
  • 网络local fiscal management
  1. 汉代地方财政管理比较健全,实行中央统一调度,郡国、县乡分级管理体制。

    Comparatively , the local fiscal administration is systematic in Han Dynasty .

  2. 布政使的管理有一套比较完善的地方财政管理体系和监督机制。

    The management of a commissioner had a relatively comprehensive managing system of finance and a set of supervision structure .

  3. 地方财政风险管理问题研究

    The Research on Management of Local Fiscal Risk

  4. 地方财政预算管理中的问题与对策

    Problems in Local Financial Budget Administration

  5. 国库集中收付是财政国库管理制度改革重要内容,会计集中核算向国库集中收付转轨是财政部深化地方财政国库管理制度改革的要求。

    Unified Treasury Collection System is the important content of the reform of treasury administration system . Centralized Accounting shifting to the Unified Treasury Collection is the requirement of deepening the reform of local financial treasury administration system of Ministry of Finance .

  6. 作为中央与地方政府财政支出管理的重要分支之一,政府采购行为在国民经济活动中起着重要的作用。

    As an important branch of central and local government fiscal expenditure management , government procurement practices play an important role in the national economy active .

  7. 地方财政支出改革与管理研究

    Study on Changing and Managing of Local Financial Expenditure

  8. 地方税体系属于财政管理体制的范畴,它是以中央政府和地方政府为主体的,以地方税为对象的分配管理体系。

    Local tax system belongs to public finance management system . The central government and local government are the main body of it , and local tax is its object .

  9. 地方债务的隐蔽性及不规范会增加地方财政的管理难度,形成财政风险积聚,阻碍经济健康发展。

    The hidden nature and non-standard of the local debt will increase the difficulty of local financial management , accumulating financial risks and preventing the healthy economic development .

  10. 地方财政支出是我国公共财政支出的主体,完善地方公共财政支出的管理是建立公共财政框架的关键和突破口。

    The key point and breakthrough of establishing the framework of public finance is to promote the reform of local public expenditure .

  11. 清代福建地方财政与政府职能的演变&《福建省例》研究地方财政对税政管理中存在的问题及对策

    The Evolution of Local Finance and Government Functions in Fujian during the Qing Dynasty Problems of and Their Countermeasures for the Taxation Management Carried out by the Local Finance

  12. 提出了建立地方公共财政框架的建议,包括规范地方公共收入体系、优化地方财政支出、加强地方财政预算管理、完善地方财政经营管理水平。

    I give advise about how to set up local public financial system , including ruling local public revenue system , optimization local expenditure , strengthen local public budget control , improving public finance business administration level .