
duǎn qī tóu zī
  • Short term investments;temporary investment;current investment
  1. 这些证券称作有价证券或短期投资。

    Such securities are known as marketable securities or short-term investments .

  2. 短期投资机会、资金管制成本和证券市场的波动性解释

    Short Term Speculative Opportunity , Regulation Cost and the Security Market Over Fluctuation

  3. 短期投资账户错弊与查账技巧

    How to check accounts and find out account error in the short-term investment

  4. 这可能给短期投资赋予新的涵义。

    Which could give new meaning to short-term investing .

  5. 短期投资应当以帐面余额在会计报表中列示。

    Short-term investments shall be itemized and shown in book balance in financial statement .

  6. 该税也可能针对短期投资,以鼓励投资者长线持有。

    The tax might also be geared towards short-term investments to encourage buy-and-hold behaviour .

  7. 对完善短期投资期末计价成本与市价孰低法的探讨

    Probes to the Perfection of Short-term Investment Pricing Cost and Which-os-low Market Price Method

  8. 企业投资是以企业作为投资主体所进行的投资,主要包括固定资产投资、无形资产投资及短期投资,文章主要研究固定资产投资与股权激励的关系。

    This paper mainly studies the relationship between equity incentives and the fixed assets investment .

  9. 投资:短期投资、长期投资的核算;

    Make the investment : The checking and calculating of short-term investment , long-term investment ;

  10. 中国新股短期投资回报探讨

    Short-term Return of New Share in China

  11. 上个月美国中央银行就降低了短期投资利率大概0.5%。

    Last month the Centre Bank cut short term interest rate by half a point .

  12. 董事会或投资方只关注回报高的短期投资。

    The board or the investment community focuses on strong , short-term returns on investment .

  13. 持有短期投资未实现利得

    Unrealized Holding Gain on Trading Investments

  14. 如果再算上短期投资,同期流动资产总额几乎翻了一番,达到了2.2万亿美元。

    If you include short-term investments , liquid assets nearly doubled to $ 2.2 trillion during the same period .

  15. 许多投资者希望,当制定政策者在9月18日会谈时,中央银行会削减它的主要短期投资利率。

    Many investors hope the central bank will cut its main short-term interest rate when policymakers meet on september18th .

  16. 现金包括库存现金,银行存款,和现金等价物,例如具有流动性的短期投资。

    Cash includes cash on hand , cash in bank , and cash equivalents such as liquid , short-term investments .

  17. 当投资者们期望保证他们的仅仅几个月的短期投资安全时,长期的财政问题对于他们是无足轻重的。

    Long-term fiscal problems matter little when investors are hoping to protect their portfolios for only a couple of months .

  18. 而净资产营业利润率则是一种现实,反映的是企业短期投资价值。

    However , the ratio of operating profit to net assets is a reality which reflects the short-term investment value .

  19. 人人网上个月发布报告称,公司净现金为3.348亿美元,外加4450万美元短期投资。

    RenRen also reported net cash of $ 334.8 million last month , plus $ 44.5 million in short-term investments .

  20. 在速动比率中,速动资产是指现金、可市场交易的证券(短期投资)和应收账款净额。

    In the quick ratio , the quick assets are cash , marketable securities ( short-term investments ), and net receivables .

  21. 短期投资决策对市值账面比的强敏感性说明中国市场尚属非有效市场,市值账面比在很大程度上反映了投资者的非理性估价心理。

    The latter sensitivity shows that China stock market is not efficient , and market-to-book ratio can reflect investor irrational valuation psychology .

  22. 从我国投资于美元证券的结构可以看出,长期证券投资所占比重较大,相比较而言短期投资所占比重不大。

    As our investment in dollar securities , long-term securities investment proportion bigger , compared the short-term investment proportion is not big .

  23. 他凭借自己的神经科学背景建立了计算机模型,这些模型关注的是根植于人脑中的短期投资偏好。

    With a background in neuroscience he has created computer models that focus on short-term investment biases hard-wired into the human mind .

  24. 研究中还表明,我国证券投资基金短期投资的倾向比较明显,不利于我国证券市场的健康发展。

    It also shows that funds tend to make short-term investment , so it is not good for the stabilization of stock market .

  25. 战略投资者参与条件下新股定价过程实证研究中国新股短期投资回报探讨

    A Positive Study of the New Share Pricing Process with the Participation of the Strategic Investors Short-term Return of New Share in China

  26. 投资活动包括与除现金等价物之外的短期投资、长期投资和其他长期资产有关的各种活动。

    The investing activities contain all activities relating to short-term investments other than the cash equivalents , long-term investments , and other long-term assets .

  27. 大型投资者还提出,他们正在做的是长期的战略性投资,而不是更容易受到汇率波动影响的短期投资。

    Big investors also argue they are making long-term , strategic investments rather than short-term ones that might be more affected by currency swings .

  28. 对短期投资成本、长期债权投资成本、长期股权投资成本的确定进行了分析。

    Analysis is made on how to determine the investment cost of short period , long period creditors rights and long period stockholders rights .

  29. 作为短期投资这些相对说来较新颖的收藏品的确可能更快地增值,但作为长期投资则可能不能保值。

    These relatively new kinds of collectibles may actually appreciate faster as short-term investments , but may not hold their value as long-term investments .

  30. 债券投资分短期投资和长期投资,利息收益也有分期收到和一次收到,根据权责发生制原则计提的应收利息收益,一个属于流动资产,一个属于长期资产。

    Bond investment can be classified into short-term investment and long-term investment . The means of receiving interest include installment receipt and lump-sum receipt .