
  • 网络Paternity leave;Parental Leave
  1. 至1994年,根据国际劳工组织(InternationalLabourOrganization)所掌握的141个国家的资料,其中有40个国家提供了某种形式的法定陪产假。

    By 1994 , 40 of 141 countries for which the International Labour Organization had data offered some form of statutory paternity leave .

  2. 支持双亲休产假的人士表示,他们希望类似Facebook联合创始人兼首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)这样的杰出榜样可以改变人们的态度。最近,扎克伯格在女儿麦克斯(Max)出生之后,开始休时长两个月的陪产假。

    Advocates of parental leave say they hope prominent examples like Mark Zuckerberg , the Facebook co-founder and chief executive , who just started a two-month paternity leave after the birth of his daughter , Max , will change attitudes .

  3. 诺伦的先生马滕(Marten)是位电脑程序开发员,上周刚刚回去工作,在那之前,他自去年10月起一直在休陪产假。

    Her husband , Marten , returns to work as a computer-systems developer on Wednesday , after going on paternity leave in October .

  4. 一些瑞典公司——比如业务遍布全球的零售集团H&M公司(Hennes&MauritzAB)——是按照统一标准规定父亲们的陪产假时间。

    At Swedish companies such as global retailing powerhouse Hennes & Mauritz AB , long spans of parental leave and time off for new fathers are standard .

  5. 在母亲休产假的同时父亲也休陪产假的情况增加了28%。

    Leave-taking at the same time as mothers increased 28 percent .

  6. 这是扎克伯格公开宣布他休陪产假的一个原因。

    That is one reason Mr. Zuckerberg publicly announced his leave .

  7. 在加州,休完六周陪产假的父亲不多。

    In California , few fathers take the full six weeks .

  8. 父亲休陪产假似乎可以设定家庭以后的亲子模式。

    Paternity leave seems to set lifelong patterns for families .

  9. 全球奶爸之风盛起的一个指标就是陪产假。

    One indicator of spreading global fatherhood is paternity leave .

  10. 男性有两周陪产假,并且有法定薪酬。

    Men are allowed two weeks of paternity leave , on statutory pay .

  11. 就连爱尔兰都在考虑引进陪产假,连日本都想推行它。

    Even Ireland is now considering it ; even Japan wants to expand it .

  12. 威廉王子现在是救护飞机的飞行员,现因王妃生产在休陪产假。

    William is on paternity leave from his new job as an air ambulance pilot .

  13. 去年,一些议员就爸爸能不能休带薪陪产假进行辩论。

    Last year , a group of MPs argued that fathers should get more paid paternity leave .

  14. 目前在瑞典,父亲可以休长达240天的带薪陪产假,这段时间将由政府为其支付工资。

    Fathers currently can take off work for as long as 240 days with a government-backed paycheck .

  15. 研究人员利用州和联邦数据,研究加州和孩子们一起生活的父亲们休陪产假的情况。

    The researchers used state and federal data to study leave-taking among California fathers who live with their children .

  16. 经济学家们也发现,男性休陪产假情况的增加,几乎完全是由第一次当父亲的人群所推动。

    The economists also found that the increase in men 's leave-taking was almost entirely driven by first-time fathers .

  17. 公司打算让我休两个月陪产假,并且我拿的是全薪。

    I 'm up for paternity leave in the next couple of months and that will be at full pay .

  18. 脸书公司宣布,公司初为人父的男员工们将拥有为期四个月的带薪陪产假。

    Facebook has announced new fathers working for the company will be allowed to take four months paid paternity leave .

  19. 工作环境里有相当多女性员工的男性也更有可能休陪产假。

    Men who worked in jobs with a large share of female workers were also more likely to take leave .

  20. 然而,公司通常会给男性员工更长些的假期,因为他们的法定陪产假太短了。

    However , companies often grant male employees longer terms , as they quite often get much shorter statutory paternity leave .

  21. 但威廉是第一位享受法定陪产假的皇室成员,这是英国2003年推出的。

    But William is the first senior royal to receive statutory paternity leave , which was introduced in Britain in 2003 .

  22. 尽管男性休陪产假依然要面临强烈的社会偏见,但带薪产假政策似乎有助于减轻这种影响。

    Though men still face a strong stigma when they take leave , paid leave policies seem to help alleviate that .

  23. 政府说三分之二的准爸爸会休陪产假,但只有不到一半的人会休满整整两周。

    The government says two-thirds of new fathers take some paternity leave , but less than half take the full two weeks .

  24. 在瑞典和加拿大等国,决策者们强迫执行所谓的爸爸配额政策,鼓励更多男性休陪产假。

    In places like Sweden and Canada , policy makers have enforced so-called daddy quotas to encourage more men to take leave .

  25. 他可能是皇族,但涉及到陪产假,威廉王子和其他人一样在同一条船上。

    HE may be royal , but when it comes to paternity leave Prince William is in the same boat as everyone else .

  26. 一些政客主张,瑞典应该要求男性至少休三个月陪产假,而不是现在的两个月。

    Sweden should require men to take a minimum of three months ' leave , instead of the current two months , some politicians argue .

  27. 为了解决这一问题,日本现在提供免费教育,增加了托幼服务机构,让父亲们休陪产假。

    Japan now provides free education , has expanded nursery care , and allows fathers to take paternity leave in order to tackle the problem .

  28. 英国政府表示,预计只有不到6%的新爸爸会利用这项新的陪产假,以此安抚企业界。

    The UK government has assured businesses that it expects fewer than 6 per cent of new fathers to take advantage of the additional paternity leave .

  29. 他在女儿出生后休了两个月的陪产假,休假前他将主要工作都授权给了其他人去处理,这样才得以脱身。

    The Los Angeles native took two months of parental leave after his daughter 's birth and managed it by delegating key tasks before he left .

  30. 特别是法律制定人员称,爸爸们能够选择12周的带薪陪产假“不使用,就作废”。

    Specifically , the lawmakers argued that fathers should have the option of 12 weeks " paid " use it or lose it " paternity leave .