
dà zhònɡ méi jiè
  • mass media
  1. 所谓接近权(rightofaccesstothemedia),就是指利用大众媒介表达思想、观点和意见以及发布信息的权利。

    The so-called right of access to the media means the right of using the mass media to express ideal , view and put out information .

  2. IMC概念下的企业形象设计,在大众媒介的传播中所强调的是统一、重复的品牌形象,以求得消费者对品牌的认知。

    The enterprise image designing in terms of IMC stresses in the mass media a unified and repeated brand image , aiming at the recognition of the consumers .

  3. 本文通过田野调查的方式,选取安徽省的Z村和甘肃省的G村为个案,对村庄中的大众媒介进行研究。

    In this article it is as well in the way of field work that mass media in villages get studied , taking the village Z in An ' hui Province and the village G in Gansu Province as cases .

  4. 传统上,电视早已成为大众媒介。

    Traditionally , television has been a medium of the masses .

  5. 当代大众媒介日益国际化和全球化。

    The contemporary mass media is becoming transnational and global .

  6. 大众媒介传播与受众认知的互动分析

    Analysis on Mutual Actions between Mass Communication and Audience Cognition

  7. 媒介是谁:对大众媒介社会定位的探讨&兼论大众传播研究的社会学框架

    What is the Media : A Discussion on Media Position in Society

  8. 大众媒介人力资源资本化的必然

    On the Inevitability of the Capitalization of the Mass Media Human Resources

  9. 电视是大众媒介中极其重要的一种传播手段。

    TV is an extremely important means of communication for mass media .

  10. 中国大众媒介公信力影响因素分析

    An Analysis on Influence Factors of Public Trust in China 's Media

  11. 公民新闻的实践以各种大众媒介为载体。

    The practice of citizen journalism is based on various mass media .

  12. 大众媒介的政治属性与政治功能

    The Political Attribute and Political Function of Mass Media

  13. 论大众媒介与体育产业的互动关系

    The Interactive Relationship between Mass Media and Sports Industry

  14. 大众媒介的社会责任和素养教育

    The Social Responsibility of Mass Media Media Literacy Education

  15. 大众媒介与首届现代奥运会

    Mass Media and the First Modern Olympic Games

  16. 大众媒介在公众社会角色获得中的潜在意义

    Potential Meaning in the Social Role of the Public Obtain of the Mass Media

  17. 现代社会是大众媒介支配的社会。

    Modern society is controlled by the media .

  18. 自诞生之日起,奥运会就与大众媒介共生共长。

    From its birth , the Olympic Games has been growing with public media .

  19. 广告借助大众媒介得以广泛传播。

    Advertisement widely disseminates through mass media .

  20. 广东省2007年大众媒介药品广告规范性分析

    Analysis of Standard of Drug Advertising Among the Mass Media in Guangdong Province in 2007

  21. 本文先简要分析了图书馆与大众媒介之间的关系,通过分析,得出了图书馆是重要的大众传播通道,并能使简单大众传播效果增强的结论。

    First of all , this essay summarizes the relationship between library and mass medium .

  22. 在传媒时代,文学的传播要依附大众媒介而进行。

    In the media era , the spread of literature depends on the mass media .

  23. 从汶川地震看我国大众媒介与国家形象传播

    Regarding the Public Media and Nation Image Broadcasting from the View of the Wenchuan Earthquake

  24. 大众媒介与大众文化对广告产生影响,而广告使众多消费者产生即兴购物行为。

    Mass media and popular culture influence advertising , and advertising in turn produces impulsive purchase .

  25. 大众媒介的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Public Media

  26. 试析大众媒介在中国消费文化兴起和传播中的作用

    Analysis of the Role of Mass Media in the Rise and Dissemination of Chinese Consumer Culture

  27. 大众媒介对于国际新闻的报道很大程度上决定了国内受众如何想象当今世界图景。

    The international news report largely determines the way how the domestic audiences imagine the world .

  28. 关于大众媒介在西部贫困地区现状的调查报告

    Investigation on the Status Quo of Mass Media in Depressed Areas in the West of China

  29. 论大众媒介与消费主义

    On Mass Media and Consumerism

  30. 就承担社会责任而言,当前的大众媒介已有了很大的进步,某些媒体的表现更是可圈可点。

    Nowadays , mass media has already made great progress on it , and some even remarkable .