
  • 网络Negative Report
  1. Parker说:“一个面试官可能会毁掉一位求职者的机会,所以在面试决策过程中必须有人要知道什么可能会引起负面报道。”

    Parker says ," A single interviewer can spoil an applicant 's chances , so it is imperative that others in the decision-making process know what may have motivated a negative report . "

  2. 论法制新闻的负面报道试论负面新闻信息的宏观把握

    On the Negative Report of Legal News Discusses the negative news information the macroscopic assurance

  3. 他正为所有那些关于自己的负面报道窝着一肚子火。

    He is seething at all the bad press he is getting .

  4. 尽管此次漏油事故已让BP安全记录中的漏洞暴露无遗,但其财务表现已经重归稳定,此外,一度围绕着它的负面报道也已逐渐平息。

    Financial stability aside , the flurry of bad press around BP has died down , despite the skeletons in its safety record that the spill revealed .

  5. 在控制了企业绩效、公司治理及企业特征等因素以后,媒体的负面报道比例与CEO职位变更的可能性呈显著正相关关系。

    After controlling corporate performance factors , governance and characteristics factors , negative media reports significantly improve the probability of CEO position changes .

  6. 但是,更严重的问题可能来自于美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对Groupon公司首席执行官安德鲁•梅森近期所发一封电子邮件进行的调查。梅森在这封写给公司员工的信中反驳了媒体的负面报道。

    A bigger issue , however , is likely an SEC inquiry into a recent email that Groupon CEO Andrew Mason sent to company employees to rebut negative press coverage .

  7. 面对种种负面报道,以及来自普华永道的投诉,Portico宣布它正在修改政策。

    Faced with all the negative publicity , and a complaint from PwC , Portico announced that it was changing its policy .

  8. 这帮助缓解了对富士康自身及一些更著名的公司客户的负面报道,例如由富士康工人为其生产电子器件的苹果(Apple)、戴尔(Dell)和惠普(Hewlett-Packard)等。

    That helped ease the bad publicity on itself as well as on some of its more famous customers : the likes of Apple , Dell and Hewlett-Packard , whose electronic gadgetry is churned out by Foxconn workers .

  9. 但同时,SIFF新闻报道也有不少值得改进和提高的地方:负面报道缺乏建设性;

    But at the same time , there are a lot of aspects needed to improve-the style of short Evening news has been adhered too rigidly ;

  10. 奥运会在召开之前,大多会遭遇铺天盖地的负面报道。

    Most Olympics suffer a blitz of pre-games negative press .

  11. 这种坦诚的表现通常带来的是更多的负面报道。

    This candour is usually rewarded with more negative publicity .

  12. 《纽约时报》中涉华负面报道的批评语篇分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Negative China-related News Reports in New York Times

  13. 我不能再因为那个白痴而造成更多的负面报道了

    I cannot suffer any more bad press due to that fool .

  14. 他自从被任命后就有了负面报道。

    He 's had a bad press ever since he was appointed .

  15. 我们可不想听到什么他的负面报道。

    And we don 't want to hear a snarky remark about him .

  16. 此外,她还指责近年来媒体对杰克逊的负面报道是不公平的。

    She said much of the negative press about Jackson in recent years was unjustified .

  17. 好了,不要怀疑负面报道的力量和绑架期间的死亡。

    Well , do not discount the power of negative press and death during kidnapping .

  18. 而近年来逐步增多的负面报道只是这种质疑的一种体现。

    The increasing negative reports these years are only tiny reflection of the whole problem .

  19. 论法制新闻的负面报道

    On the Negative Report of Legal News

  20. 关于次贷危机和金融操守的负面报道,可能加剧了这种情况。

    The negative press on the sub-prime lending crisis and on financial probity may exacerbate this .

  21. 而今,过多的负面报道却把大学生们说成了是“堕落的一代”。

    Today , a plethora of negative reportage has branded them " a fallen generation " .

  22. 其中的负面报道有:短文剽窃,博客和照片中的粗俗显示出了未达年龄的酗酒。

    Among offenses cited : essay plagiarism , vulgarities in blogs and photos showing underage drinking .

  23. 负面报道作为一种特殊的新闻报道形式一直倍受争议。

    As a special type of news report , the negative report has always been under dispute .

  24. 论法制新闻的负面报道中西负面报道差异探析

    On the Negative Report of Legal News The Ascertainment of Negative Report between China and West World

  25. 在媒体负面报道的影响下,印度民众变得很警惕中国。

    The Indian public , fed by negative stories in the media , has grown wary of China .

  26. 树立公司形象,扩大公司知名度,防止对公司的负面报道。

    To propagandize for the company image , increase the esteem and prevent the company from any negative news .

  27. 主动出击,最大限度地降低负面报道产生的负面影响等。

    To launch an attack actively and reduce the negative influences brought by negative reports to the least extent .

  28. 对该片大为恼火的朝鲜政府指责潮流电视台记者计划进行类似的负面报道。

    Incensed by that film , North Korea accused the current TV reporters of planning to make a similarly negative report .

  29. 可是,尽管面临罚款和负面报道的种种后果,为什么还有这么多人前赴后继,试图和制度博弈。

    Given the fallout of fines and ugly coverage , why would so many of these people try to game the system ?

  30. 肯德基所在的中国百胜餐饮集团称,他们对本次负面报道十分重视,并将严肃对待。

    Yum China , parent of KFC , said it takes the reports very seriously and will look into the matter thoroughly .