
dòng huà
  • animation;cartoon;animated drawing;cameracature
动画[dòng huà]
  1. Cinderella《灰姑娘》迪士尼在2015年出了一部真人版电影《灰姑娘》,但是和1950年动画版并没有太大差别。

    Disney 's live-action Cinderella came out in 2015 , but it wasn 't much different from the 1950 cartoon .

  2. 2017年3月,一名被反锁家中看动画片的5岁女童模仿动画场景,持伞从11楼跳下,造成重伤。

    In March 2017 , a five-year-old girl who was locked at home alone and left to watch cartoons suffered serious injuries after jumping from the 11th floor with an umbrella in imitation of a cartoon scene .

  3. 《恐龙》结合了电脑生成的动画和外景地实地拍摄的画面。

    ‘ Dinosaur ’ combines CGI animation with live-action location shots .

  4. 这些电影将动画制作和长篇故事片融为一体。

    The films are a mix of animation and full-length features .

  5. 要使电脑动画的视觉效果达到要求的逼真程度,花费会十分昂贵。

    At the required level of visual verisimilitude , computer animation is costly .

  6. 动画不再仅仅吸引小孩子和动漫迷的眼球,而成了主流娱乐方式。

    Animation has stopped being eye-candy for kids and geeks and become mainstream entertainment .

  7. 迪斯尼又回到了它最擅长的领域:制作动画长片。

    Disney has returned to what it does best : making full-length animated feature films .

  8. 计算机科学家们已经创造了一个叫作“贝蒂的大脑”的动画人物,她被数百个中学生“教授”了环境科学。

    Computer scientists have created an animated figure called Betty 's Brain , who has been " taught " about environmental science by hundreds of middle school students .

  9. ONART关于艺术如果手绘动画是一种消亡的艺术,我们也无能为力。

    If [ hand-drawn animation ] is a dying craft , we can 't do anything about it .

  10. GodzillavsKong《哥斯拉大战金刚》在拳台的一头是曾在1933年定格动画真人电影中饱受相思之苦,然后在2017年电影《金刚:骷髅岛》中重生的大猩猩。

    In the red corner : a lovelorn ape that came to stop-motion life in 1933 , and was revived in 2017 's Kong : Skull16 Island .

  11. PeterRabbit2《比得兔2:逃跑计划》评论界对于2018年的《比得兔》评价不太高,这部真人动画电影与其说改编自毕翠克丝·波特的可爱图画书,不如说改编自滑稽暴力卡通片《兔八哥》。

    Critics weren 't too keen on 2018 's Peter Rabbit , a blend of live-action and animation1 that owed less to Beatrix Potter 's charming picture books than to the slapstick violence of a Bugs2 Bunny cartoon .

  12. 这正是这些国风动画在中国兴起的原因。

    This is why these guofeng animations are rising in China .

  13. 能够用平面和多媒体软件制作简单的电影及动画

    Ability to create simple movie and animations using graphic & multimedia software .

  14. 这是他客串动画《辛普森一家》时用的剧本,是藏品的重要组成部分。

    His script from the Simpsons is an important part of the collection .

  15. 最佳动画短片:《哈布洛先生》

    Best short animated film : Mr. Hublot

  16. 其他动画作品则另辟蹊径。

    Other animations take a different approach .

  17. 这一说法因美国喜剧频道播放的动画情景喜剧“南方公园”里的麦基先生流行起来。

    It 's made popular by Mr. Mackey on the Comedy Central animated2 sitcom3 South Park .

  18. 科伊尔和松田把多年从事动画工作的经验带到该影片的制作中,他们曾参与过许多动画电影和电视节目的制作,但这是他们在击败了多位导演后的首次合作。

    Coyle and Matsuda bring years of animation as they beat out many other directors for the job .

  19. 关于为什么这么多角色戴手套的简短回答是动画是一个密集的过程。

    The short answer as to why so many characters wear gloves is that animation is an intensive process .

  20. 一旦动画从黑白中移开,米奇和他的好朋友们都会留下他们标志性的白手套。

    Once animation moved away from black and white , Mickey and his pals2 kept their signature white gloves .

  21. 在这一热潮之下,各种改编、原创剧集百花齐放,精彩纷呈。中国动画迷有福了!2021年将会有一大批国漫上线。

    Good news for fans of Chinese animations series will come out this year on Tencent Video , iQiyi , Youku and Bilibili .

  22. 这些是印刷书籍,平板电脑上的基本电子书,以及具有动画,图形和声音效果等功能的增强型电子书。

    These were printed books , basic e-books on a tablet , and enhanced e-books with features such as animation2 , graphics3 and sound effects .

  23. 这一在流行文化史上举足轻重的动画形象是迪士尼的好友兼合伙人乌布·伊沃克斯创造的,但是伊沃克斯却被剥夺了著作权。

    His close friend and collaborator1 Ub Iwerks did , though he was " denied credit " for creating this major piece of pop culture history .

  24. 虽然关于迪士尼最着名的角色有许多令人惊讶的事实,但在动画人物上戴上手套实际上是一个非常合乎逻辑的举动。

    Although there are many surprising facts about Disney ’ s most famous characters , putting gloves on animation1 characters is actually a pretty logical move .

  25. 除了保持动画简单,沃尔特迪斯尼告诉他的传记作者鲍勃托马斯,手套的存在是出于另一个原因:人性化鼠标。

    Besides keeping the animation simple , Walt Disney told his biographer , Bob Thomas , that the gloves exist for another reason : to humanize the mouse .

  26. 例如,《时光代理人》是绘梦动画和其他公司合作出品的一部原创动画剧集,讲述了两个年轻人经营照相馆的的故事。

    For example , Time Agents is an original series from Haoliners Animation League and other companies . It is the story of two young men who run a photo studio .

  27. 这部电影的情节如糖似蜜,女主角性格被动,只会傻笑,完全无视过去几十年来社会(包括迪士尼动画在内)已经向前走了很远。

    With its treacly plot and its simpering , passive heroine , it refused to acknowledge that society – and , for that matter , Disney cartoons – had moved on in the intervening decades .

  28. 报告列举了一些具体的例子,例如,在英国卡通片《小猪佩奇》的第七集中,动画角色骑在一个直升机吊着的大南瓜上,委员会认为这一镜头属于危险动作,可能误导孩子认为攀爬高处是很安全的。

    The report listed some specific examples such as in the seventh episode of the English cartoon Peppa Pig , characters ride on a giant pumpkin that is being airlifted by a helicopter , which the committee considers dangerous as it may mislead children into thinking it is safe to climb high places .

  29. C语言中动画技术的实现方法

    The Implementing Method of the Animation Technique In the C Language

  30. 动画技术在WEB页制作中的应用研究

    The Technique of Animation in Designing Web Page Study on the Application of Animation Technology in WEB