
  1. 地区主导产业选择的AHP模型及其应用

    An AHP Model for Selecting Regional Leading Industry and Its Application

  2. 一个地区主导产业的状况决定区域经济的总体状况。

    The dominant industry determines the general development situation of the region .

  3. 长江三峡地区主导产业部门选择

    Selection of leading industries in the Three Gorges area of the Changjiang River

  4. 陕北地区主导产业发展可拓决策研究

    The Research of Extension Decision on the Development of Shan-Bei Region 's Dominant Properties

  5. 东北地区主导产业培育与产业体系重构研究

    Research on the cultivation of leading industries and reconstruction of industry system in Northeast China

  6. 在第二产业调整策略上,则把论述的重点放在传统产业改造与升级和地区主导产业的建立方面。

    Reforming traditional productivity and establishing regional leading industry are all necessary for the second industry .

  7. 湖北民族地区主导产业选择的挑战与机遇研究

    The Research on the Challenges and Opportunities of Selecting Leading Industries in Minority Areas of Hubei Province

  8. 其次,从规范的角度对西北地区主导产业的选择问题进行分析。

    Secondly , selection of leading industry is analyzed from the normative point of view in the Northwest Region .

  9. 从耗散结构理论视角看欠发达地区主导产业的选择与培育问题

    A Probe into the Selection and Fostering of Leading Industry in Less Developed Regions in the light the Theory of Dissipative Structures

  10. 边缘地区主导产业成长机制是基于区域协调平衡发展、新型地域经济关系以及后发地区实现跨越式发展背景诞生的课题。

    Growth mechanism is a subject based on regional balanced development , new relationship of regional economic and great-leap-forward development of late-developing area .

  11. 主要研究内容为:(1)揭示了边缘地区主导产业的形成机理。

    The main research contents are as follows : ( 1 ) This paper reveals the formation mechanism of leading industries in the periphery region .

  12. 应用投入产出分析选择地区主导产业以上海市为例轨道交通对居住地选择的影响以上海市的调查为例

    Applying the Input and Output to Analyzing and Choosing Leading Industry in One Area & A Case Study on Shanghai ; Rail Transit and Residential Location Choice

  13. 特别的,本章在论述陕西省优先发展咨询业的理论依据时,借鉴传统产业经济学关于图家或地区主导产业的特征及选择基准的有关理论,提出了次主导产业理论。

    Especially , using the character and select standard of leading industry of one country or one zone , the paper brings forward the theory of Sub-leading industry .

  14. 文章以云南文山三七产业为例,说明欠发达地区主导产业的选择方法和原则,以期为确定和培育特色主导产业提供借鉴。

    This article takes the pseudo ginseng industry in Wenshan , Yunnan , as an example to illustrate the selection methods and principles of leading industries in underdeveloped regions .

  15. 以主导产业转换的规律性趋势为理论依据,以重庆为例,分析中国地区主导产业转换的特点。

    With the regularity trend of leading industry change is theory basis , takes Chongqing , and analyses the characteristic of leading industry change of China district as the example .

  16. 随着农村经济发展和农业现代化进程的加快,柑橘业作为湖南一些地区主导产业和农民收入的主要增长点,充分发挥具有比较优势的柑橘业的作用更加突出。

    With the development of the rural economy and agricultural modernization , the citrus industry has become the leading industry in some areas of Hunan and the main growth and the income of the farmers .

  17. 将西北地区主导产业发展环境与主导产业选择的一般理论相结合,研究当前西北地区主导产业选择应坚持的原则、基准与应注意的问题,并对该地区主导产业形成的历史变迁进程进行研究。

    With combination of the development of leading industries in Northwest environment and leading industries of the general theory , the principles , criteria and precautions that the leading industries selection should pay attention to in Northwest China are researched .

  18. 结果表明所选主导产业对经济增长、社会发展和产业结构调整优化均有显著的带动促进作用,验证了边缘地区主导产业选择评价指标体系及评价方法的科学性和合理性。

    The results show what the selected leading industry has promotion significantly for the increasing economic , society development and the adjustment and optimization of industrial structure . Meanwhile , it is also verified scientific and correct of the measured methods and the socio economic impact index .

  19. 本研究尝试突破现有理论框架,着力于分析德宏自治州的具体情况对于发展主导产业的利弊影响,重点关注地区主导产业和国家主导产业的区别。

    This paper attempts to break through the existing theoretical framework , focus on the analysis of the specific circumstances of the Dehong Autonomous Prefecture of pros and cons for the development of leading industries , focusing on the difference between the regional leading industry and country-led industry .

  20. 论地区主导工业产业选择的原则及其评价指标体系

    On Principles for Selecting the Local Leading Industries and Evaluating Index Systems

  21. 工业是一个地区的主导产业,其兴衰对一个地区经济的发展有着重大的影响。

    Industry is the leading industries of a region , the rise and fall has a major impact on the region .

  22. 其现实意义在于关于德宏自治州主导产业选择和发展的研究对民族地区发展主导产业有一定的借鉴意义。

    In addition , the Dehong Autonomous Prefecture , leading the selection and development of the industry on a national regional development leading industry reference .

  23. 所以笔者将从生态化生猪的产业定位入手,并提出战略,通过产业定位分析预测生态化生猪产业将作为养猪农村地区的主导产业的发展趋势。

    So the author from the role of ecological pig industry , and put forward the strategy , through the industry positioning analysis and forecast the development trend of ecological pig industry .

  24. 近年来,在知识化、专业化、信息化的强力驱动下,技术、知识密集型的现代服务业迅速崛起,成为发达国家和地区的主导产业和新的经济增长点。

    In resent years , with the vigorous knowledge-based , specialization and informatization impelling force , the technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive modern service section has expanded rapidly and become the leading industry and new economic growth point in developed countries and areas .

  25. 论地区经济中主导产业群的选择

    The Selection of Leading Industrial Group in Regional Economy

  26. 西部大开发为民族地区县市农业主导产业的发展创造了良好的机遇。

    West Development provides a good opportunity for the development of dominant agriculture in the territory of minorities .

  27. 草地畜牧业是黄土高原半干旱地区的传统主导产业之一,也是发展该地区农村经济的基础。

    Stockbreeding is one of the traditional dominant industries on Loess Plateau , and it is also the foundation to develop the country economy in Northwest China .

  28. 坝上地区资源优势与主导产业优化初步研究

    Study on Regional Resource Advantage of Bashang Plateau and Optimum of Its Dominant Industry

  29. 对外劳务输出已经发展成为一些国家和地区经济发展的主导产业。

    In some countries and regions , labor services export has grown into an leading industry contributing to the economy progress .

  30. 由于地理、资源、以及行业的外部效益等因素,泉州市各个地区均有自己的主导产业,各个产业的资本性质也有很大差别。

    In terms of geography , natural resources , history and externalities , each region in Quanzhou has its own leading industry with different nature .