
  1. 对房地产融资的任何改革都必须谨慎管理。

    Any change to housing finance has to be carefully managed .

  2. 我希望我们的农业要谨慎管理和苦心经营。

    I hope our husbandry is prudently and industriously managed .

  3. 有关削减供款反映该项计划的谨慎管理作风。

    These reductions reflect the prudent management of the scheme .

  4. 人类须被谨慎管理。

    Humanity must be carefully governed .

  5. 主要的目标是实现超基准的回报率,同时对下跌风险进行谨慎管理,她表示。

    The main objective is to beat the benchmark , whilst carefully managing downside risk . she says .

  6. 银行已经开发了一个领先的得到谨慎管理的组合,以确保成本和功能的效率。

    The bank has developed a leading portfolio of applications carefully managed to ensure both cost and capability efficiency .

  7. 它们表示,与其它业务一样,自己在结构融资方面也在谨慎管理,以避免利益冲突,并保持客观。

    In structured finance , as elsewhere , they say they manage their businesses carefully to avoid conflicts and to maintain objectivity .

  8. 世界卫生组织总干事敦促解除冠状病毒限制措施的国家谨慎管理过渡期,避免重回封城状态。

    The head of the World Health Organization has urged countries lifting coronavirus restrictions to carefully manage the transition to avoid lockdown .

  9. 更重要的是,有些城市才刚刚开始成长&它们具有以可持续的方法成长并谨慎管理其资源的各种潜力。

    More importantly , some cities are just beginning to grow – and they have all the potential to grow in a sustainable way carefully managing their resources .

  10. 迄今为止,中国内地国际收支平衡表上的资本项目仍未对外公布,利率仍受到政策目标的控制,人民币汇率也得到谨慎管理。

    To this day , the capital account on the balance of payments remains closed , interest rates remain mandated by policy objectives and the currency is carefully managed .

  11. 作为世界上最有价值的品牌之一,增多在中国的业务活动可能会带来文化和声誉方面的问题,这些问题需要谨慎管理。

    For one of the world 's most valuable brand names , increasing its operational presence in China could pose cultural and reputational issues , which will need to be managed carefully .

  12. 实现这样的目标,需要谨慎地管理FPGA设计周期中的每一个环节和步骤,并且需要减少设计过程后期的设计变更。

    This requires careful management of individual FPGA design cycle processes and actions and reduction of design changes later in the design process .

  13. 设置安全性主管PIN:谨慎的管理实践是让安全性主管在初始化令牌之后立即更改安全性主管PIN。

    Set the security officer PIN : Prudent management practice will have the security officer change the security officer PIN immediately after initializing the token .

  14. BP表示,正采取谨慎措施管理其资产负债表和资金流动性(包括提供流动性缓冲),以确保该公司具备履行所有未来财务责任的灵活性。

    The UK oil group said it was taking a prudent approach to managing its balance sheet and its financial liquidity , including providing a liquidity buffer , to ensure that BP has the flexibility to meet all its future financial obligations .

  15. 这个经理谨慎地管理他的业务。

    The manager conducted his business carefully .

  16. 谨慎的管理者;谨慎的管理者;谨慎的犹豫;更加谨慎的隐藏而不是战斗。

    A prudent manager ; prudent rulers ; prudent hesitation ; more prudent to hide than to fight .

  17. 下面是你需要观察的一些省钱技巧,以便你谨慎地管理金钱。

    Here is some basic money-saving tips that you need to observe so as to manage your money prudently .

  18. 第三,对于处于强垄断行业的国有企业要谨慎使用管理层持股计划。

    Third , management stock ownership plan should be used with caution in state-owned enterprises in a duopoly industry .

  19. 市场的确是生产型经济和个体自由的基础,但它们也会出现严重错误,因此必须谨慎加以管理。

    They are indeed the underpinnings of a productive economy and individual freedom . But they can also go seriously awry and so must be managed with care .

  20. 员工也需要在全球范围内得到支持:目前同性恋在70多个国家是非法的;由于国外有着不同的法律框架,向海外派遣人员需要谨慎的管理。

    Staff need to be supported globally , too : as being gay is illegal in more than 70 countries , and with different legislative frameworks abroad , postings overseas need careful management .

  21. 为此,必须谨慎地管理多个转变过程,包括增长动态的变化、全球金融条件的正常化、财政可持续性的努力实现、全球需求的再平衡调整,以及向更稳定的全球金融体系的不断迈进。

    This requires carefully managing multiple transitions , including a shift in growth dynamics , normalizing global financial conditions , achieving fiscal sustainability , a rebalancing of global demand , and moving to a more stable global financial system .

  22. 扶轮基金会必须倚靠捐献者的善心及慷慨解囊&谨慎的财务管理可以维系这些支持者的信心。

    TRF depends upon the goodwill and generosity of its donors - careful financial management sustains the confidence of these donors .

  23. 为此,我们要维持不妥协索偿的缴付能力,两性健康的入息源泉,超卓的投资业绩,及谨慎的投资管理哲学。

    We earn this faith by maintaining uncompromised claims paying ability a healthy earnings stream and superior investment performance result consistent with a prudent investment management philosophy .

  24. 1983年,他加入了这家银行,高超的交易技能和谨慎的风险管理技能,帮助他获得了投行部门的最高职位。

    In 1983 , he joined the bank where his skills as an expert trader and prudent risk manager propelled him to the top of its investment banking division .

  25. 传统公司法上,董事仅仅对公司负责,对股东承担谨慎注意的经营管理义务和责任。

    Under tradition company law , directors shall only responsible for the company , and assume the obligation of prudent attention to shareholders .

  26. 这些问题主要集中在银行对供应链金融中存在的风险认识不足,操作环节风险管理不够谨慎和授信额度管理存在漏洞等方面。

    These problems mainly origin from insufficient risk awareness of Supply Chain Finance , flaws in operational risk management and management of line of credit and so on .