
dònɡ chǎn zhì quán
  • pledge of movables
  1. 动产质权可经设定而善意取得,但在构成上有其特殊性。

    The pledge of movables can be acquired with good will wonder provisions but entails its peculiarity in its constitution .

  2. 最后,介绍观念交付和动产质权、留置权的关系问题。

    Finally , introduce the relation problem of the conceptual delivery and movable property quality power , lien .

  3. 其他权利客体中的动产质权和权利质权,应适用善意取得。

    Movable object in the other rights and rights of pledge pledge , made in good faith should be applied .

  4. 《担保法》对股权质押效力未专门作出规定,可准用动产质权的有关规定。

    No special regulation on the legal effect shareholding pledge is stipulated in china 's law of guaranty , and it adheres to the pledge of movable property .

  5. 立法方面,应该认识到典当不同于现代动产质权,不能将典当制度放在现行的质权体系下。

    When we legislate , we should recognize difference between modern movable pledge and pawn of China . It is unwise to transplant system of pawn in current pledge system .

  6. 在这一部分,笔者在讨论权利质权的概念、性质和与动产质权相关联的基础上,从标的、性质两方面对有价证券质权进行了界定。

    In this part , I have defined pledge of securities from target and nature the two aspects on the basis of discussing concept , nature of pledge of rights and its relation to pledge of movable property .

  7. 但在早期的质权制度中,权利质权一直是动产质权的的补充形式,大多以质权的特殊形式或准质权称之。

    But in the early system of the pledge rights over rights , the pledge rights over rights always was regarded as the supplement of the pledge rights over moveable , mostly named a special form of pledge rights .

  8. 动产所有权与质权的善意取得以交付为公示手段,不动产所有权与抵押权、动产抵押权的善意取得以登记为公示手段。

    The means of public summons is delivery when the title or the pledge of a moveable is transferred while registration when real transaction and mortgage of a moveable is transferred .

  9. 在传统民法的理论和实践中,典当标的物仅限于动产,且以转移对该动产的占有设定营业质权,不动产不能设定营业质权。

    In traditional theory of civil law and practice , the subject matter of pawn is only confined to chattel , transfer of its possession is required to constitute business pledge , and real estate is excluded from business pledge .

  10. 主要表现在动产抵押公示的不足、动产抵押标的物范围过于宽泛以及动产抵押权和质权效力规则的缺失。

    Those problems mainly shows up in the shortcoming of chattel mortgage public summons system , overbroad scope of chattel collaterals and the lack of rules of chattel mortgage right and pledge .