
  1. 网络信息技术的发展缓解了商业银行资产负债流动性不对称问题,分离银行功能已经失去了其现实意义。

    The development of the information technology of the network has relieved the asymmetric problem of fluidity in debt of the money of commercial bank , have separated the function of the bank and already lost its realistic meaning .

  2. 商业银行负债及其流动性之管见

    Of Commercial Banks ' Liabilities and Liabilities ' Circulation

  3. 而关于流动性的研究发展也经历了三个阶段:资产的流动性、负债的流动性、资产负债的流动性。

    The liquidity research and development has gone through three stages : the liquidity of assets , debts liquidity , asset and liabilities liquidity .

  4. 商业银行资产负债结构与流动性风险控制

    Abasing on Asset - Liability Structure of Commercial Bank to Research the Control of Liquidity Risk

  5. 而后介绍了财富效应、资产负债表、流动性效应等资产价格传导实体经济的理论基础。

    After that , this paper will introduce the theory of wealth effect , balance sheet and liquidity , which are the theoretical basis of asset prices conduction .

  6. 低负债,高流动性应该倍受重视来避免现金流困难,确保更大的调整资产分配的灵活性,并创造在经济危机后的机会。

    Low debt and high liquidity should be valued for avoidance of cash-flow distress , ensuring greater flexibility in adjusting asset allocation , and creating opportunities in the aftermath of a crisis .

  7. 在这当中,流动性是安全性和盈利性的基础,也是商业银行的生命线,商业银行只有保持资产、负债充足的流动性,才能确保自身安全和盈利。

    Among these , liquidity is the base of safety and profitability as well as t the lifeblood of commercial banks . Only if commercial banks maintain adequate liquidity of assets and liabilities .

  8. 不论根据美国还是其它国家的宪法,保险公司都没有理由享有权利,把资产拿到美联储的贴现窗口贴现,换取短期贷款,来维持资产负债表的流动性。

    There is no reason , in the US constitution or elsewhere , why an insurance company is entitled to swap assets at the Fed discount window for temporary loans to keep its balance sheet liquid .

  9. 美国财政部表示,这次会议探讨了一种“全方位应对银行资产负债表上流动性不良资产的方式,这些流动性不良的资产处于我国金融机构和金融市场当前各种压力的根本来源。”

    The US Treasury said the meeting discussed a " comprehensive approach to address the illiquid assets on bank balance sheets that are at the underlying source of the current stresses in our financial institutions and financial markets . "

  10. 它的实施有利于增加贷款金融机构资产负债表的流动性,改善其资产质量,增加资金来源,延伸风险配置结构,缓解资本充足压力,提高金融系统的安全性;

    Credit-providing financial institutions are beneficial from it because their asset-liability sheet 's liquidity is enhanced , the quality of their assets is improved and the amount is increased , and the structure of their assets and liabilities is enhanced ;

  11. 很多民营企业面临着融资困难,短期负债较高,流动性风险较大的问题,改善民营企业融资环境,为其能选择合理债务期限结构创造条件已经是一个急切的现实问题。

    Many private enterprises are meeting difficulties in financing , higher short-term liabilities , the larger issue of liquidity risk , improve the financing environment of the private enterprise for reasonable debt maturity structure to create conditions for an urgent practical problem .

  12. BP表示,正采取谨慎措施管理其资产负债表和资金流动性(包括提供流动性缓冲),以确保该公司具备履行所有未来财务责任的灵活性。

    The UK oil group said it was taking a prudent approach to managing its balance sheet and its financial liquidity , including providing a liquidity buffer , to ensure that BP has the flexibility to meet all its future financial obligations .

  13. 第一是高比例的负债经营,导致流动性的不足。

    The first is the high proportion of debt operation , which leads to the shortage of liquidity .

  14. 作为社会资金供应与需求传递的中介,商业银行能够依靠自身的资产与负债结构创造出流动性。

    As social capital supply and demand intermediary , commercial banks can create liquidity by the structure of assets and liabilities .

  15. 格罗斯表示,德国政府无意修改其银行救助方案,通过创建一家坏银行来收购目前各银行资产负债表上缺乏流动性的资产。

    The minister said the government did not intend to modify its bank rescue package by creating a bad bank that would acquire the illiquid assets now sitting on the banks ' balance sheet .

  16. 金融机构的资产负债结构表现为高流动性的负债和缺乏流动性的资产,它独特的资产负债结构使其特别依赖于公众的信心。

    The asset and liability structure in financial institutions is expressed as liability of high-liquidity and asset in lack of liquidity and this unique asset and liability structure especially relies on the public 's confidence .

  17. 商业银行通过自身的资产负债表的运作创造流动性,将具有较高流动性的负债转换为缺乏流动性的资产,从而向社会公众提供信贷支持。

    The liquidity creation of commercial bank is realized by the operation of its own balance sheet , that is to say , transfer liquid liabilities to non-liquid assets , which provide credit support to the public .

  18. 商业银行特殊的融资结构(高负债经营及其负债的高流动性和资产的低流动性)和对公众信任的高度依赖性的特点,决定了商业银行具有内在的风险性。

    Due to the special character of the commercial bank business ( high debt and low liquidity ), and its high dependence on public credits . commercial bank contains high risk .

  19. 不良资产证券化贷款允许中国的银行通过从资产负债表中消除负债以保持流动性。

    The securitization of non-performing loans allows Chinese banks to maintain liquidity by removing liabilities from the balance sheet .

  20. 这一章同样从资产和负债两个方面探讨了目前我国寿险业资产和负债存在的流动性风险。

    This chapter discusses the liquidity risk in assets and liabilities of our life insurance industry .