
  • 网络Dynamic Game;dynamical game;game with perfect information
  1. 不完全信息下P2P商业侵权的动态博弈分析

    Dynamic game of tortuous peer to peer business under incomplete information

  2. 企业RD网络化的动态博弈模型

    The Dynamic Game Model of Firms ' RD Network

  3. 基于Agent仿真的复杂商业银行信贷市场信贷动态博弈研究

    Agent-based Simulation of Complex Bank Credit System and Dynamic Game Analysis

  4. 基于MAS的机器人动态博弈系统协作策略研究

    Research on Cooperation Strategy of Robots in Dynamic Games Based on MAS

  5. 通过整合自主研发与协作研发两种形式可以建立企业RD网络化动态博弈模型与分析企业的RD投资决策。

    We can develop a dynamic model of corporation R D network-based game and analyze firms R D investment decisions by integrating independent research and cooperative research these two forms .

  6. 本文就是利用博弈论中的非合作博弈、多阶段完全信息动态博弈以及信息博弈论中的委托代理理论,构建了一个博弈框架来对企业RD激励因素进行分析并提出了相应的对策。

    In this thesis , we apply non-cooperative game , multiple - complete information dynamic game and commitment-agency theory of information game theory to establishment the incentive mechanism of enterprise R & D .

  7. 本文通过构建一个三方参与的两阶段动态博弈模型,来分析东道国的知识产权保护政策对于FDI的影响。

    This paper builds a mold of two-stage and three-player dynamic game to analyze the influence of host country 's policy of the intellectual property right protection on FDI .

  8. 本文根据政府和项目公司的博弈关系,通过建立动态博弈模型研究了在BOT项目中,项目公司应具备的管理水平。

    The paper studies the optimum management level of the project firm in the BOT project by the dynamic game model between the government and the project firm .

  9. 建立一个发行人和询价对象的动态博弈模型,分析询价对象在创业板高科技股票IPO询价阶段的报价行为。

    This paper sets up a dynamic game model between stock issuer and the inquiry objects to analyze the High-tech stocks IPO quotation behavior of inquiry objects in the undertaking board .

  10. 首先证明了在无约束假设下的合作博弈定价模型中,各级节点所获供应链整体利润高于非合作的Stackelberg动态博弈分散定价时的利润。

    It demonstrates that the supply chain nodes are favored more profits in the game of corporation than non-cooperative of Stackelberg dynamic game .

  11. 在BOT方式投资修建的铁路建设项目中,采用完全信息动态博弈模型,探讨了投资者与铁路运输客户之间的博弈分析。

    In railway projects financed by BOT mode , a full information dynamic game model is employed , which explores the game analysis between the investors and the customers of railway transport .

  12. 以质量成本投入方式为划分点,运用Nash博弈和Stackelberg博弈在交易双方之间分别进行静态和动态博弈。

    It will put the quality cost investment way as the division points , using nash game and stackelberg game respectively conduct static game and dynamic game between both parties .

  13. 利用多阶段动态博弈方法来探讨不同竞合模式的联盟形式选择问题,得出如下结论:从产业产量最大化角度,政府部门愿意让企业选择只在RD阶段合作的RD联盟形式;

    The problem of choice of strategic alliance forms under different co-competition modes is explored using an approach of more-stage game in this paper . We show that only cooperation in the R & D stage is enterprise 's choice from the view of maximum output of industry .

  14. 本文将后发国知识产权保护对FDI、自主创新、国内模仿和国外模仿的影响纳入两阶段的动态博弈模型,讨论后发国通过加强知识产权保护来吸引FDI的政策效应。

    This paper try to involve the influence of IPR protection to FDI , innovation , domestic imitation and overseas imitation into a Two stage dynamic Game Model , discussing the effect of strengthen the IPR protection aiming at attracting FDI by lagging country .

  15. 为了模拟电力市场中发电商的有限理性博弈行为,该文提出了考虑输电网约束的有限理性Cournot动态博弈模型。

    In order to accurately model the game behaviors of generators with bounded rationality in power market , this paper proposes the dynamic Cournot game model with bounded rationality considering transmission constraints .

  16. 在研究的过程中,结合了前人对柠檬问题的研究理论,分别采用静态博弈和动态博弈的方法,对C2C网上交易中买卖双方在一次交易和重复交易情形下的行为进行了分析。

    Then , the " the lemon problem " theory is applied and the static and dynamic game methods are used to analysis the buyers ' and the sellers ' behavior in the C2C on-line transaction .

  17. 本论文主要涉及各种市场条件下Bertrand静态博弈模型的均衡分析,以及动态博弈模型下市场的稳定性研究。

    The main contribution of this paper includes Nash equilibrium analysis of the Bertrand static game model under different conditions of the market , and research on stability of the markets in Bertrand dynamic game model .

  18. 提出了Stackelberg动态博弈算法,子博弈精炼纳什均衡是Stackelberg博弈的解,对Cournot博弈算法和Stackelberg博弈算法作了比较。

    Stackelberg dynamic game algorithm was present . With a Stackelberg game model , the sub-game perfect Nash equilibrium is considered as the solution of this game . The Cournot game algorithm and the Stackelberg game algorithm are compared .

  19. 针对两寡头Cournot动态博弈模型,数值仿真出不同市场参数下市场的动态行为,其中着重探讨了当市场参数超出Nash均衡点稳定域后,展现出的周期甚至混沌的动态行为。

    Based on the duopoly Cournot game model , the market dynamic behaviors are numerically simulated in different market parameters , in which the periodic or chaotic dynamic behaviors are focused when the market parameters are out of the stability region of Nash equilibrium .

  20. 本文然后对知识联盟合作创新模式的特点进行分析,并结合博弈论模型相关理论,得出知识联盟合作创新建立联盟之前的博弈过程属于完美信息动态博弈过程,符合斯坦科尔伯格(Stackelberg)均衡模型。

    And then , combining the theory of game theory , it shows that before establishing the knowledge alliance the game process between the two alliance members is a kind of perfect information game model , which belongs to Stackelberg game model .

  21. 通过将节点间的信道竞争过程建模为非完全信息动态博弈,解得节点竞争信道的纳什均衡策略(初始竞争窗口值)。根据此均衡策略提出对DCF的改进协议,即G-DCF。

    The channel contention process between the nodes is formulated as a dynamic game with incomplete information . According to the Nash equilibrium of the game , a novel MAC scheme , called G-DCF ( Game theoretic DCF ), is proposed .

  22. 本文建立了一个动态博弈模型来分析这一状况。

    We build a dynamic game model to formalize this situation .

  23. 供应商与制造商的完全信息动态博弈分析

    Analysis on Dynamic Games of Complete Information Between Suppliers and Manufacturers

  24. 应用多元动态博弈理论,探寻制度演化规律。

    Application of multiple dynamic game theory , explore system evolution .

  25. 国家助学贷款新政策下的动态博弈分析

    Dynamic Game Analysis under the New Policy of National Student Loan

  26. 基于动态博弈的电子市场价格演化研究

    Research on Price Evolution of Electronic Markets Based on Dynamic Game

  27. 基于成本差异的物流服务提供商动态博弈分析

    Dynamic Game Analysis of Logistics Service Provider Based on Cost Difference

  28. 研究方法:完全信息动态博弈分析方法。

    Method used is the dynamic game theory with complete information .

  29. 完全信息四方动态博弈的反倾销税率研究

    Research on AD Duty Rate under Complete Four Sides Dynamic Game

  30. 基于动态博弈模型的电子商务柠檬问题研究

    Lemon Problems in the Electronic Commerce Based on Dynamic Game Model