
ɡǔ wù fǎ
  • corn law;cereal law;grain law
  1. “改革谷物法,广大的农村劳动人民才买得起衣服之类他们迫切需要的东西,现在他们的劳动收入全部用在口粮上了。”

    " By a change in the corn law the great bulk of the working class of the country , whose entire earnings are now absorbed in the purchase of food , shall be enabled to procure those items of clothing of which they stand in so much need . "

  2. 原因是他担心保守党出现巨大分裂,就像19世纪因《谷物法》(cornlaws)和20世纪初因帝国贸易优惠问题造成的分裂一样。

    He is held prisoner of fear of a great rupture in his party akin to convulsions about the corn laws in the 19th century and imperial trade preferences early in the 20th .

  3. 不过,公平地讲,19世纪中期最伟大的托利党首相罗伯特·皮尔(RobertPeel)在听过科布登反对《谷物法》的演讲后,就改变了主意。

    To be fair , however , the greatest Tory prime minister of the mid-19th century , Robert Peel , changed his mind after listening to a Cobden speech against the corn laws .

  4. 18151846年间,英国政治、经济环境的变化使谷物法的分配成本收益发生改变,边际上的积累最终导致了谷物法的废除。

    Changes in the political and economic environment during this time caused comparative changes in distribution cost-return .

  5. 1815&1846年间英国谷物法的变革是保护贸易制度向自由贸易制度过渡的一个典型案例。

    Britain 's Corn Laws reforms from 1815 to 1846 represent a typical case of institutional transition from protected trade to free trade .

  6. 在《国富论》中,斯密通过对学徒法、谷物法等一系列法律的经济分析,揭示了法律制度对经济系统运行的影响。

    In The Wealth of Nations , through analyzing series of laws such as the Law of Apprentice , and the Law of Grain , Adam Smith discovers the influence of law on the operation of economic system .

  7. 英国政府在特定的历史背景下,选择谷物法而不是自由贸易下的转移支付来实现粮食安全和社会稳定,并可以节约分配成本。

    Under particular historical circumstances , the Corn Laws provided Britain with an economic means of ensuring sufficient food supply and maintaining social stability because their income distribution costs were low compared with the transfer-payment methods of the government under free trade policies .

  8. 谷物含水率中子法在线测量的可行性研究

    Study on on-Line Measurement of Grain Moisture Content by Neutron Gauge

  9. 日前,联合国环境署和粮农组织,混合粉料加谷物日粮饲养法

    The UN Environment Program and Food and Agriculture Organization , mash and grain ration feeding system

  10. 散粮船满载舱端部不平舱谷物移动力矩计算法

    The Method of Calculating Grain Heeling Moments for Filled Holds with Untrimmed Ends of Bulk Grain Carrier

  11. 作者还从适用品种,辐照灵敏度和时效上分析了在鉴别辐照谷物方面用粘度检测法比ESR和超微弱发光检测法优越,并报告了各种辐照谷物用粘度法有效鉴别的最低辐照剂量。

    The author also reported the irradiating doses limits of each species for effectually detecting irradiated corns with viscosity analysis method .