
ɡuò qiáo fèi
  • Bridge toll;pontage
  1. 结果显示,充电站足有10英里远,还得跨过新泽西州的一条河,更别提还得付塔潘泽桥(TappanZeeBridge)的5美元过桥费。

    It turned out to be 10 miles away , across the river in New Jersey , not to mention the $ 5 toll on the Tappan Zee bridge .

  2. 租车期间,承租方仅负责报销司机和车辆实际发生的过路费、停车费、过桥费。

    The vehicles above are all new , and the least leasing period is two years .

  3. 时间来不及.此刻泰温兰尼斯特正在北上.佛雷家把守渡口已经六百年,六百年来,他们从不忘收取过桥费.

    Not in time . Tywin Lannister marches north as we speak . The Freys have held the crossing for 600 years , and for 600 years they have never failed to exact their toll .

  4. 司机也有权向你收取所有他必须垫付的过桥费,他还可能向你收取少量的行李搬运费。

    A driver also has the right to charge you for any tolls he must pay to go over bridges , and he may also charge you a small fare for each piece of baggage he takes .

  5. 乙方在租赁期间要解决司机的休息场所和停车场地,负责用车期间所发生的燃料费、停车费、过江费、以及过桥过路费。

    Party B shall offer the resting place and gas oil cost and parking lot to the driver and all the toll and parking charges during the using of the vehicles shall be borne by Party B.

  6. 司机过桥必须得交付过桥费。

    Driers had to pay a toll to pass the bridge .