
  • 网络children media
  1. 广州地区儿童媒介接触影响因素的调查

    On the Influence Factors of Children 's Access to Media in Guangzhou

  2. 而我国当前儿童媒介素养教育的缺失则加剧了这一问题的严重性。

    In China , the current lack of media literacy education of children is exacerbated by the problem .

  3. e时代的儿童网络媒介接触行为探查

    An Exploration into Children 's Exposition to the E-Age Internet

  4. 全文分为四个部分:1.儿童使用媒介的权利;

    It includes four parts : 1 . rights of children ′ s use of media ;

  5. 京冀非城市儿童图书媒介接触行为调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis on the Non-urban Children 's Behaviors of Using Books in Beijing and Hebei

  6. 儿童与媒介的关系一直以来就是一个有着多种言说可能并彰显现实关怀的话题。

    The relationship between children and the media has always been a topic that may have a variety of explanations and demonstrate the concern for reality .

  7. 从非城市儿童的图书媒介接触行为可以预见,非城市儿童图书市场蕴涵着巨大潜力,但仍需在细分市场的基础上进行培养。

    From the non-urban children 's behaviors of using books we can predict that the books market of non-urban children contain enormous potentiality , but still need to be developed on the basis of subdividing .

  8. 本文将儿童频道和媒介生态两个热门论题有机地结合起来,用生态学的理论和研究方法来分析我国电视少儿频道的生存环境与生态位,探询少儿频道持续发展的生态位战略。

    It analyses the living situation and niche of internal child channel by using the ecology theory and research method , in order to find out the niche strategy of china child channel continuous development .