
shēnɡ huó fú lì
  • welfare benefits
  1. 舒适生活福利设施【相关词组】felineamenityties挖苦话运动场和体育馆只是镇上的部分康乐设施。

    Stadiums and gymnasia are just some of the town 's local amenities . 【

  2. 与帮助他们解决工作负担比起来,员工更想要工作&生活福利。

    Employees prefer work-life benefits that help them manage their workload .

  3. 例如大家的生活福利,我们下个月就实施。

    Like the universal life policy we 're launching next month .

  4. 调查显示,当前的工作生活福利还可以再好一些。

    Current work-life benefits could be better , the report found .

  5. 论西斯蒙第为了所有人生活福利的经济伦理思想

    On Sismondi 's Economic Ethic Thoughts about Welfare for Everybody

  6. 超过半数的人从未使用过这些工作生活福利。

    And more than half of employees never use the available work-life benefits .

  7. 报告特别提示说在工作生活福利参数上有明显的地理区别。

    The report noted that there are significant geographical differences in work-life preferences .

  8. 国际外地工作人员住房和基本生活福利基金

    Fund for International Field Staff Housing and basic Amenities

  9. 大部分人甚至都不明白对他们来说可以从工作生活福利中得到什么。

    The majority of people don 't even know what 's available to them .

  10. 四是维护职工的物质、精神利益,保障职工的生活福利;

    Fourth , protected workers ' material and spiritual interests and guaranteed their welfare ;

  11. 报告建议说,公司应该提高工作&生活福利,并且与员工共同商讨什么样的福利适合他们。

    Companies should improve their work-life benefits and communicate them to employees , the report suggested .

  12. 该公司的产品虽然品质精良,但一些消费者只愿意花钱为自己购买最低标准的生活福利。

    Its products are premium but some consumers are willing to pay for minimum welfare standards .

  13. 贵州城乡二元经济结构下的生活福利差异分析

    The discussion of life and welfare disparity in town and countryside under dual economic structure in Guizhou

  14. 火力发电厂辅助、附属及生活福利建筑物建筑面积标准

    Standard for auxiliary , ancillary , living and welfare building 's area for fossil fuel power plant

  15. 工作-生活福利包括远程办公的许可,灵活的上班时间、上班地点,或者儿童保育的补贴。

    Work-life benefits might include permission for telecommuting , flexible hours and on-site or subsidized child care .

  16. 有色金属矿山生活福利设施建筑设计标准

    Standard for architectural design of living and welfare facilities Specification for non-ferrous metal mine shaft engineering construction and acceptance

  17. 而且,对于工作与生活福利的重要性和其他相关参数,明星员工的选择和普通员工的选择几乎一样。

    Moreover , star employees assign almost as much importance to work-life balance as other employees and have similar work-life preferences .

  18. 任免由总经理提名报董事会聘任的高级管理人员、决定上述人员的工资和生活福利待遇;

    Inviting and dismissing the senior administrative personnel who shall be recommended by general manager , and deciding their salary and welfare ;

  19. 员工生活福利等。大型跨国公司在中国设立的企业很重视人力资源管理,他们既带来了国外先进的技术水平,同时也带来了先进的管理方式。

    The international companies which invest in China attach importance to human being resource management . They bring advanced technology and management .

  20. 根据企业局的调查显示,有效的工作&生活福利会促使员工工作更加努力,并且这样他们就不会总是考虑辞职的事情。

    Effective work-life benefits encourage employees to work harder and discourage them from quitting their jobs , according to research by the Corporate Executive Board .

  21. 但是大量的能源消费造成了严重的环境污染,制约了社会经济的发展和生活福利的提高。

    However , a great deal of requiring and consumption are causing serious environmental pollution , which has constrained the socio-economic development and welfare improvement .

  22. 这正符合尼亚佐夫人民公仆的形象。他一直致力于为人民提供各种生活福利。

    That is in keeping with Mr Niyazov 's image as a servant of his people , who lays on every sort of amenity for them .

  23. 生活福利是国家或用人单位通过举办文化、教育、卫生等公共福利设施,不断提高劳动者物质文化生活水平的一项制度。

    Welfare is country or unit of choose and employ persons wait for public weal establishment through holding culture , education , sanitation , improve a system of standard of living of laborer material culture ceaselessly .

  24. 在现有的经济学研究中,大量的文献表明:过大的收入差距会导致社会政治秩序的动荡,同时也会增加社会暴力行为,影响社会的投资水平和生活福利水平。

    In the existing economic researches , much literature indicates that too much of the income gap problem will lead to the turbulence in the social order , and increase the violence , then influence the investment and welfare degree .

  25. 许多生活在福利院里的人已经失去了个性意识。

    Many people living in institutions have lost their sense of self .

  26. 事实上,工作生活与福利咨询公司WorkplaceOptions最新进行的调查显示,天真的千禧一代全然不知办公室里的两性关系会变得多么污秽和肮脏。

    In fact , a new poll by work-life and benefits consultants Workplace Options suggests the millennial generation is blissfully unaware of how messy , and how nasty , sex in the office can get .

  27. 我想这就是生活在福利院儿童的最大悲哀。

    I think this is the welfare of children living in the greatest sorrow .

  28. 从广义上讲,他们负责的生活和福利的基督教社区。

    Broadly speaking , they were responsible for the life and welfare of the Christian community .

  29. 随着人口增加和河流的开发,流域出现了严重的洪涝、污染问题,水与环境遭到很大破坏,给人们的生活和福利带来了挑战。

    Because of increase of population and river development , flood , pollution and water environment became worse that threatened the people living in the basin .

  30. 中国农村在经济、政治、社会生活、福利制度和文化等五个维度上长期遭受着社会排斥,是农村贫困成为社会发展中久治不愈的深层次原因。

    The countryside of China has long suffered social discrimination in terms of economy , politics , social life , welfare system and culture which have been the deep-rooted cause of the rural poverty .