
  1. 然而,银行家仍保持态度谨慎,因融资市场不可预测,且交易环境继续不稳。

    However , bankers remain cautious as financing markets are unpredictable and the environment for deals continues to stutter .

  2. 对流动性储备更加严格的监管审查,有可能降低投资银行借助大胆利用资产负债表获利的能力,迫使它们更加谨慎地对待融资和资本状况。

    Closer regulatory scrutiny of liquidity reserves could diminish investment banks ' ability to reap profits through aggressive use of their balance sheet by forcing them to be more prudent with funding and capital .

  3. 得出基本结论:医药行业上市公司的资本结构决策总体比较谨慎,企业融资顺序有待调整,企业债券市场需要进一步完善。

    The basic conclusion is that the capital structure decision-making of listed companies of medicine industry overall is quite discrete , companies financing order needs for adjustment , the companies bond market require perfecting further .