
duǎn shí jì yì
  • short-term memory
短时记忆[duǎn shí jì yì]
  1. 他的短时记忆越来越差了。

    His short-term memory is failing .

  2. 双语学习者短时记忆编码方式的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Encoding Approach in Short-term Memory of Bilinguals

  3. MRI所显示的病变大小与患者的认知功能和短时记忆明显相关。

    The size of infarction was related to impairment of cognitive function .

  4. 结论:图片短时记忆和心智B可以作为临床医师筛选轻微认知功能损害(MCI)的有效工具。

    Conclusion : Picture short memory and mental control ( B ) contribute to identify MCI speedily and effectively .

  5. 我们应用标准的立即回忆实验设计,考查汉语语词的短时记忆(STM)广度。

    Using the Standard immediate recall experimental design , we examined the span of STM for Chinese words and phrases .

  6. 本研究的目的在于探讨短时记忆(STM)和长时记忆(LTM)中是否存在句式效应。

    The present research is to explore whether there is sentence-type ef-fect in immediate and long-term memory .

  7. 方法对24例非痴呆帕金森病患者(病例组)和30例健康受试者(对照组)进行短时记忆测试,同时分别完成听觉经典Oddball序列、视觉非经典Oddball序列事件相关电位检查。

    Methods 24 patients and 30 controls were examined with test of STM and ERP evoked by classical auditory and non-classical visual Oddball paradigm .

  8. 有ASD患者的长时记忆、短时记忆、瞬时记忆的多数分测验评分以及记忆商值均明显低于无ASD患者(P均<0.01~0.05)。

    Most scores of subtests in long term memory , short term memory and instant memory and memory quotient were obviously lower in the ASD group than in the non ASD group ( P < 0.01 to 0.05 ) .

  9. 结果:部分短时记忆随HVA降低或5-HIAA的增高而改善。而总的记忆商数(MQ),注意及执行功能的改善与HVA和5-HIAA的变化无明显相关。

    Results : Part of short memory was improving with decreasing of HVA or increasing of 5 HIAA , while significant correlation were not found between improvement of memory quotient ( MQ ), attention , executive function and change of HVA , 5 HIAA .

  10. 记忆有两种:短时记忆和长时记忆。

    There are two kinds of memory : shoat-term and long-term .

  11. 中文双音节词视觉识别与短时记忆保持量

    The visual recognition and capacity of STM for Chinese disyllabic words

  12. 老年人短时记忆特点的研究

    A study on the characteristics of short-term memory of the aged

  13. 为什么呢?因为用不着,你的短时记忆就会自动清洗掉脑子里没用的信息。

    My short-term memory would clean itself of this un-needed information .

  14. 具有竞争指针的短时记忆神经网络模型

    Short-term memory ( STM ) network model with competitive pointer

  15. 颅脑损伤后临床短时记忆的研究

    A study of the clinical short-term memory after craniocerebral injuries

  16. 这里这两类试验都表明了研究短时记忆的情况。

    The two experiments here show how short-term memory has been studied .

  17. 这是你短时记忆的极限。

    This is the limit of your short term memory .

  18. 记忆搜索速度对短时记忆一生发展的影响研究

    The Effect of Memory Searching on the Life-span Development of STM Capacity

  19. 大学生数字短时记忆广度及加工策略的研究

    Research on Numeral Short-memory Ranges and Processing Strategies in College

  20. 短时记忆容量的重新思考

    Reconsideration of the Capacity Limits of Short - Term Memory

  21. 轻型颅脑损伤143例短时记忆功能的改变

    The change of short-term memory function in 143 mild head injury patients

  22. 聋人与听力正常人短时记忆比较研究

    Comparative Study on Short-term Memory between Deaf and Normal Children

  23. 该过程不涉及注意机制和短时记忆。

    Attention mechanism and short-time memory are not involved in the process .

  24. 系列顺序短时记忆任务中时间分离效应及理论解释

    Time Isolation in Serial Order Short-term Memory and Its Explanation

  25. 短时记忆的一生发展研究

    Short - Term Memory Development in Life - span

  26. 视觉短时记忆与视知觉的信息整合

    Information Integration between Visual Short-Term Memory and Visual Perception

  27. 方位短时记忆计算机测试法的应用探讨

    Study on the Feasibility of Computer Testing Method of Direction Short Term Memory

  28. 小学儿童短时记忆发展特点的初步研究

    Preliminary Study of the Characteristics of Primary School Children 's Short-Term Memory Development

  29. 他的短时记忆在事故中受到了损害。

    His short-term memory was damaged in the accident .

  30. 与交通标志信息有关的驾驶人短时记忆衰减研究

    A Study on Fading Pattern of Drivers ' Short Memory of Traffic Signs