
  1. 在许多国家,通过负债消费,宽松的货币政策已经刺激了经济增长。

    There are many countries where loose monetary policy has stimulated the economy through debt-financed consumption .

  2. 后危机时代全球经济利益再平衡,负债消费型增长模式和生产过剩型增长模式都被迫调整。

    The rebalance of post-crisis economic interests , the growth mode of debt-financed consumption and of overproduction all have to be adjusted .

  3. 消费信贷是一种负债消费,当它被一个社会所提倡,一定有其特定的经济环境和时代背景。

    Consumer credit is a consumption with debt . When it is advocated in a society , there must be specific economic environment and times ' background .

  4. 由于享乐主义等不良社会文化的影响、大学生消费心理的不成熟性以及家庭和学校对大学生消费缺乏教育和监管,导致越来越多的大学生负债消费,成为校园负翁。

    Due to the influence of bad social culture such as hedonism , the immaturity of the consumption psychology of the college students , and the lack of education and direction about consumption from family and school , more and more college students fall in debts during their school life .

  5. 本文对生产性负债和消费性负债等金融管理理论作了较精辟的分析、阐述。

    The paper also has a thorough analysis and explanation of such financial management theories as productive liabilities and consumption liabilities .

  6. 本文还分析了我国奢侈品消费中存在的一些问题。这包括炫耀性消费、浪费性消费、高负债性消费及畸型消费等问题。

    This article has also analyzed some our country luxury consumption existing questions such as garish consumption , prodigal consumption , high-debt consumption and abnomal consumption and so on .

  7. 这并非贷款价值比率的问题,一定程度上,是抵押率的问题,即负债对个人消费支出的比率。

    Part of this is the it 's not loan-to-value ratio this is the ratio of mortgage debt to personal consumption expenditure .