
  • 网络negative listing;a Negative list
  1. 大幅缩减外资准入负面清单

    Significantly shorten the negative list for foreign investment .

  2. 香港交易所(HongKongExchange)内地业务发展部副主管ChristopherHui表示:‘负面清单’显然需要缩短。

    It is clear that the ' negative list ' needs to be shortened , says Christopher Hui , vice-president of the Mainland Development department at the Hong Kong Exchange .

  3. 国家发展改革委副主任宁吉喆表示,国家将进一步优化外资营商环境,推行一系列政策,包括缩减外资准入负面清单,鼓励外资参与中国制造业高质量发展。

    Ning Jizhe , deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission , said that the country would further improve the business environment for foreign investment , implementing and incentivizing overseas investors in participating in the high-quality development of its manufacturing industry .

  4. 任何未出现在负面清单中的领域都被认为是不受限制的。

    Any sectors not on the list are assumed to be unrestricted .

  5. 不过,中国目前拟出的初步负面清单太长,仍需缩短。

    Still , China will need to shorten its initial list of exclusions .

  6. 新草案明确规定,我国对外商投资实行准入前国民待遇加负面清单的管理制度。

    The new draft stipulates that foreign investment in China will pre-established national guidelines , a negative list management system .

  7. 严鹏程说新的负面清单一个重要的部分就是开放了制造行业。

    Yan Pengcheng says one of the important parts of the new negative lists is the opening of the manufacturing industry .

  8. 双方还就启动负面清单谈判达成一致,并争取制定双边投资协定。

    The two sides have also agreed to start working on a Negative List in their attempt to creat a bilateral investment treaty .

  9. 此外,中国正利用上海自贸区来试验对外资列出“负面清单”的做法。

    In addition , China is using the Shanghai free-trade zone to experiment with a " negative list " approach to foreign investment .

  10. 进一步放宽市场准入,缩减外资准入负面清单,允许更多领域实行外资独资经营。

    The government is going to relax market access and shorten the negative list for foreign investment , which should mean more access to foreign investment .

  11. 实行统一的市场准入制度,在制定负面清单基础上,各类市场主体可依法平等进入清单之外领域。

    Implement a unified market entrance system , with market players of all kinds able to enter equally and legitimately into areas that are not on the negative list .

  12. 设立中国上海自由贸易试验区,探索准入前国民待遇加负面清单的管理模式。

    The China ( Shanghai ) Pilot Free Trade Zone was established and the management model of pre-establishment national treatment ( PENT ) with a negative list was introduced .

  13. 但这方面发生的主要转变是,监管机构目前敦促企业界提供创意和解决方案,并参与调整负面清单。

    But the main shift here is that regulators are now urging the business world to offer ideas and solutions , and set the pace of revising the negative list .

  14. 这意味着外国投资者在负面清单之外的领域和国内投资者享有平等待遇,负面清单中包括一些较为敏感的行业,禁止外国投资者进入。

    This means that foreign investors equal treatment in industry sectors areas outside of the negative list , which specifies sensitive sectors of the economy off limit to foreign investors .

  15. 负面清单将明确列出对外资封闭的领域,而不是规定“鼓励”、“限制”或“禁止”外资进入的特定领域。

    Rather than stipulating specific areas as " encouraged , " " restricted , " or " forbidden " for foreigners , the negative list will specify those that are closed .

  16. 新法承诺对外国企业实行准入前国民待遇,在负面清单之外的领域享受与中国企业同样的待遇。

    The new law promises pre-establishment national treatment to foreign companies , allowing them to be treated the same as their Chinese counterparts in areas outside of the country 's negative list .

  17. 目前,中澳两大经济体之间签署了自贸协定,双方还约定未来以负面清单方式,共同探讨服务领域的开放升级。

    Now a free trade agreement has been signed between two major economies - China and Australia , and the two sides have agreed to jointly explore the further opening of the services sector by adopting a negative-list approach .

  18. 它还意味着新进入者在能够开展哪些业务的问题上将面对负面清单,而不是正面清单:企业将可以从事任何没有被禁止的经营活动,而不再需要审批。

    It also implies a shift from positive to negative lists of what new entrants are allowed to do : instead of needing approvals , businesses should be able to do whatever is not prohibited . This might prove revolutionary .