
  • 网络Excessive consumption;over-consumption;overspend
  1. 他宣称:过度消费和对信贷的高度依赖,是此次美国金融危机的起因。

    Over-consumption and a high reliance on credit is the cause of the US financial crisis , he pronounced .

  2. 到了七、八十年代,欧美发达国家进入后工业社会,作品《白噪音》着重叙述过度消费带来自然资源的枯竭和生态的危机。

    To 1970s and 1980s , Euro-American developed countries stepped into post-industrialized society . White Noise emphasizes the over-consumption brings about the exhaustion of natural resources and ecological crisis .

  3. 部分小额贷款公司以大学校园为目标,通过与科技公司合作发放互联网消费贷款,导致部分大学生过度消费,陷入高额贷款陷阱。

    Some micro lenders have targeted university campuses and issued online consumer loans via cooperation with technology companies . The practices have caused some students to overspend and fall into debt traps .

  4. 美国消费者长期以来显然都在过度消费,其消费支出占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例高达70%以上,这是不可持续的。

    It has been evident for a long time that the US consumer is overstretched and , at more than 70 per cent of gross domestic product , spending is unsustainable .

  5. 美国艺术家ChristopherBoffoli创造了一系列名为“差异性”的作品,将手绘铁路模型塑像粘到真正的食物上,场景怪异新奇。Boffoli创造这组作品旨在强调美国过度消费的生活文化。

    An American artist Christopher Boffoli 's " Disparity " series aims to highlight America 's culture of over-consumption , using hand painted railway model figurines glued into place onto real food .

  6. 住宅的过度消费给青年人增加了经济压力;

    Excessive expense on house increased economy pressure to young people .

  7. 其中之一是环保主义运动对于过度消费的反对。

    One is the environmentalist movement 's objection to excessive consumption .

  8. 药品过度消费的原因与对策

    The causes of the overconsuming of medicines and the corresponding policy

  9. 经济学家们担心消费者过度消费,可能会开始紧缩开支。

    Economists worry that consumers are overextended and could start pulling back .

  10. 过度消费会导致压力、混乱以及财政并发症。

    Overspending can lead to stress , clutter , and financial complications .

  11. 不要花太多的钱在孩子身上,也不要过度消费。

    Don 't overspend on children or on large purchases .

  12. 但正如美国必须减少过度消费一样,亚洲也必须减少过剩产出。

    But just as US overconsumption must decline , so must Asian overproduction .

  13. 这背离了节俭的经济美德,鼓励了过度消费。

    This did away with the economic virtue of thrift and encouraged excessive consumption .

  14. 我停用信用卡就是因为我太喜欢过度消费了。

    I stopped using my credit card because I 'm fond of spending excessively .

  15. 过度消费导致了诸如美国经常账户赤字等全球失衡现象。

    Excessive consumption resulted in global imbalances such as the US current account deficit .

  16. 不过,这些行动不会治愈过度消费的后泡沫残留影响。

    However , these actions will not cure the post-bubble hangover of the over-extended consumer .

  17. 有关部门缺乏正确引导,部分居民存在超前消费、过度消费的现象。

    Lack of proper guidance departments , there are some people ahead of consumption , over-consumption .

  18. 他不顾一切,一意孤行。不顾一切过度消费的人。

    He would stick at nothing to get his own way . a recklessly extravagant consumer .

  19. 我们是否在过度消费?

    Are we consuming too much ?

  20. 躁郁症则是在心情抑郁与鲁莽冲动(比如过度消费)之间交替循环。

    Bipolar disorder involves cycles of depression with recklessness and impulsivity , such as excessive spending .

  21. 问题是人口过多,还是一次性文化导致的过度消费?

    And is the problem too many people or the throwaway culture of too many things ?

  22. 目前,我国生产和生活领域存在严重的过度消费现象。

    There is seriously excessive consumption in the fields of production and life in our country .

  23. 过度消费问题的思考

    Expends the Question Excessively Ponder

  24. 不顾一切过度消费的人。

    A recklessly extravagant consumer .

  25. 好在有一些快速简单的办法阻止你自己过度消费打乱你的消费计划。

    Luckily there are fast , easy tricks to avoid buying too much and breaking a budget .

  26. 然而,国际贸易中存在一种隐形的资源与环境掠夺,尤其是发达国家在国际贸易中的环境掠夺,主要表现在有害物质的越境污染和越境转移及其对环境资源的过度消费等。

    There is invisible plunder of resources and environment in international trade , especially that by developed countries .

  27. 多年来,可怜的中国人一直在为西方消费者的过度消费和大手大脚的住房建设提供融资。

    For years , poor Chinese have been financing the excessive consumption and wasteful housebuilding of Western consumers .

  28. 并不奇怪的是,亚洲把导致西方陷入这么多麻烦的过度消费行为视为愚蠢之举。

    Hardly surprisingly , it views as foolish the excesses that led the West into so much trouble .

  29. 它常会导致经济困境,比如过度消费,还可能会产生精神和情感的困扰。

    It often leads to financial problems , such as overspending and can also create mental and emotional difficulties .

  30. 这大大增加了过度消费、过度借贷和通货膨胀危机发生的可能性,而这些都是新兴市场国家曾经爆发危机的原因。

    It raises the risks of the overspending , excessive credit and inflation that have spurred past emerging-market crises .