
  • 网络Excessive trade;overtrading
  1. 美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)在会后表示:“我们实现的最重要成就是,各方就一个框架在未来遏制过度贸易失衡的框架达成了一致意见。”

    Tim Geithner , treasury secretary , said after the meeting : " the most important thing we achieved is agreement on a framework for curbing excess trade imbalances in the future . "

  2. 提倡狩猎持续性是解决过度贸易和过度捕杀的途径之一。

    Advocating hunting sustainability is one of the approaches to resolving the problems of over hunting and over trade .

  3. 新加坡政府投资公司(gic)的陈庆炎(tonytan)表示:“我们应当警惕过度监管、贸易保护主义,以及全球化倒退。”

    Tony tan from the government of Singapore Investment Corporation said : " we should guard against overregulation and protectionism and a retreat from globalisation . "

  4. 野生动植物过度的国际贸易,是野生动植物致危的主要因素之一。

    Excessive international trade of wildlife is one of the key factors threatening the endangered species .

  5. 当生产力增长快于工资增长时(比如1997年到2006年间),经济产出会超过消费能力,继而形成过度储蓄和贸易顺差。

    When productivity rises faster than wages ( as in 1997-2006 ), the economy produces more than it can consume . This creates excess savings and a trade surplus .

  6. 政府过度依靠原始的贸易保护主义;

    The government has resorted to crude protectionism .

  7. 过度狩猎和过度贸易是当前生物多样性保护面临的重大挑战。

    Over hunting and over trade in wildlife and its products are big challenges to biodiversity conservation throughout the world .

  8. 如果盈余国家未能通过总需求的扩张来抵消这种转变,全球将不可避免地陷入一场以邻为壑的战争:所有国家都拼命将过度供应强加给贸易伙伴。

    If surplus countries fail to offset that shift , through expansion in aggregate demand , the world is inevitably caught in a beggar-my-neighbour battle : everybody seeks desperately to foist excess supplies on to their trading partners .

  9. 随着人类对自然环境的负面作用、药用的过度开发以及宠物贸易的影响,龟鳖资源正日趋减少,有些种类已处于濒危,甚至有些种类尚未来得及被科学家鉴定,就已经绝灭。

    Now with the increasing population , human activities affecting the rapid development and huge , turtles resources dwindling , some species are endangered , and even some species have not yet identified by scientists , it has been extinct .

  10. 他还密切关注三个过度&过度投资、过度信贷以及过度的贸易顺差。

    He also pays close attention to the three excessives – excessive investment , excessive credit and excessive trade surpluses .