
  1. 超额外汇储备的积极管理策略

    Active Management for Excess Foreign Exchange Reserve On excess foreign exchange reserve and government financing ability

  2. 本文在指数基金资产配置过程中引入积极管理策略,建立了提高指数基金跟踪精度的斯坦规则指数跟踪模型。

    In this paper , by inducing into the active management strategy in the asset allocation of index fund , the Stein rule index tracking model is put forward to improve the tracking precision of index fund .

  3. 对机构客户收取的费用偏低,零售投资者兴趣不足,日本机构股权管理需求向指数型产品转移,这几点综合起来,导致日本基金公司在国内市场上已没有多少机会可以采取积极管理策略。

    A combination of low institutional fees , a lack of interest among retail investors and a shift towards indexation in institutional Japanese equity management demand has left few opportunities for those in the home market for active management .

  4. 岗位轮换&图书馆内部积极管理的最佳策略

    Post-alternating : the Best Tactics of the Internal Active Management of Library

  5. 身为中国银行第二大外资股东的淡马锡称,减持价值5.67亿美元的中国银行H股,是其积极投资组合管理策略的一部分。

    Temasek , the bank 's second largest foreign shareholder , said the disposal of $ 567m worth of Hong Kong-listed H-shares formed part of its active portfolio management .

  6. 行为投资分析方法从投资者的各种行为偏差出发,采取一系列的积极交易和管理策略,包括成本平均策略、时间分散化策略、反向投资策略、动量交易策略及设立止损点的交易策略等。

    Starting with behavioral deviations on the part of investors , analytical method of behavioral investment takes a host of proactive trading and management strategies including cost averaging strategy , time spreading strategy , reverse investment , dynamic trading and setting up " stop " point and etc.

  7. 五是积极推行客户关系管理策略;

    Five promote " the customer relation management " strategy actively ;

  8. 石油企业需要采取积极有效的风险管理策略以消除风险因素、降低风险事件的发生几率以及避免带来的损失,保证企业的经济利益和长远的发展。

    An active and effective risk management is needed to eliminate risk factors or reduce the probability of risk events to reduce the damage brought by risks .