
péi chèn
  • foil;setoff;set off by contrast;serve as a contrast or foil
陪衬 [péi chèn]
  • (1) [serve as a contrast or foil;setoff]∶衬托;使之更加突出

  • (2) [foil]∶陪衬主要事物的其他事物

陪衬[péi chèn]
  1. 音乐演奏成了当晚唱主角的商业活动的陪衬。

    The playing of music proved to be incidental to the main business of the evening

  2. 在蓝天的陪衬下,城堡显得轮廓分明。

    The castle stood out in relief against the blue sky .

  3. 这个框把你的画陪衬得很美。

    The frame sets off your painting very well .

  4. 在这个场合里,他只是个陪衬而已。

    On this occasion , he was merely acting as a foil .

  5. 塔库尼女士说:“如果电影导演为女性,影片中的女主角不是男主角的陪衬,或者影片是专门有关女性的主题,那么这样的影片就可以定为F级。”

    Ms Tarquini said : " If our films have a female director , a female lead who is not simply there to support the male lead , or are specifically about women then they will receive an F-Rated stamp of approval . "

  6. 最好,还要在牵牛花底,教长着几根疏疏落落的尖细且长的秋草,使作陪衬。

    It will be most desirable to have them set off by some tall thin grass planted underneath here and there .

  7. 上周,法国总统萨科奇(168CM)被指在视察一工厂时,特意挑选矮个工人作陪衬,以使自己上镜时显得高大一些。

    Last week , French President Nicolas Sarkozy ( 168cm ) was accused of arranging workers at a factory visit so that he could appear taller in photographs .

  8. 深颜色在类似色彩的陪衬下将显不出效果。

    Dark colours will not show up against a similar background .

  9. 毋庸置疑的是,她的姐妹们担当着贝尔的陪衬。

    Unsurprisingly , her sisters serve the role of foils for Beauty .

  10. 他们说我总是最典型的陪衬丈夫。

    They say I am the most shadowy husband of all time .

  11. 有一些陪衬总是好的。

    It 's always good to have some scale references .

  12. 用于陪衬或装饰的材料。

    Material used for such a lining or decoration .

  13. 那种爱情总是有那种友谊陪衬着的。

    Such loves are always accompanied by such friendships .

  14. 但是这里有一个我们不能忽视的政治陪衬情节。

    But there is a political subplot here that we simply can 't ignore .

  15. 我妈妈就像我的女陪衬。

    My mom is like my wing-woman .

  16. 米克尔坚持认为他将不会成为切尔西巨星的陪衬。

    John Obi Mikel insists he will not play second fiddle to chelsea 's superstars .

  17. 铝箔压花-传送的图像来陪衬。

    Foil Embossing-Transferring the image to foil .

  18. 另外一个共同特征就是会有一名用以陪衬侦探的助手。

    Another common feature is the assistant who acts as a foil to the detective .

  19. 有了蛋糕桌的陪衬,也别忘了再配上一款精致的蛋糕托。

    The cake table foil , and also don 't forget with a delicate cake .

  20. 当然,这个口号在某些人来说是一个陪衬,其目的是用反腐败来蛊惑人心。

    Of course , certain persons used this slogan as a pretext for misleading the people .

  21. 人们想当然的认为胖子就是给美女做陪衬的。

    People take it for granted that fatties are born to make slender people look good .

  22. 德拉科•马福尔是邪恶的陪衬角色,也真的有一点傻。

    Draco Malfoy has always been the evil foil * a bit of a fool really .

  23. 它的主要特征是主调鲜明突出,支声仅起陪衬作用。

    The main melody is very clear , and the supporting voice simply throws it into relief .

  24. 还有更古怪的是,它已经成为年轻夫妇用来照相的陪衬好景点呢。你看!

    Oddly enough , it has become popular for couples to take pictures next to this worm .

  25. 通常情况下,某个职位或某个公司都可能成为你转移到新领域的自然过渡的陪衬。

    Often , a certain role or company will serve as a natural transition into your new field .

  26. 而黑寡妇似乎一直以来只是这些男性超级英雄的陪衬。

    Black Widow , on the other hand has only played second fiddle to other , male heroes .

  27. 这种雕刻的手法就是在浮雕的基础上镂空起陪衬作用的背景。

    This technique is carved in relief on the basis of the foil the background of hollow out role .

  28. 起初,山林、树木只是作为人物画的陪衬,画得比人物还小。

    In early Chinese paintings , mountains and forests were drawn very small as embellishments for the human figures .

  29. 而凯瑟笔下的男性人物形象则往往被忽略,或仅仅被认为是女性形象的陪衬。

    But the male characters under her pen are tended to be ignored or regarded as the foil characters .

  30. 黄色的泳衣与她铜色的肌肤是完美的陪衬。

    Her yellow swimsuit serves as a perfect foil to her bronzed skin . I stand up against all comers .