
duǎn qī piào jù
  • short-term note;bill short
  1. 随着美国预算赤字的降低和美国财政部延长借据(IOU)期限,财政部短期票据的发行也有所减少。

    With the US budget deficit declining and the Treasury extending the maturity of IOUs , issuance of short-term Treasury paper has been cut back .

  2. creditsights的亚当森表示,涉足像“管道”那样的管理投资基金的举动,似乎“带有机会主义色彩,并依赖于以短期票据为高评级资产融资所产生的收入,而非满足基本的业务需求”。

    The move into managing investment funds , like the conduits , seems " opportunistic and based on revenue generation from funding highly rated assets with short-term paper , rather than fulfilling an essential business need , " says Mr Adamson of CreditSights .

  3. 短期票据、债券等

    A short bill , bond , etc

  4. 确实,由于最近美国短期票据的收益率低于零,这种情况也许不太可能发生。

    Indeed it may seem unlikely as short-term US paper has traded at yields below zero recently .

  5. 这实际上为债券发行提供了补贴,与过去吸收存款和发行短期票据的补贴不同。

    This has created a subsidy for bond issuance , distinct from the old subsidies for collecting deposits and issuing short-term paper .

  6. 为回笼货币,中国央行只得发售短期票据,其中多数期限为一年,有些甚至更短。

    To soak it up , the central bank has has to issue short-term securities , most of which have a maturity of one year and some even less .

  7. 随着意大利进一步陷入危险区域,该国面临艰巨的融资挑战,首先是周四意大利拍卖短期票据,接着是下周一该国拍卖较长期国债。

    As Italy sinks deeper into the danger zone , it faces substantial funding challenges , beginning with auctions of Italian short-term bills on Thursday and longer-term bonds next Monday .

  8. 短期应付票据是一种常见的融资方式,它是指在一年内到期应付票据。

    Short-term notes payable , a common form of financing , are notes payable that are due within one year .

  9. 而且,财政部宣布了临时保险计划,以保护美国(短期债务票据)金融市场中的互助基金。

    Also , the Treasury Department has announced a temporary insurance program to protect money market mutual funds in the United States .

  10. 这些表外工具发行短期商业票据,用获得的资金购买企业应收帐款、抵押贷款和汽车贷款等,从二者间的息差中获利。

    These vehicles issue short-term commercial paper to purchase debt such as corporate receivables , mortgages and auto loans , capturing the difference in rates between the two .

  11. 这实质上是要求商业银行购买短期央行票据,而这一操作本身已经压低了票据价格,并可能推高银行间市场的利率水平。

    This essentially involves ordering commercial banks to buy short-term central bank bonds , which has pushed down their prices and threatens to drive up interbank interest rates .

  12. 最常见的流动负债有应付账款、短期应付票据、长期负债的当期部分、应计负债和预收收入。

    Among the most common examples of current liabilities are accounts payable , short-term notes payable , the current portion of long-term debt , accrued liabilities , and unearned revenue .

  13. 短期贷款与票据贴现的等成本分析

    Analysis of equal-cost of short-term loans and bill discounted

  14. 中期票据(Medium-termNotes,MTN)最早源于20世纪70年代的美国,最初作为一种介于短期融资的商业票据和长期借贷的公司债券之间的融资工具而出现。

    Medium-term notes ( MTN ) originated from the United States in the 1970s , initially as a financing tool lied between commercial paper with short-term and corporate bonds with long-term .

  15. 货币市场共同基金用于投资短期债券和其他票据,这里的情形恰好相反。

    Among money-market mutual funds , which invest in short-term debt and other instruments , it is the other way round .

  16. 银行发行的公司债券价格飙升,收益率大幅下滑,而企业短期借贷的商业票据利率出现回落。

    Corporate bonds issued by banks jumped in value and their yields fell sharply , while interest rates on short-term IOUs known as commercial paper decreased .

  17. 短期融资券于2005年问世,它的出现为各类型的企业提供了除短期贷款、贴现票据以外的一种融资工具。

    The commercial paper emerged in year 2005 . Its appearance provides the various enterprises a new short term financing channel apart from the short term loan and discount note .