
dì yì quán
  • easement;servitude;district;predial servitude
  1. 我国的《物权法》此次明确规定了地役权制度。

    Property Law of the P.R.C. definitely prescribes the easement system .

  2. 第二部分:地役权与相关权利。

    The second part : Easement and its related right .

  3. 论我国地役权制度的立法选择

    On the lawmaking of a service of our country power system

  4. 因此,我国的水权包括水资源所有权、使用权和地役权,在水资源的利用中,主要表现为水资源使用权人之间的相邻权关系和地役权关系。

    Easement and neighbor right are important for using water .

  5. 第一部分,地役权的基本理论分析。

    Part one : Analyzing the basic theory of easement .

  6. 对中国公共地役权制度的探讨和立法建议

    Discussion and Legislative Proposal on Public Easement System in China

  7. 地役权在在用益物权体系中占据着重要的地位。

    The Servitude plays an important role in the usufructuary right system .

  8. 相邻建筑物间之利用关系的地役权调整

    On Easement Adjustment Of The Mutual-Utilization Relationship Among Neighboring Buildings

  9. 私人妨害原则与相邻权、地役权

    The Rules of Private Nuisance , Neighborhood Rights and Servitudes

  10. 地役权制度的价值分析及框架设计

    The Value Analysis and Frame Design of the Easement System

  11. 地役权是物权法上的一项重要制度。

    Easement is an important system in The Law of Real Property .

  12. 论私法手段下地役权制度对环境保护的启示

    Inspiration of Environmental Protection Easement by Means of Private Law

  13. 地役权是一种古老的他物权,创设于罗马法。

    Easement is a kind of old principle , founded in Roman law .

  14. 这部分内容有助于对地役权的相关理论进行详细的了解。

    This part of the relevant theories contributes to understand the easement detailedly .

  15. 对罗马法地役权制度的考察与分析

    Review and Analysis on Servitude System of Roman Law

  16. 地役权与相邻权两者有着本质区别。

    There are substantial differentiations between the concept of easement and neighbor right .

  17. 公共地役权与传统地役权以及相邻关系具有很大的不同。

    Public easement is very different from the traditional easement or the adjacent relationship .

  18. 地役权制度的立法价值与模式选择

    Choice of Legislative Value and Pattern of Easement

  19. 作为一种重要的地役权,眺望地役权具有地役权的法律属性。

    As an important servitude , view servitude has the legal attributes of servitude .

  20. 第三部分:我国土地公有制对地役权制度的影响。

    The third part : The influence of public ownership of land to easement .

  21. 地役权立法价值及其制度构造研究

    The Lawmaking Value and System Construction of Easement

  22. 地役权适用范围及内部权利结构

    Applicable scope and inner right structure of easement

  23. 第四部分:关于我国地役权制度的立法思考。

    The fourth part : About the legislation thoughts of easement of our state .

  24. 第二章:地役权法律关系主体和客体问题研究。

    The second part of the dissertation studies the subjects and objects of easement .

  25. 因法律行为而设立的地役权,地役权自登记时设立。

    Easements that established by legal actions come into effect as soon as registration .

  26. 论地役权若干法律问题

    On Several Legal Problems About Easement

  27. 地役权作为最早的他物权制度,发端于罗马法,伴随着所有权概念而成熟,并为大陆法系及英美法系的主要国家所接受。

    Servitude as the earliest of his property rights system , was produced in Roman law .

  28. 最后对地役权制度立法体系的选择作了说明。

    Finally , the author made an explanation about the option of legislation system of easement .

  29. 正文部分包括四章:第一章:地役权制度的渊源与发展。

    The text falls into four chapter : The First Chapter : Source and Development of Easement .

  30. 第三章论述地役权的消灭,包括客观原因之消灭和情状变更之消灭。

    The third chapter discusses the easement , including the objective reasons of circumstances change and destroy .