
  • 网络Short-term Funds;term capital;hot money
  1. 即使美联储(fed)提前、而非推迟退出刺激措施,看涨美元的投资者也可以辩称,这将吸引短期资金流入美国。

    Even if the Federal Reserve exits sooner rather than later , the dollar bulls argue that would attract short-term funds to the US .

  2. 接下来可能利用这些短期资金的就是银行。

    The next likely user of those short-term funds : banks .

  3. 短期资金净流出额大约为5,000万英镑。

    There was a net outflow of about £ 50m in short-term capital .

  4. 该基金将在避免短期资金流动压力和加强全球金融稳定方面起到预先防范作用。

    The facility will provide precautionary effect to forestall2 short term liquidity3 pressures and strengthen global financial stability .

  5. 随着我国加入WTO,国内商业银行面临国际、国内双重竞争的压力,而票据市场作为短期资金融通的场所,是货币市场的重要组成部分。

    With China 's entry into WTO , the national commercial bank face pressure of competition both from international and internal market .

  6. 本文通过介绍Blank的套期保值短期资金需求量模型,给出了套期保值长期资金需求量的模型,并简要的分析了套期保值资金的需求量对套期保值策略的影响。

    By introducing Blank ss model of short-term hedging capital requirements , the author tries to establish a long-term hedging capital requirements , and analyzes how the capital requirements affects the hedge strategy .

  7. 金融市场主要包括长期资本市场与短期资金市场。

    Financial market mainly includes capital market and money market .

  8. 货币市场是指一年期以内的短期资金市场。

    Money market means short-term fund market in one year .

  9. 新的短期资金取决于政府能否赢得信任票。

    New short-term funding is dependent on the government winning that vote .

  10. 目前,中小企业在解决短期资金需求时,可以采取间接融资方式。

    Nowdays , direct finacing should be used when enterprise requires short-time fund .

  11. 越赤道气流的年际、年代际变化研究短期资金的国际流动

    Researches on Interannual and Inter-decadal Variability of Cross-Equatorial Flow ; international transfer of short-term fund

  12. 更平坦的收益率曲线意味着,美国银行从借入短期资金购买美国国债中获得的利润变薄了。

    The flatter yield curve means less profit from borrowing short-term money to buy Treasuries .

  13. 发行商业票据已经成为很多公司短期资金的重要来源。

    COMPANY Issuance of commercial notes has become a popular way to raise short-term capital .

  14. 我们也期望加强对短期资金流动的监管或设立短期资金流动警告系统。

    We are also looking for better surveillance or warning system of short term capital flow .

  15. 短期资金迅速流动,造成受影响亚洲国家的金融扭曲。

    Such rapid movement of short term capital created financial distortions in these affected economies in asia .

  16. 短期资金的国际流动

    International transfer of short-term fund

  17. 此外,意大利不存在短期资金缺口,而是存在长期偿债能力问题。

    Besides , Italy does not have a short-term funding gap , but a long-term solvency problem .

  18. 首先是在短期资金市场上,银行不得不借那些放贷时间总是更短的资金。

    The first is that in short-term funding markets banks are having to borrow for ever shorter periods .

  19. 西方央行已向金融体系注入巨额流动性,以确保银行能够得到短期资金。

    Western central banks have already flooded the system with liquidity to ensure banks can get short-term funds .

  20. 文中的第六章是对大庆油田跨国经营短期资金的存量管理进行了研究。

    The sixth chapter concerns the stock control of the short period capital of Daqing Oilfield international operation .

  21. 比如房地产市场、外汇市场、劳动力市场、短期资金市场等。

    For example , the real estate market , foreign exchange market , the labor market , short-term capital market .

  22. 严格来说,如果主要货币国家仅仅是借入短期资金,贷出长期资金,那么储备就可以被创建起来。

    Strictly speaking , reserves could be created if the key-currency country merely borrowed short term and lent long term .

  23. 通过在货币市场以商业票据形式筹集短期资金,特别基金进驻并配置长期投资。

    They funded those long-term investments by borrowing short-term in the money markets , in the form of commercial paper .

  24. 银行最近普遍缺乏短期资金,而以美元计价的货币市场的压力尤其严重。

    Among banks'general scramble for short-term cash in recent days , tensions in dollar-denominated money markets have been particularly fierce .

  25. 它可能会继续向银行发放它们要求的所有短期资金,直到今年年底。

    It is likely to keep lending banks all of the short-term funds they demand until the end of the year .

  26. 浮动利率债券:这种债券的息票是定期确定的,并参照短期资金利率来计算。

    Floating rate Bond : Bond on which the coupon is established periodically and calculated with reference to short-term interest rates .

  27. 在另一方面,在各银行争抢短期资金之际,向市场注入流动性能够缓解局面。

    Injecting liquidity , on the other hand , brought relief as banks scrambled for short-term funding , and should be continued .

  28. 在特定条件下,提高利率可以吸引国外短期资金,提高一国的外汇汇率。

    Under specific conditions , high interest rate will attract short-term international fund , increasing the exchange rate of one 's own currency .

  29. 财政部通过发行国债实现其对宏观经济的调控,中央银行通过国债回购来实现对市场短期资金供给的微调。

    Treasury Ministry control the macro economy by issuing bonds and National Central Bank realize its short-term monetary targets with Treasury bond repo .

  30. 这两家银行持有的政府和商业债务都远远高于德克夏银行,同时还面临着同样的短期资金紧张。

    Those banks hold far more government and commercial debt than Dexia , while being exposed to the same short term funding limitations .