
  • 网络short-term investment
  1. 基金的持仓比例与股市波动率正相关,我国基金存在追涨杀跌、持股集中度高,偏好中短线投资等行为特征,这些行为都加剧了我国股市的波动。

    The position ratio of China SIF have a positive correlation with the volatility of stock market . China SIF maintains a high level of shareholding concentration basically and belong to medium-term or short-term investment .

  2. 其次,最近几年,做超短线投资的资金大幅增加。

    Secondly , the amount of money invested on a very short-term basis has increased significantly in recent years .

  3. 基金公司将这些资金的流出归因于获利回吐和许多中国股票投资者对短线投资的关注。

    Fund companies put these outflows down to profit-taking and the short-term focus that many Chinese equity investors have .

  4. 前述报告称,美欧的信贷问题和趋软的房地产价格,意味着投资者无论是为了长期回报还是为了机会主义的短线投资,都在更多关注亚洲。

    Credit problems and softening real estate prices in the US and Europe mean that investors are focusing more on Asia both for long-term returns and opportunistic investments , according to the report .

  5. 采取灵活措施,合理组织长短线结构投资,使在短期内就有还债能力,保证有足够的还债能力。

    Adopting flexible measures and rational structure of long-and short-cycle investments compatible with the capacity of clearing off debts .