
  • 网络geographical relation
  1. 论中国东北地缘关系及因应对策

    A study on the geographical relation in northeastern China and corresponding strategies

  2. 当然,由于不同的国家与我国的经贸关系和地缘关系不同,以及市场的开放和发达程度不同,相同的机制对不同国家的证券市场影响是不同的,这需要具体情况具体分析。

    Of course , the same mechanisms would have different impact on securities market in different countries because of the differences in their economic , trading and geographical relation with China and their market openness and level of development .

  3. 同处于东亚的日本与中国有着一衣带水的地缘关系。

    Japan and China in East Asia have the geopolitical relations .

  4. 闲暇时的社会交往对象仍然以亲缘关系、地缘关系为主。

    Social contacts in leisure time are still to genetic relationship , geographic-based .

  5. 寻找新的全球经济增长动力:经济滑坡和地缘关系变迁中的企业管理

    Finding New Sources for Global Growth : Managing Economic Slowdown and Geopolitical Transformation

  6. 地缘关系在当今国际社会的矛盾斗争中是客观存在的。

    The geo-relation in the contradictory and conflict of international society exists objectively .

  7. 二者在历史上及在地缘关系上都同中国关系密切。

    Both are historically and geographically close to China .

  8. 国际关系的变化趋势与地缘关系理论的变革

    On the trends of international relation and the innovation of the theory of geo-relation

  9. 地缘关系与世界经济地理学科建设

    Geo-relation and course construction of World Economic Geography

  10. 垦殖移民造成了台湾村落的形成,移民们或以地缘关系、或以血缘关系组成村落。

    Cultivation immigration to Taiwan formed the villages by the relationship of territory or consanguinity .

  11. 桂东地区由于地缘关系,在承接东部产业转移方面具有独特的前沿优势。

    Owing to their geographic position , the eastern areas of Guangxi have the foremost advantages .

  12. 在迁出地,移民的生产支持网主要是由亲缘和地缘关系构成的。

    In the move , the production support network mainly by composition of kinship and geographical .

  13. 中朝有着深厚的传统友谊、密切的地缘关系、广泛的共同利益。

    China and the DPRK enjoy a deep traditional friendship , geographical proximity and wide-ranging common interests .

  14. 宗族是一个依托血缘关系和地缘关系而组建的社会组织。

    The clan is a social organization which is based on the ties of blood and region .

  15. 在现阶段,中俄地缘关系主要表现为双边友好的特点。试析东汉通好西域的原因

    Sino-Russia relationship mainly features friendly . Reasons of East Han 's Making Friendly Relationship with the Western Regions

  16. 陕西与湖北由于有着特殊的地缘关系,历史时期一直就存在着经贸往来。

    Because of the special location , Hubei and Shaanxi provinces had the natural trade relations in the past time .

  17. 在网络关系构成上,亲属关系、地缘关系发挥着重要的作用。

    With regard to the component of network , relative and geographical relations are still playing the key part among them .

  18. 地缘关系成为业缘关系的映射,平等的邻里关系被置于等级性的业缘关系之下。

    The geopolitical relation is the mapping of professional relation , and the equal neighborhood relationship is placed the level under the professional relation .

  19. 由于地缘关系和历史上的经贸往来,深圳与东南亚地区经贸关系非常紧密。

    Because of the geographic location and the trade relation in history , Shenzhen has a very close trade relation with Southeast Asia regions .

  20. 由于地缘关系及古代交通条件的限制,各地区的产品互有影响。

    The products of different regions had influences upon each other for the geopolitic reasons and the restrictions of the transportation in ancient time .

  21. 这部分研究也是按照地缘关系,将研究内容从区域扩展到国际&在更广阔层面进行探索。

    This part expands the research area from region to world by following the geo-relationship development of the study to continue a more broad analysis .

  22. 科学技术越是发展,文明的融合越是深入,国家间地缘关系就越为突出。

    With the development of science and technology and the deeper of the civilized fusion , the geo-relation between different countries is more and more prominent .

  23. 中国与东盟建立自由贸易区有其深刻的时代背景和地缘关系基础,并不是短暂的政治博弈与权宜之策。

    Establishing CAFTA is not a transient political game or an expedient plan , but a wise act under profound background and foundation of geographical relations .

  24. 农民的社会资本主要是传统的亲缘地缘关系网络,这决定了他们获取非农就业信息渠道的单调性;

    Peasants ' social capital is mainly formed by networks of blood relationship and geographical relationship . This leads the limitation of their employment information channel .

  25. 在现阶段,执行难有其必然性,其最主要的原因是“地缘关系”和“人缘关系”的干扰。

    At present , the difficulty of execution is inevitable and the main reasons are the interference of " regional relations " and " human relations " .

  26. 本课题的研究对象是分布于湖南省常德市灌溪镇中的民间乐班。这是一种在民间丧葬仪式中从事音乐活动、以血缘、地缘关系为基础的民间社会组织。

    The investigational object of this article is the folk bands which have a wide distribution at the countryside of Guanxi at Changde town of Hunan province .

  27. 因此新疆成为了祖国的西大门、向西开放的桥头堡,地缘关系独特,战略地位重要。

    So Xinjiang becomes the west gate of the motherland , a bridgehead opened to west , it has the unique geopolitical relations and important strategic position .

  28. 中朝两国由于地缘关系以及长期以来相互交流形成的文化基础,朝鲜人对中国的传统文化理解与贯彻不亚于中国人,因而朝鲜的文化发展与农业文明在古代是比较先进的。

    Owing to their geographical position and longtime cultural foundation through mutual exchanges , the Korean have no less understanding of traditional Chinese culture than the Chinese .

  29. 由于世界性的水资源问题,国际河流以其独特的地缘关系及与国际政治、经济的密切联系而受到关注。

    Owing to the global water resource crisis , international river basins have been paying attention seriously by internationalization with geopolitics . economy and diplomacy among of countries .

  30. 由于地缘关系,广州人有去香港消费的习惯,因此广州本地的奢侈市场的发展或多或少会受到一些影响。

    Because of its geographic advantage , Guangzhou people like to go shopping in Hong Kong , which impacts the development of the local luxury market in Guangzhou .