
  • 网络positive welfare;active welfare
  1. 积极福利视野下中国社会保障体系的构建

    The Construction of Chinese Social Security System in View of Positive Welfare

  2. 从积极福利到社会投资型国家&吉登斯福利国家概念初探

    From Positive Welfare to Social Investment Country & About the Giddens ' Welfare State Concept

  3. 除了推动经济增长以外,我们还应该致力于通过以工代赈等积极的福利政策来降低失业率。与GDP指标不同,幸福感数据显示出失业对人们的心理影响。

    As well as promoting economic growth , we should aim to reduce unemployment through active welfare policies such as welfare-to-work ; wellbeing data , unlike GDP measures , show the psychological effects of unemployment .

  4. 90年代,为了应对全球化的挑战,英国工党提出了一系列改革主张,其核心是以积极的福利国家代替传统的福利国家;

    In 90 's , the Labor Party of Britain put forward a series of reforming plans .

  5. 通过逐步确立不承担责任就没有权利的原则,强调人力投资,变被动式福利为积极式福利,变传统福利国家为社会投资型国家。

    It advocated transformation from passive welfare regime into active one and from a conventional welfare state into social investment one , by means of establishing gradually the principle of " No responsibilities , no rights " and emphasizing investment in labor resources .

  6. 市长的妻子积极从事社会福利工作。

    The mayor 's wife is active about public welfare .

  7. 后福利国家:走向积极多元的福利再生产

    After the Welfare State : Toward a Positive and Pluralistic Reproduction of Welfare

  8. 积极发展社会福利事业和慈善事业,开展多种形式的捐助和帮扶活动。

    We will continue to develop public welfare and charity programs and undertake various activities to solicit public contributions and participation .

  9. 她积极推动社会福利房住户获得购房置业的权利,并成为工党高税收政策的坚决批判者。

    She campaigned vigorously for the right of council tenants to buy their houses and was a constant critic of Labour 's policy of high taxation .