
  • 网络harmonious consumption
  1. 绿色消费应被解读为和谐消费

    Green Consumption Should Be Interpreted As Harmonious Consumption

  2. 因此,我们有必要对现代和谐消费理念这个问题进行深入研究。

    Therefore , there is needed to make deeper researches on the concept of harmonious consumption .

  3. 以人为本至诚服务构建和谐消费环境&民航总局举办3.15消费者权益日主题活动

    CAAC Holds " March 15 " Consumer Rights Day Theme Event

  4. 论缺陷产品召回制度与和谐消费关系的完善

    Defective Product Recall System and the Improvement of the Relations in Consumption

  5. 树立和谐消费观促进社会可持续发展

    Setting up a Harmonious Concept of Consumption to Speed Up Sustainable Social Development

  6. 和谐消费环境中的企业社会责任

    Social Responsibilities of Corporation in Harmonious Consuming Environment

  7. 和谐消费是实现社会、经济可持续发展的重要方面。

    Harmony consumption is an indispensable part to achieve sustainable development of social and economic .

  8. 第四部分主要分析了现代和谐消费理念的基本内容,包括它的主要观念和基本原则两个方面。

    The fourth part analyzes its basic contents , including the main idea and principle .

  9. 和谐消费关系的基本要求与社会主义生产目的具有高度的一致性。

    The basic requirements of harmonious consumption relations are in alignment with the production purpose of socialism .

  10. 和谐消费的原则要求在时尚生产过程中要以人为本、尊重自然、尊重人与自然之间的和谐。

    The harmonious consumption principle requires in fashion production process to people-oriented , respect nature , harmony between man and nature .

  11. 和谐消费是面对消费主义所带来的环境灾难和心灵困境而提出的新的价值观念和生活方式。

    The harmonious consumption is a new value conception and life style facing to environmental disaster and soul bewilderment by consumerism .

  12. 从我国消费形态的发展可以看出和谐消费观形成的历史必然性。

    The development of China 's consumption form well shows that people 's idea of harmonious consumption will come into being naturally .

  13. 分析了不和谐消费产生的原因,指出在我国必须大力提倡和谐的消费观。

    This paper analyzes on the causes of inharmonious consumption , and points out that the harmonious consumption conception must be advocated in our country .

  14. 第二部分主要分析了当代社会中消费的多样性与不合理性问题,认为现代和谐消费理念的提出具有重大意义。

    The second part points out the great significance of establishment of harmonious consumption concept after an analysis of its diversity and kinds of unreasonable consuming phenomenon nowadays .

  15. 首先阐述了消费伦理教育现状,然后构建了大学生和谐消费伦理教育的总体目标,具体从内容和基本途径作了详细论述。

    First described the status of consumer ethics education , and then build harmonious students Consumer Education goals , discussed in detail from the content and basic approach .

  16. 我们应走出消费主义的诱导,树立一种与人类生态安全、社会责任和精神价值相适应的和谐消费观念。

    We should get out of the induced consumerism , and reconstruct the new consumption values that suit the ecological and human security , social responsibility and spiritual values .

  17. 树立和谐消费观是建设和谐社会的一项基础性工作,中国的国情决定了国人必须树立和谐的消费观。

    Establishing the harmonious consumption conception is a foundational work of constructing the harmonious society , and the situation of China determines that the countrymen must establish the harmonious consumption conception .

  18. 论文提出,在追求时尚这一生活方式的同时应遵循的绿色生活、和谐消费和适度调控等三条基本伦理原则。

    This paper puts forward in pursuit vogue , must abide by the lifestyle and should follow the green living , harmonious consumption and moderate control on three basic ethical principles .

  19. 构建社会主义和谐消费关系是一项系统工程,它要求我们积极推动消费升级与经济转型的良性互动,建立合理的分配制度,完善消费市场,规范市场行为,加强对消费的引导与调控。

    Constructing socialist harmonious consumption relations is a systematic project , demanding benign interaction between consumption escalation and economic transformation , reasonable distribution system , perfected consumption market , regulated market behaviors and consumption .

  20. 本文系统地阐述了消费思想的发展过程,并针对现代社会中存在的种种不和谐消费现象提出了现代和谐消费理念,分析了现代和谐消费理念的本质和基本内容。

    Here the developing of consumption idea will be systematically described and a new concept of consumption , i.e. the concept of harmonious consumption , is advocated in view of various unharmonious consuming phenomena in modern society .

  21. 我们要以科学发展观尤其是和谐消费观,重新审视消费领域中的消费需求问题、小康消费问题、消费价值观等重要问题。

    We should adopt a scientific development view and especially a harmonious consumption view in the reconsideration of such problems in the consumption area as the need of consumption , the consumption of the well-off class , and the value of consumption .

  22. 进而提出了构建和谐消费模式的三个目标:树立科学的消费认同、坚持可持续性的消费模式和要素优化且良性互动的消费模式,并积极探讨出实施的路径作为一点点建议。

    Then proposed to build harmonious consumption patterns of the three targets : to establish scientific consumer recognition , insist sustainable consumption patterns and consumption patterns of Factor optimization as the same time Interaction , and actively explore the implementation of the path as a little bit of advice .

  23. 城市商圈区位的形成与发展,对城市居民生活、商品流通和城市规划均产生重大影响,是构建和谐消费、促进城市商贸业发展、推动城市经济发展的重要保证。

    City shopping area of the formation and development of daily lives of the residents , and circulation of commodities and urban planning have a major impact is the building of a harmonious consumption , commerce and promote urban development , and promote urban economic development an important guarantee .

  24. 一是树立和谐的消费理念。

    First , the harmonious concept of consumption should be established .

  25. 迈向和谐的消费税改革

    Reform of Consuming Tax Towards Harmony

  26. 构建和谐的消费环境能实现企业和消费者的双赢,保证市场有序进行。

    Construct of harmonious expense environment is able to realize the enterprise and consumer 's WIN-WIN and guarantee the market order .

  27. 首先,应该建立相应的目标机制,教育大学生形成科学合理、俭而有度、绿色和谐的消费观念。

    First , we should establish the appropriate target mechanism , educate the students form a scientific and reasonable , frugal , green and harmonious concept of consumption .

  28. 通过教育、宣传、法律、政策等手段内化大学生的适度、和谐的可持续消费观念、科学的理财观以及发展消费的理念。

    The collegians should set up moderate sustaining consumption idea , science financial nation and development-consumption nation by the means of education , propaganda , law and policy .

  29. 同时餐饮行业应提高自身素质,加强行业自律。消费者则需要树立人与自然和谐的生态消费观,减少不必要的消费,建立环境伦理观。

    The people who are working in the catering industry are suppose to upgrading the their own quality and self-discipline while the consumers need to establish the ecological consumption value to cut down the unnecessary consume and set up environmental ethic .

  30. 生态消费是指主体性的人在消费的过程中,既满足自身的消费需求,又不危害人、社会、自然三者之间和谐关系的消费模式。

    Ecological consumption is a kind of consumption pattern , which means , in the process of consumption , subjectivity human not only satisfy himself the consumer demand but also not do harm to the harmony of human , society and nature .