
  • 网络Debt funds;debt capital;borrowed funds
  1. 效率机制用来确保负债资金能得以有效利用;风险机制用来防范债权人合法权益免受侵犯。

    The efficiency mechanism is to ensure that debt capital will be used efficiently and the risk mechanism is to protect the creditor 's legal rights and interests from being violated .

  2. 我国企业的负债资金运用比例有些过高,有些则过低,这种现象值得关注。

    The debt to asset ratio in some Chinese enterprises is over high , but it 's s over low in other ones .

  3. 而银行的资本结构也与一般公司的资本结构不一样,银行是经营货币的企业,资本金很少,负债资金占资产总额的绝大部分。

    The bank is the enterprise which overwhelming majority to operate the monetary business , capital gold is few , its debt funds occupy the property total amount .

  4. 因此,企业应保持最佳资金结构,在节税利益和负债资金比例上升而带来的财务危机成本与破产成本之间寻找平衡点。

    Therefore , the enterprises should make effort to hold best capital structure , make balance between the tax avoidance and bankrupt cost bring about , from the financing crisis .

  5. 以创业者自身效用最大化为基本假设,综合考虑负债资金成本、资金收益、创业者自有资金和能力等因素,提出了创业者最优负债决策模型。

    According to the main suppose that entrepreneur wants to maximize the advantages of himself , and taking the debt costs , capital incomes , the capital and capacity into consideration , the paper provides the best debt quantity model for the entrepreneur .

  6. BP表示,正采取谨慎措施管理其资产负债表和资金流动性(包括提供流动性缓冲),以确保该公司具备履行所有未来财务责任的灵活性。

    The UK oil group said it was taking a prudent approach to managing its balance sheet and its financial liquidity , including providing a liquidity buffer , to ensure that BP has the flexibility to meet all its future financial obligations .

  7. 政府制定者(包括格林斯潘和他的继任者本伯南克(benbernanke))拒绝将资产负债表和资金流动纳入他们的模型,他们辩称,无法轻易识别泡沫,也无法可靠地预测它们的影响。

    Policymakers ( including Mr Greenspan and his successor , Ben Bernanke ) have resisted inclusion of balance sheets and the flow of funds in their models by arguing that bubbles cannot be easily identified , nor their effects reliably anticipated .

  8. 关于乡镇企业负债经营与资金结构优化的财务思考

    Ideas for township enterprise operation under debt and optimization of its capital structure

  9. “我们每天早晨醒来时都在担忧,如何为当天的资产负债表提供资金,”他表示。

    " We wake up every morning worried about how we will fund our balance sheet that day , " he said .

  10. 我们的政策制定者(以及他们依赖的分析师)忽视资产负债表和资金流动的行为,是在拿自己冒险也是在拿我们冒险。

    Our policymakers , and the analysts they rely on , ignore balance sheets and the flow of funds at their peril and ours .

  11. 商业银行经营的高负债性以及资金来源和运用两头在外的特点决定了商业银流动性风险管理的极端重要性。

    Commercial Banks operating are high debt and capital source and using two outer properties determine the liquidity risk management of commercial silver extreme importance .

  12. 巴里克公司将使用40亿美元中的一半左右现金,根据其资产负债表进行资金分配。

    Barrick would use about half of the $ 4 billion in cash they have on their balance sheet to fund the deal , Regent said .

  13. 故本文以我国上市公司为研究对象,考察负债融资、资金占用与行业竞争的关系。

    Therefore , this paper study to examine the relations about Debt Financing and Large Shareholder Expropriation of Funds with the Industry Competition about the Chinese listed companies .

  14. 吉利“蛇吞象”将沃尔沃揽入怀中。但巨额负债随之而来,资金缺口巨大,伤食后遗症可能会演变为恶性循环。

    Geely merged Volvo as " snake swallows elephant " . But a mint of indebtedness follows , the financial gap is huge , and the effect may turn into vicious circle .

  15. 当发生现金流量不足,经由各种筹资渠道,以负债方式筹措资金,使企业能顺畅运作,达到经营目标。

    As the cash flow happen insufficient lying , via various kinds of fund-raising pipelines , raise the fund by way of debt , enable enterprise smooth operation , and reach the operations objective .

  16. 这两个公司的关键特点是,他们都大量投资受管制的长期资产,而他们通过长期负债取得的资金没有得到伯克希尔的担保。

    A key characteristic of both companies is the huge investment they have in very long-lived , regulated assets , with these funded by large amounts of long-term debt that is not guaranteed by Berkshire .

  17. 一方面,是前面的理论研究在现实经济分析中的应用,另一方面,对我国目前所面临的企业高负债运行、资金流动严重阻滞的原因作了分析和探讨,并提出相应的对策。

    It is an application of the theories discussed in part I. Furthermore , it researches some current economic facts , such as firms running in heavy debts and fund movement badly blocking , and it gives some strategies .

  18. 各银行目前承受着减少资产负债表上LTRO资金数额的压力。

    Banks are under pressure to reduce the amount of LTRO cash on their balance sheets .

  19. 在出现新的亏损后,瑞银被迫求助于新加坡政府投资公司(gic)和一位未具名的中东投资者,以获得维系资产负债表所需资金。

    UBS was forced to turn to the government of Singapore Investment Corporation ( GIC ) and an unnamed investor from the Middle East for funds to shore up its balance sheet after the fresh losses emerged .

  20. 资产负债匹配是保险资金投资管理的核心。

    The key element of insurance funds management is assets going with liabilities .

  21. 由此可见,我国财政目前存在着高负债与高闲置资金并存的状态。

    Therefore , Chinese finance is existing high debt and high idle fund the coexistence of state .

  22. 规模和资产负债率与占用资金产生的大股东代理成本呈显著正相关。

    The size and the leverage of the company positively are correlated to the controlling shareholders ' agency costs .

  23. 然而,贷款必然形成负债,是有资金成本和财务风险的。

    However , getting a loan means getting in debt , and will cause funding cost and financial risks .

  24. 通过大量举借短期负债来满足营运资金需求,降低企业的资金本钱。

    Through floats a loan the current liabilities to meet the working capital need massively , reduces enterprise 's fund cost .

  25. 认为近年来旅游企业资本结构不合理是旅游企业资产负债率高、资金短缺、经济效益差的重要原因之一。

    In recent years , one of the major reasons for tourism enterprises ′ high liability ratio , capital shortage and economic inefficiency is their irrational capital structure .

  26. 本文首先对我国房地产上市公司资本结构进行描述性统计分析,发现了上市公司资本结构存在的些共性问题,如资产负债率高、资金来源单一、股权集中度相对较高以及资本规模小等。

    Firstly , the paper will has given descriptive statistical analysis of the capital structure of listed real estate companies and found that the capital structure of listed companies exist some problem in common .

  27. 以不愿利用自身资产负债为交易提供资金而著称的高盛,估计将越来越多地通过提供资金来获得交易,而在过去,该行不用提供这种甜头也能轻松获得业务。

    Goldman , famously reluctant to commit to financing deals on its own balance sheet , is expected increasingly to offer funding to secure the deals that used to come its way without that sweetener .

  28. 然而,令亚洲分析师、银行及其它企业担心的,是此次危机的连锁效应。因为欧洲银行削减并收缩了自己的资产负债表,将资金撤出亚洲。

    However , it is the knock-on effects that are troubling analysts , banks and other companies in Asia , as European lenders retrench and shrink their balance sheets , sucking capital out of the region .

  29. 在资本结构中,债务是企业的一项重要的资金来源,任何一家企业都不可能只靠自有资本而不通过负债就能满足其资金需求的。

    In the capital structure , debt is an important source of funding , no one company can rely solely on their own capital , rather than through debt financing will be able to meet their needs .

  30. 第四,央行是唯一能够充当“最后贷款人”的机构,也就是说,在危机时期,央行能够利用自身的资产负债表提供应急资金。

    Fourth , a central bank is the only entity that can function as a lender of last resort , that is , it can use its balance sheet to provide emergency funding in times of crisis .