematic arrangement and financial safety network of banking sector .

  24. 第五章分析了中国银行业潜在的银行危机与金融安全网的有效性问题。

    The fifth chapter is on analyzing the potential bank crisis of Chinese banking and validity question of the financial safety net .

  25. 银行监管、存款保险、最后贷款人等制度构成的金融安全网能有效维护系统性银行稳定。

    The financial safety net composed of banking supervision , deposit insurance and lender of last resort can effectively keep banking stability .

  26. 第二,金融安全网产生的道德风险问题,使其容易演变成系统性金融风险。

    Secondly , financial safety net may bring about moral risks which can quite easily transform into " systematic financial risks " .

  27. 作为三大金融安全网之一,存款保险制度已经被很多国家接受并成功运用。

    As one of the three major financial safety nets , deposit insurance system has been accepted and successfully used in many countries .

  28. 这也将作为一道增加的防线,为补充现有国际外汇储备安排、加强全球金融安全网做出贡献。

    It would also contribute to strengthening the global financial safety net and complement existing international arrangements as an additional line of defence .

  29. 因此,防范金融安全网引发的道德风险,就为市场运营监管、市场准入监管提供了理论依据。

    Therefore , the prevention of moral risks induced by financial safety net affords theoretical basis for supervision of market operation and access .

  30. 显性存款保险制度作为金融安全网的有机组成部分,得到了政策制定者的认可和推行。

    As an integral part of the financial security nets , explicit deposit insurance system has been widely recognized and implemented by policy makers .