
  • 网络greater china;greater china region;Great China;Gcg
  1. 李开复,Google大中华区总裁,数本畅销书的作者。

    Kai-Fu Lee is the president of Google Greater China , and the author of several best-selling books in Chinese .

  2. 从收益来看,大中华区是苹果的第二大市场,ApplePay也涵盖了国内80%的信用卡和借记卡。

    Greater China is Apple 's second-largest market by revenue and Apple has enlisted 80 percent of Chinese credit and debit cards for Apple Pay .

  3. 他是总部位于新加坡的地产投资公司太平星集团(pacificstargroup)的大中华区执行主席。

    He is executive chairman China , Pacific Star Group , a property investment firm .

  4. 大中华区IPO创620亿美元新高

    IPO in Great China hit new high : 62 billion dollars

  5. 康柏从PC转向互联&访康柏公司大中华区公司总裁俞新昌

    Compaq : Shifting from PC to Internet An Interview with Yu Xinchang , CEO of Compaq Co. , China Mega-area

  6. 德鹰集团是一家在英国PLUS板上市(上市编号:FEGP)并致力服务大中华区中小型企业的专业融资顾问公司。

    Ford Eagle Group Limited is a specialized advisory group focusing on the small to mid-sized company sector in China .

  7. 这种情况是不可持续的,澳新银行(ANZBank)大中华区经济研究总监刘利刚表示。

    This is not sustainable , said Li-Gang Liu , head of China economics at ANZ Bank .

  8. 当苹果(Apple)上个月报告称该公司的利润打破记录,达到180亿美元(约合1124亿元人民币)时,该公司表示收益的增长很大程度上源于在大中华区的销售。

    When Apple reported a record-shattering profit of $ 18 billion last month , the company said its growth came largely from sales in greater China .

  9. 据澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团(AustraliaandNewZealandBankingGroup)的大中华区首席经济学家刘利刚估计,中国企业的实际贷款利率高於10%的年率。

    Li-Gang Liu , the chief economist for greater China at the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group , estimates that real borrowing rates for Chinese companies are over 10 percent per year .

  10. 大中华区亿万富翁的总财富净值为1.4万亿美元,略低于该地区2015年国内生产总值(GDP)总和的八分之一。

    The combined net worth of the Greater Chinese billionaires is $ 1.4tn , just under an eighth of the region 's combined 2015 gross domestic product .

  11. 由于iPhone对中国消费者依然具有吸引力,去年大中华区的销售额翻番至125亿美元。

    Sales from the Greater China region doubled last year to $ 12.5bn , as the iPhone retains its cache among Chinese consumers .

  12. 大致说来,全球需求下降很可能压低大宗商品价格,德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)大中华区首席经济学家马骏表示。

    Broadly speaking , the decline in global demand will likely reduce commodity prices , says Ma Jun , chief economist for Greater China at Deutsche Bank .

  13. •美国iPhone销量增长155%,部分得益于Verizon;大中华区增长250%

    • U.S. iPhone sales were up 155 % , thanks in part to Verizon ; Greater China up 250 %

  14. SimonYuan就是瑞信最近招聘的员工之一,他从美林(MerrillLynch)去职后,担任瑞信大中华区金融机构业务联席主管。

    Among the bank 's recent hires are Simon Yuan , who quit Merrill Lynch to co-head its greater China financial institutions coverage .

  15. 对于苹果公司(Apple)来说,大中华区一直是iPhone销售增长最快的市场之一,因此,它想要把这里的业务扩大一倍以上。

    For Apple , greater China has been one of its fastest growing markets for iPhone sales , so the company wants to more than double its presence there .

  16. 如果上述预测准确,大中华区有望保持全球最大IPO融资中心的地位。

    If the forecast proves correct , it is likely to ensure that greater China remains the world 's largest centre for capital raisings from IPOs .

  17. 阿迪达斯大中华区营销副总裁毕宝元(PaulPi)表示,我们的重点是发展体育运动,给个人参与的机会。

    ' Our focus is to develop sports , to give individuals the chance to participate , 'says Paul Pi , Adidas vice president of marketing for China .

  18. 雀巢(Nestlé)大中华区的瑞士总裁狄可为(RolandDecorvet)汉语说得很流利。

    Roland Decorvet , the Swiss head of Nestl é in China , speaks fluent Mandarin .

  19. 我们将看到巨额投资和极少回报,IBM大中华区电信业务负责人俞伟表示。

    We are looking at huge investments and little returns , says Yu Wei , head of IBM 's telecommunications practice in Greater China , which does consulting work for all three operators .

  20. 这家软件巨头周四表示,前摩托罗拉亚太区总裁梁念坚(SimonLeung)将担任微软大中华区首席执行长,接替陈永正(TimChen)。

    The software giant said Thursday that Simon Leung , previously a president of Asia Pacific for Motorola , will be its new China chief executive .

  21. Twitter任命了首位大中华区董事总经理,并承诺要扩大对该地区的投资——尽管自2009年以来该网站在中国内地一直处于封禁状态。

    Twitter has appointed its first managing director for greater China and pledged to expand its investment in the region , despite being banned in mainland China since 2009 .

  22. 知情人士说,高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)大中华区主席胡祖六(FredHu)将在4月份离任,到一家新成立的私募股权公司任职。

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 's China chairman , Fred Hu , is leaving Goldman in April to pursue a new private-equity venture , according to people familiar with the situation .

  23. 通用磨坊大中华区总裁朱玺(GaryChu)表示,该公司去年速冻饺子销售额增长率为两位数,达到2亿美元。

    Gary Chu , head of General Mills ' China business , said dumpling sales were growing at double-digit rates annually and topped $ 200m last year .

  24. 塞雷内•纳赫(SereneNah)曾担任通用电气金融(GECapital)大中华区首席财务官,在这家过去十年一直为之效力的集团里拥有光明的前景。

    Serene Nah was GE Capital 's chief financial officer for greater China and had bright prospects in the group where she had worked for the past 10 years .

  25. KKR公司在大中华区有14名投资专家,而且还有三名致力于提升投资组合公司业务的开普斯通集团(CapstoneGroup)成员。

    The firm has 14 investment professionals focused on Greater China , plus three members of its capstone group , which focuses on improving portfolio companies operations .

  26. 广告公司智威汤逊(jwt)大中华区首席执行官唐锐涛(tomdoctoroff)为月光族的消费模式进行了辩解。

    Tom Doctoroff , Greater China CEO of JWT , the advertising agency , defends the Yue Guang Zu spending patterns .

  27. 万达集团(WandaGroup)董事长王健林依然是大中华区最富有的人,财富净值达260亿美元,只比香港富豪李嘉诚高了10亿美元。

    Wang Jianlin , chairman of Wanda Group , remains Greater China 's richest person with a net worth of $ 26bn , just $ 1bn more than Li Ka-shing , the Hong Kong tycoon .

  28. 李开复是台湾人,他是中国科技圈中最知名的高管之一,这主要是因为他曾担任微软(Microsoft)中国业务负责人,之后还曾担任谷歌大中华区总裁。

    Mr. Lee , who is Taiwanese , is one of the most celebrated executives in the Chinese tech world , thanks largely to his work heading up the China operations of Microsoft and later Google .

  29. 阿迪达斯大中华区董事总经理高嘉礼(ColinCurrie)解释了为何延安等城市如此重要。

    Colin Currie , managing director of Adidas China , explains why towns such as Yan ' an are so important .

  30. 施瓦茨曼还表示,大中华区主席梁锦松(antonyleung)将进入该公司执委会。

    Mr Schwarzman also said that Antony Leung , head of Greater China , would join the Executive Committee of the firm .