
jǐn shèn chǔ lǐ
  • due diligence;handle with care;with due care
  1. 交船时,出租人应当做到谨慎处理,船舶适航。

    At the time of delivery , the shipowner shall exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy .

  2. 在船舶开航前和开航当时,谨慎处理使船舶适航是承运人的法定义务。

    Before and at the beginning of the voyage , the carrier shall exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy , and it is a legal obligation .

  3. 结合对WTO规则中对我国测绘行业开放要求的相关条款的解读,详细阐明了中国入世所带给湖南测绘行业的发展机遇与需要谨慎处理的问题;

    According to the rules of WTO with regard to the profession of surveying and mapping , this essay analyzes the opportunity and challenge we may meet in future .

  4. 结论HIV在自然环境中抵抗力较强,对HIV阳性体液及其污染物应谨慎处理,防止HIV意外传播。

    CONCLUSIONS HIV has higher resistance in natural environment . To prevent accidental spreading of HIV , HIV positive liquids and contaminants staffs should be treated carefully .

  5. 这也是使用JavaScript库的一个亮点,因为它们都谨慎处理许多或大部分浏览器差异。

    This is also one of the main selling points of working with JavaScript libraries , because they take care of many or most of the browser differences .

  6. 事实上,虽然伯南克在言辞中淡化美联储资产负债表的进一步扩张,但在最近的新闻发布会上,他却进行了谨慎处理,并未完全关上qe3的大门。

    In fact , despite his rhetoric downplaying any further expansion of its balance sheet , Bernanke was careful in his press conference not to close the door entirely on qe3 .

  7. 用户需要谨慎处理个人的私密数据,ITSC概不负责因用户个人在接入无线时疏忽所导致的个人数据泄漏。

    Users shall carefully handle their personal and confidential data , ITSC will not be responsible for any leaking of private data due to their negligence during the wireless access .

  8. 希望贵方谨慎处理此事。

    We hope you will handle this matter with the utmost care .

  9. 我们必须谨慎处理整个形势。

    We must treat the whole situation with kid gloves .

  10. 这类问题得谨慎处理。

    Such problems have to be handled with care .

  11. 古怪的饮食偏好也应该谨慎处理。

    Eccentric eating preferences should also be handled carefully .

  12. 机构职员必须谨慎处理个人财务。

    Employees of organizations have to be prudent in managing their personal finance .

  13. 向虚拟团队引入技术也需要谨慎处理。

    The introduction of technology to virtual teams also has to be handled carefully .

  14. 弹簧卡子必须谨慎处理!

    The safety clip must be handled carefully !

  15. 这是一个需要磨合的过程,但仍需要谨慎处理。

    This is in the process of being unwound , but still needs careful handling .

  16. 承运人谨慎处理使船舶适航的义务可以认为仅限于装货港。

    The obligation of shipowners make the vessel seaworthy should be limited at the loading port .

  17. 就像与其类似的共价氟化物和高氯酸盐,都需要非常谨慎处理。

    Like similar covalent fluorides and perchlorates , it needs to be handled with extreme caution .

  18. 谨慎处理这个问题。

    Handle this problem with care .

  19. 我们都知道,如果不谨慎处理,情况会变得更糟。

    We all know that , if not carefully dealt with , the situation will get worse .

  20. 这些外国投资者的积极性,虽然值得欢迎的,但是我们也需要采取与保留之处,谨慎处理。

    Such foreign investors'enthusiasm , though welcome , needs to be taken with a pinch of salt .

  21. 另外,也要加强贷后风险管理以及谨慎处理问题信贷。

    Moreover , we should strengthen the loan , risk management as well as discrete processing question credit .

  22. 我保证我们在纽约的公司今后将会谨慎处理此事的。

    I 'll make sure my office in New York is more careful about it in the future .

  23. 谨慎处理切断的神经以避免敏感性的疼痛性神经瘤的发生。

    Care is taken in the handling of the transected nerves to avoid the development of sensitive , painful neuromas .

  24. 由于典故通常意义隐讳又具有鲜明的文化特色,在翻译中必须谨慎处理。

    Since allusions are characterized by their implicity and cultural property , they must be dealt with very carefully in translation .

  25. 从传记作者的角度来看,这些信件应该谨慎处理。

    These letters , when look at from a biographer 's point of view , must be treated with great caution .

  26. 草率结婚、不懂何为真爱,法院不得不谨慎处理他们的离婚案件。

    They often marry rashly without knowing the meaning of true love , leading the court to treat their divorce lawsuits with caution .

  27. 通过理论解释和现实考察发现,金融机构固有的脆弱性是金融机构退出必须谨慎处理的内在因素。

    Through the theoretical and practical analysis we found that , financial institution market withdrawal must be handled carefully because of the nature of fragility .

  28. 杜一直都很正直,还谨慎处理公务。他活了很长时间,最后寿终正寝。

    Du was always honest , and carried out his duties carefully . He lived a long life and died at home of old age .

  29. 他警告说,如果相关问题不谨慎处理,那么中国国有企业的问题不仅仅会危害中国经济,还会波及社会及政治方面。

    He warned that if not , the problems with China 's SOEs could not only wreck China 's economy , but also have socio-political implications .

  30. 为了使该工程的落实效果达到最大化,有必要对各方的经济行为进行分析,谨慎处理其间的博弈关系。

    To maximize the effects of this project , it is necessary to analyze economic behaviors of all aspects and conduct the relationship between them seriously .