- 网络productive investment

Study on Beijing 's Rural Households ' Productive Investment Behavior
Productive investment in mining and manufacturing has been hobbled for years .
Instead , the EIB could use more capital to borrow and then invest to support structural reforms , showing Spaniards and Italians that their sacrifices will draw productive investments .
These are productive investments . There is no question .
but we 'll do our productive investments elsewhere . '
That will crowd out productive investment and bodes ill for inflation .
This is likely to militate against the productive investment the eurozone needs .
Analysis of the Influence Elements of Rural Household Productive Investment Behavior in Shanxi
But these savings are locked in unproductive investments and cannot circulate freely .
On the Path Choice of Foreign Direct Investment by Chinese Firms to Western Europe
Running university is productive investment ;
We need a mechanism to channel this idle money into productive investment , he says .
Education investment is an investment to develop the human resource and is more beneficial than material produce investment .
Enhanced financial regulation and supervision that shift incentives from short-term casino capitalism to long-term productive investment will help .
However China is driven by its need to secure energy resources , and diversification into biofuels could be a productive investment .
There is different expectation towards stock investment and real investment profit that causes the " press effect " of stock investment .
Banks ' most important domestic function is to channel savers ' money to businesses for investment . Only productive investment generates growth .
MIGA was formed in 1988 , it insure overseas investment and promote overseas direct investment , especially for those investment in developing countries .
Second , by cha eling savings to productive investments , banks play a key role in facilitating efficient allocation of scarce financial resources .
Different from the indirect investment and general manufacturing investment , specialty of the venture capital should be taking into consideration for this form .
From the 1980s , banks grew their balance sheets to a size that dwarfed their core activities of deposit taking and lending for productive investment .
Banks are required to lend a substantial proportion of their deposit base at 15 per cent for productive investment : no pussy-footing about with persuasion here .
If the level of BS stability is high , bank can increase investment and human capital accumulation and than accelerate economic growth by providing liquidity insurance .
A breakup of the state oligopolies in telecommunications , petroleum , aviation and other protected sectors would provide private capital with new channels for productive investment .
At one time a largely unfettered banking system was seen as providing the most efficient way to channel funds to productive investments that create jobs and prosperity .
Banks are required to lend a substantial proportion of their deposit base at 15 per cent for " productive investment " : no pussy-footing about with persuasion here .
Gayle and Shaw ( 1955 ) emphasized financial factors in the economic development , and thought that the role of finance was to transform the citizens ' savings into investment , thus effectively improved productive investment level of the whole society .
After making the empirical analysis about the relationship between household productiveness investment and the financial support , discussing the factors of financial support restriction , and summarizing the pattern in our country , the research finally drew conclusions and gave the policy suggestions .
Representing the advanced agricultural productivity in china , the listed Agricultural companies give a great drive not only to the support and help to the peasant household on carrying on agricultural productive investment , but to the realization of the agricultural scientific and technological progress .
Investment in education is a productive investment , through the development of human resources , to increase scientific and technological content of products , cultural content and even artistic content , increasing the marginal productivity of physical capital , a direct result of the gross national product growth .